Will we make a lot of money this year?

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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2011
My family are in a serious financial situation where we are now struggling to pay for our basic living expenses. This year we've had more potential business collaborations than ever before and it's finally starting to come together. The problem is that I am desperate to pay for a short visit the UK as soon as possible because my Aunt is not doing so well. She is in a private nursing home for advanced dementia.

Some regulars here know me as I have been asking for advice for years. The truth is my father never paid me a salary because he felt that I should just marry and rely on my future husband and told me that my rent, utilities and food is all paid for because I am living with my parents. Also I cannot get a job elsewhere because I don't speak the local language and cannot afford for myself to learn, plus my work leaves me very isolated. My father does love me, he just doesn't have any common sense and is very chauvenstic. Instead he completely spoiled my older brother who become a very selfish and manipulative person and my older brother married a toxic woman who both tricked my father into letting them handle his wealth. Now we have nothing and they refuse to share any evidence over what happened to it or how it was managed. My brother and his wife also want us to pay their huge credit card debt because my brother did not want a full time job and only worked for my father sending a couple of emails a week. It wasn't even considered part-time and my father kept that going from 2017 to earlier this year.

My mother is also very toxic and only cares about her needs. She keeps calling me names and telling me that I am garbage.

I am now 41 years old and feel like I have no control over my life still, but I am working very hard to get out of this mess. I have added both the horary chart and my birth chart.

Can someone please let me know if there is any hint of making money this year? Also anything from my birth chart that can steer me in the right direction?

I can take the truth...


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Thank you for including your natal chart, as it is more beneficial for both the astrologer and the querent to compare a horary to a natal chart.

2h Moon/Saturn conjuncts your natal 8h cusp which shows family (Moon) worries (Saturn) regarding finances,
2nd ruler Jupiter is in its detriment which shows difficulty in earning money, which has a negative impact on present finances and puts their finances at risk.

2/8th Sun/Neptune opposition shows that you are being taken advantage of. The fact that your father does not pay you a salary to work for him is exploitation. His justification is that you still live at home and have food and other necessities.

2h Saturn and 9h Venus exalt each other which is the trip to the UK you want to do. It's just showing how badly you'd like to go and see your Aunt.

L4 Venus applying to square Pluto in approx 7 time units suggests family will hit a mini-crisis point. Home/family developments (relocation, renovations, family business, parents) can be frustrating, as financial issues are challenged and reach a peak.

Your natal Sun/Saturn/Pluto opposition is activated for you this year too, w/ Saturn ruling your 6h of work/service. This is a difficult, heavy. tiring aspect as it is where you are doing everything you can, or working as hard as possible to achieve something. However, Saturn is activated for you for two years, so this energy will also follow you into your next solar year 2025.

2026 looks better for you w/ your dignified, in-sect benefic Jupiter becoming your new time lord. March 3rd 2026 will be a positive date for you. There will be a lunar eclipse at 13°Virgo in your money 2nd/8th axis, which will activate your Jup/Ura/Ven aspect. So, there should be some good news around this period regarding money owed.
Work that 6h house Mars and 2nd house Moon/Saturn conjunction like your livlihoods depend upon it. Venus rules 4th and trines Jupiter in the 5th. The children in family business have to make the creative gamble. Pluto on your quesited chart Asc tells me that you want to destroy all of it and start anew, building from ground up. Can that be done with surprising involvment from family members you didn't know were willing to take the risk? Pluto Trines Uranus and Sun - grand trine. Sun in 8th of Other peoples money/resources (inheritances). Yes, it can be done. There may be extended family members willing to help out. Moon rules 7th. You have to reach out to them for full participation.
Thank you for including your natal chart, as it is more beneficial for both the astrologer and the querent to compare a horary to a natal chart.

2h Moon/Saturn conjuncts your natal 8h cusp which shows family (Moon) worries (Saturn) regarding finances,
2nd ruler Jupiter is in its detriment which shows difficulty in earning money, which has a negative impact on present finances and puts their finances at risk.

2/8th Sun/Neptune opposition shows that you are being taken advantage of. The fact that your father does not pay you a salary to work for him is exploitation. His justification is that you still live at home and have food and other necessities.

