Will we be friends again

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Yes, Oddity, so far is what i understood (reading more about regiom., but still, i knew one can use what one likes. ) - but it semmed as if BobZemco had used wholesign for his interpretation, although the original chart was done in Placidus...
so that's why i asked, - but, i might as well have misunderstood.
Then i'd be happy to get corrected.
Thank you for your answer!

Venus is going to go Retrograde and run right into Sun.

Now, is that exciting or what?

And it happens in Leo, so Sun receive Venus.

Ain't life grand.

Hello, Bob.

I am very glad to read your comments here again.

Venus does retrograde and join the Sun. If I am reading the ephemeric correctly, Venus joins Jupiter and then it goes on to square to Saturn, all before it joins the Sun.

Do you take this unfolding of the planetary movements to relate to the question, and if so, would you care to share how you see that?

Thank you.
Hi BobZemco,
it's very interesting to follow your reading! I enjoy it very much!
-- and here it's simply lovely, because the specific outcome is so beautiful;) -

- I saw another member here using Sign/House during the last days, and feel a bit confused.
- I am a real beginner and i thought, regiomontanus would be the system i had to use. - Am i wrong with that? Or do you use Sign/House alternatively? And if so, in all cases? Or in specific ones?
I'd be happy to learn!

The Signs make Aspects.

No matter what House System you use, the 2nd, 6th, 8th and 12th
Signs will never aspect the Ascending Sign/1st House.

In the same way, the 3rd, 5th, 9th and 11th Signs will never aspect the 10th Sign.

Astrology, especially Horary is about which Planets are looking at which other Planets and which Planets are in close aspect to other Planets.

If a Planet is in Cancer and another in Leo, then it doesn't matter what House System you use, those Planets are disjunct or in aversion and they aren't going to make any aspect, unless their motion causes an aspect to happen.

If Planets have to change Signs in order to make an aspect, then the situation or circumstances must change. You don't always have control over that.

Hi Bob, Tikana and all whi had a look at this chart.
It didn't happen, i know the sun will conjunct retro. Venus on the 15 but i saw my friend twice and he said a very cold hi and that's it. I looked again at the chart but can't still see the "no".
Thank you.
actually thechart on the target..

you saw him... neither of you took an initiative to talk to each other
i am telling you 3rd person will get involved
hi all. just an update. i saw my friend on the 12th, it went very well. I think we are still on the same page, good friends. thank to all who took a shot at this.

this makes me really want to understand the horary, so I am going to read Lilly and posts from Tikana, Bob...and other real good teachers here
Seems to be the contact that Venus makes with Jupiter, ruler of 3rd of communication that gives the right timing here.

Also around the time that Venus makes an aspect to the Sun (ruler of 11th house of friends by WSH).
Hi can you tell us more about you're seeing your friend. How? Did you bump into him? Did a friend in common get involved?
It was September 12th, I was walking back from work, he was driving with a guy who works with him who I met through him (Tikana: Third party). He stopped the car and invited me for supper with the guy with the girlfriend (Bob: Sun toward Venus, bumped in each other), just like that.

I didn't update sooner because I was away and just got back.
I'm a detail guy, and I wouldn't mind checking something; your guy was driving the car? Or the friend?

To me, if he was driving, then you bumped into him.
If the friend was driving, then he/she was indeed a legitimate third party.