Well-known member
Waybread is correct, in that a horary question about a lofty, public event like, who will win the U.S. election. is simply out of bounds for a "self-serve" chart, unless you ARE TRUMP, one of his inner circle or family members, his campaign manager, or, have some direct, emotional stake in the question asked. ...
No, this is not a 'self serve' chart - that's your opinion and you're entitled to it, but it's wrong. Read Lilly and Bonatti and the many charts done for this type of question. Murder cases or missing persons are other examples.
Aquarius 358, have you ever read the classic text, Horary Astrology and the Judgement of Events ?. Author Barbara Hunt Watters makes the case that most querents ask the silliest of horary questions and, in most cases, a silly question always gets a dubious answer.
Yes. I have a copy of her book. I'm sorry you seem to be saying that my question (which was being asked on TV at the time by a panel of political commentators and prompted me to put up the question that at least a couple of million people would have been hearing and therefore thinking about) is the 'silliest of horary questions' That's an awfully long bow, linking my chart with Watters' very valid point. Simply not connected! I do agree with her that "silly" querents with "silly questions" are to be avoided. I do strongly dispute your linking my specific question with her general comment.
Assuming that you place Mars and Venus as the significators, both Mars and Venus are debilitated, here. Mars is afflicted by Moon, but Venus (ruling Clinton) is in the 2nd house of Clinton's finances, squaring Neptune (ruler of her turned 6th house of health). Some would say peregrine and makes no ptolemaic aspects.
This denotes a deceitful woman, (Venus square Neptune) someone who would say anything to get elected, and who is rather dishonest with matters pertaining to her health (6th house) and her finances (2nd house).
The horary was not about Clinton's finances - just, rather, would Trump lose and not get the job. There are not enough positive testimonies by way of aspect to say he will. I asked a question prefaced by "Will he ..." not "Should he ..."
In spite of all these things, I will give Trump the nod to win the election. But, with Moons last aspect being a square with Sun in Libra,
With respect, the Moon signifies the people in these kinds of charts about 'preferments.' The Moon / the people are not applying for this job - only L1 or L7.
... this suggests that the win will not be a happy ending for whoever wins all the marbles. That would suggest either marital strife for Trump, and or serious legal problems for him, or something quite unprecedented !
Again, this was not in my remit. The question was "Will Trump lose?"
Thanks for your feedback and thoughts.