2h Saturn and 9h Venus exalt each other which is the trip to the UK you want to do. It's just showing how badly you'd like to go and see your Aunt.

L4 Venus applying to square Pluto in approx 7 time units suggests family will hit a mini-crisis point. Home/family developments (relocation, renovations, family business, parents) can be frustrating, as financial issues are challenged and reach a peak.

Your natal Sun/Saturn/Pluto opposition is activated for you this year too, w/ Saturn ruling your 6h of work/service. This is a difficult, heavy. tiring aspect as it is where you are doing everything you can, or working as hard as possible to achieve something. However, Saturn is activated for you for two years, so this energy will also follow you into your next solar year 2025.

2026 looks better for you w/ your dignified, in-sect benefic Jupiter becoming your new time lord. March 3rd 2026 will be a positive date for you. There will be a lunar eclipse at 13°Virgo in your money 2nd/8th axis, which will activate your Jup/Ura/Ven aspect. So, there should be some good news around this period regarding money owed.
Thank you. How long is 7 timing units? Also, do you see a relocation to another country in my charts?
Work that 6h house Mars and 2nd house Moon/Saturn conjunction like your livlihoods depend upon it. Venus rules 4th and trines Jupiter in the 5th. The children in family business have to make the creative gamble. Pluto on your quesited chart Asc tells me that you want to destroy all of it and start anew, building from ground up. Can that be done with surprising involvment from family members you didn't know were willing to take the risk? Pluto Trines Uranus and Sun - grand trine. Sun in 8th of Other peoples money/resources (inheritances). Yes, it can be done. There may be extended family members willing to help out. Moon rules 7th. You have to reach out to them for full participation.

Thank you, do you mean it’s possible we could make money this year through my father’s business? I restructured my father’s business recently as he was relying on old business that was struggling. I’m the creative person and I also created a new family business last year and now we have a lot of new partnerships in the works that will hopefully bring multiple income once it gets going. I also stopped my older brother and his wife taking financial advantage of my father early this year. My older brother is not part of the business anymore and my father is pushing for him to grow up and get a full time job elsewhere, but he’s stalling. We are still in conflict with them as they still refuse to provide any proof and their stories keep changing. My father finally realises all the mistakes he made in the past and apologised to me. My parents, especially my father also wants to move back to the U.K. as soon as possible but we need to make sure our business operations are working efficiently and they want to split their time between the U.K. and Korea.
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Thank you for including your natal chart, as it is more beneficial for both the astrologer and the querent to compare a horary to a natal chart.

2h Moon/Saturn conjuncts your natal 8h cusp which shows family (Moon) worries (Saturn) regarding finances,
2nd ruler Jupiter is in its detriment which shows difficulty in earning money, which has a negative impact on present finances and puts their finances at risk.

2/8th Sun/Neptune opposition shows that you are being taken advantage of. The fact that your father does not pay you a salary to work for him is exploitation. His justification is that you still live at home and have food and other necessities.

2h Saturn and 9h Venus exalt each other which is the trip to the UK you want to do. It's just showing how badly you'd like to go and see your Aunt.

L4 Venus applying to square Pluto in approx 7 time units suggests family will hit a mini-crisis point. Home/family developments (relocation, renovations, family business, parents) can be frustrating, as financial issues are challenged and reach a peak.

Your natal Sun/Saturn/Pluto opposition is activated for you this year too, w/ Saturn ruling your 6h of work/service. This is a difficult, heavy. tiring aspect as it is where you are doing everything you can, or working as hard as possible to achieve something. However, Saturn is activated for you for two years, so this energy will also follow you into your next solar year 2025.

2026 looks better for you w/ your dignified, in-sect benefic Jupiter becoming your new time lord. March 3rd 2026 will be a positive date for you. There will be a lunar eclipse at 13°Virgo in your money 2nd/8th axis, which will activate your Jup/Ura/Ven aspect. So, there should be some good news around this period regarding money owed.
Is the timing of the mini-crisis point 7 hours because my mother is very angry and messaged me that she wants to divorce my father and never see me again? :(