Will we be friends again

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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2010
I haven't posted a lot but I am reading almost everyday. I just find horary very interesting. I have casted charts when I got my new job and was ok to read it and it made sense. This one is for an old friend who I haven't seen for a while and miss his intellectual conversations.
here is what I got:
I am Venus, Libra Ascendant, co-significator, moon. He is Mercury, 11th house ruler. Venus in Leo just separated from Mercury which is in its own house, strong.
Moon, in Taurus, also strong but in 7th house, why.
I am reading other charts to help me understand. I don't know much about astrology but I studied my own natal chart to help me understand myself and always have my solar return to help with the year to come.
If you don't mind giving it a shot and I will update if any changes
I can't seem to be able to attach the chart. Sorry.


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...after you've saved the chart image on your harddisk you open this site here again, you post a reply, scroll down and use in the section "additional options" the second field and click "manage attachments".
a new box will open.
in this you now search for your saved chart on your harddisk, and click on it, - and then - last step - you click on "upload" (therefore you have to scroll to the right side in the little box)
i hope, this is helpful. sorry for my bad english.
I will try again, thank you.


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No luck. Save the chart to your computer, then follow the prompts after the bottom of your next post: "Go advanced," "Manage attachments," &c. There is a sticky posted around here somewhere for folks like me who are technologically challenged.
My answer may seem kind of odd. Your friend's significator, Mercury, strong in its essential dignity, applies to a sextile to you/Venus. So this might point to a reconciliation. My concern is that there appears to be no reception between your significators.

When we look at Moon, as the unfolding of the question, it makes a difficult aspect to Jupiter and then appears to be void after that.

For these reasons, I can see a possibility of reconciliation. But if it does occur, I do not see the level of friendship, camaraderie, warmth being there as it was before. I am sorry and please keep us posted.
Thank you for trying. I might not know if we will be friends but I will learn how to upload documents. This another format. I tried and it worked, I hope it does for you too. Thank you all.


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I don't know why, but your files are uploading as bmp files, which people would have to download to see.

What you want is a jpg, jpeg, or png file, which doesn't require people to download it.
I don't have those options on my computer. Here is the day, time and location of the question, if some of you don't mind create the chart.

question: will we be friends again
June 13, 2015 at 17:07, Yellowknife, NT, Canada

with my other try


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I just checked the ephemeris. Usually Mercury is the faster moving planet, but it actually doesn't catch up to Venus for quite a while. As you note, you are ruled by Venus, he's ruled by Mercury (Virgo on the cusp of the 11th house of friendship.) With the moon void of the course, I doubt that you will recreate the strong friendship you had in the past. Mercury is in a strong position in this chart, suggesting that he will determine the terms on which the friendship can continue, if it does.
Thank you all. When I posted the last chart I hoped Tikana would comment and you did. Thank you. I like how you put things, I read many of your posts.
You are all awesome. I will post if any changes, I will keep this chart to see what happens.
I would love comments from Rafaella too....
I haven't posted a lot but I am reading almost everyday. I just find horary very interesting.

Me, too.

I have casted charts when I got my new job and was ok to read it and it made sense. This one is for an old friend who I haven't seen for a while and miss his intellectual conversations.
here is what I got:
I am Venus, Libra Ascendant, co-significator, moon. He is Mercury, 11th house ruler.


Leo is the 11th Sign/House.

Moon, in Taurus, also strong but in 7th house, why.

Why?....Why are you afraid? That's what an 8th House Moon means. Moon just separated from a Jupiter Square.

Venus is going to go Retrograde and run right into Sun.

Now, is that exciting or what?

And it happens in Leo, so Sun receive Venus.

Ain't life grand.
Hi BobZemco,
it's very interesting to follow your reading! I enjoy it very much!
-- and here it's simply lovely, because the specific outcome is so beautiful;) -

- I saw another member here using Sign/House during the last days, and feel a bit confused.
- I am a real beginner and i thought, regiomontanus would be the system i had to use. - Am i wrong with that? Or do you use Sign/House alternatively? And if so, in all cases? Or in specific ones?
I'd be happy to learn!
There is no required house system for doing horary. Some people use Regio, some use Placidus, or Alchabitius, or whole sign.

I tend to interpret by whatever system the chart was cast in if someone else cast it, but you can use any system you want to.