World Cup 2022

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Argentina's natal chart has asc at 24 Libra and mc at 16 Cancer .
The moon on the 18th is in 23 of libra, that is to say in conjunction to asc, moon lord of the 10th house.
It is an opportunity for Argentina to win the title.
Messi has mc at 24 libra .

The French soccer federation is asc scorpio (a hypothesis).
Mars is out of bounds , a planet out of bounds is much more powerful .

I think Argentina has some advantage but I can't say for sure that they will be champions.

That's because I have no data of France's natal chart, it could have better aspects, I can't know.

As a fan of Messi , I want him to win the title , but without knowing the natal chart of the country France is just speculating .
Lots of people all around Argentina are doing witchery/intention work for their team to win the Cup. The esoteric practices are very well rooted in the country
Lots of people all around Argentina are doing witchery/intention work for their team to win the Cup. The esoteric practices are very well rooted in the country
Didier Deschamps was born with Yogs in his hand like MS Dhoni of India.

They alwats find a way to win.

Pele of Brazil was born with multiple yogs as well.

Messi would have beaten France if Deschamps was not French Coach.
Didier Deschamps was born with Yogs in his hand like MS Dhoni of India.

They alwats find a way to win.

Pele of Brazil was born with multiple yogs as well.

Messi would have beaten France if Deschamps was not French Coach.
So your saying France is winning..
The astrological analysis presented here is based on the horoscopes of the two captains – Lionell Messi of Argentina and Hugo Lloris of France.

Hugo Lloris is France’s most capped player. He is vastly experienced and has played an instrumental role in France winning the world cup in the past. He was born with Gemini as his ascendant ruled by the quick-paced Mercury with Libra being his Moon sign. He is going through a period of Saturn-Mercury-Rahu at present. Saturn and Mercury are his most important planets to give him name and fame, while Rahu in Pisces in his chart gives him the Midas touch. Rahu is strongly placed in his chart and becomes a strong fame giver.

Lionell Messi, on the other hand, is touted as the greatest player ever to play football. No player has made more world cup appearances as Messi. He ranks second for most World Cup wins as a player behind only Miroslav Klose. He was born with Capricorn as his ascendant ruled by hard-working Saturn. His Moon sign is Taurus, showing his resolute personality. At present, he is going through the dasha of Jupiter-Moon-Rahu. In his chart, Jupiter is strongly placed in an kendra house, while Moon-Venus conjunction makes him a strong contender to achieve greater heights.

However, the differentiator here seems to be Rahu. In both Lloris’ and Messi’s chart, Rahu is placed in Pisces, a sign ruled by Jupiter. But in Messi’s chart, Jupiter is a malefic, while in Lloris’ chart, Jupiter is the planet which will give him public fame and glory. Based on this analysis, it appears that France, under the leadership of Hugo Lloris, is more likely to pip Argentina and win the final of 2022 FIFA World Cup.
Has anyone done the astrology regarding the 2026 world cup? I actually plan on going to a few games.
And according to Astrology, will Ronaldo play in that one? Or retire before then?
The birth chart circulating on Hugo Lloris' website is at 16:15 hr.

The sun of the 18th is above natal mercury lord of asc , the sun represents the gold in metals.
Mercury in transit in sextile to jupiter.

And most notable is solar return jupiter conjunct his natal mc and sun conjunct solar asc.

I think Hugo Lloris solar return is superior to Messi .
Argentina vs France Final:
Argentina to win the world Cup in 90 mins or even in next 30 mins of extra time it is still Argentina. If it is penalties than France have little edge. But sub sub period of Venus then Sun shows 90 mins are enough to achieve world. So yes Argentina it is.
France looks so small compared to Argentina, it's a lesson in soccer and strategy.
Undoubtedly the 2 fundamental charts are the birth chart of the country and the founding chart of the federation.

France in its lunar return has Saturn square the Asc.

The foundation chart of the country Argentina has asc 23 libra , the moon today was in that degree .

We continue to learn , congratulations to those who got it right .