Will this become a long-term relationship?

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Are you asking this question at her (his?) request? Does s/he know you're asking it?

If you are really the querent, not her, please specify your relationship with this other person. It affects what house we assign her.
Saying this is "a person you know" doesn't help with assigning him a house. A friend? A co-worker? A neighbor? A recent date? These categories all have different houses. He's dating someone, apparently, but we don't know quite where to assign her, because we have to give him a house, first.

Or is what you really want to know, is there a good chance of your getting romantically involved with him, instead of this other woman? To work well, a horary question has to be as accurate and as clear as possible.

Third party questions are tricky. Perhaps the involved people actually do not want someone prying into their lives this way. Regardless, you are the querent, because you are the person asking the question.

May I suggest, with respect, that you bow out of this particular inquiry?

Whatever these people might be to you, with Virgo rising, you are symbolized by Mercury. Mercury is not in good shape, combust the sun and in the sign of its detriment, with no other essential dignity. The moon indicates your emotional stake in the matter, and it is in the sign of its fall, applying to a square with Saturn. So either the answer actually does not concern you, or else your position in the situation does not look promising.