Will we get together?

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Dec 2, 2024
There’s a girl that I’ve been after for a while. I can’t tell if she’s interested or not. I asked “will we ever get together?”

I’m the moon in her 12th house so I’m interpreting that as me not being on her mind? There’s no aspects between us as she’s Saturn. Also it looks like there’s someone else in the picture as Venus is in her first turned house.


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There’s a girl that I’ve been after for a while. I can’t tell if she’s interested or not. I asked “will we ever get together?”

I’m the moon in her 12th house so I’m interpreting that as me not being on her mind? There’s no aspects between us as she’s Saturn. Also it looks like there’s someone else in the picture as Venus is in her first turned house.
for your question: “will we ever get together?”
I would say Yes! At some point this union could happen in the far far future. But with effort.

You in her 12th house show us that you are secretly watching her. You do not appear.
it seems that she is with someone else and in fact they share a mixed reception between them (exaltation and rulership).
The Moon (you) will find a first aspect square with Moon Nodes, difficulties and an unpleasant situation for you.

But in the future this Moon will meet with antiscion this Saturn (her).
good luck
Hello James and welcome.
Horary typically does not answer "forever" or "ever" questions, like "will we ever get together?"
Rather one needs to have some time frame in mind, like "will she take an interest in me in the next six months?" Something like that. So you may want to consider framing your further questions with a time frame in mind?
So looking at the chart, we see that you/Moon are quite interested in her/Saturn, receiving Saturn by dignity. She feels friendly, but not the same as you, since Saturn receives Moon by triplicity. Moon, the faster moving and so the keener of the two of you, applies to sextile Saturn. This points to there being an opportunity to get together. With Moon and Sat being 10 degrees apart, this suggests 10 units of time, so possibly weeks or months, to see if the opportunity actually does bear fruit.
I do think she may be involved with someone else right now for the reason you suggest.
for your question: “will we ever get together?”
I would say Yes! At some point this union could happen in the far far future. But with effort.

You in her 12th house show us that you are secretly watching her. You do not appear.
it seems that she is with someone else and in fact they share a mixed reception between them (exaltation and rulership).
The Moon (you) will find a first aspect square with Moon Nodes, difficulties and an unpleasant situation for you.

But in the future this Moon will meet with antiscion this Saturn (her).
good luck
Hello James and welcome.
Horary typically does not answer "forever" or "ever" questions, like "will we ever get together?"
Rather one needs to have some time frame in mind, like "will she take an interest in me in the next six months?" Something like that. So you may want to consider framing your further questions with a time frame in mind?
So looking at the chart, we see that you/Moon are quite interested in her/Saturn, receiving Saturn by dignity. She feels friendly, but not the same as you, since Saturn receives Moon by triplicity. Moon, the faster moving and so the keener of the two of you, applies to sextile Saturn. This points to there being an opportunity to get together. With Moon and Sat being 10 degrees apart, this suggests 10 units of time, so possibly weeks or months, to see if the opportunity actually does bear fruit.
I do think she may be involved with someone else right now for the reason you suggest.
thank you for your response. is venus in her 1st house the indicator that she is with someone else ? does it show that she really likes this person ?
thank you for your response. is venus in her 1st house the indicator that she is with someone else ? does it show that she really likes this person ?
A planet in her 1st house suggests to me that there is someone in her life who is very interested in her.
How she feels about them is indicated more by her significator/Saturn's reception to Venus. Reception is determined by looking at the sign on Saturn in relation to Venus. In this case, the reception from her/Saturn in Pisces is significant, like infatuation, since Saturn receives Venus by exaltation. And this other person/Venus receives Saturn in the strongest of receptions, by dignity. So I would say that there may be something pretty solid going on between them right now.