Would a career in Naturopathic or Alternative Medicine be good for me ?

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May 17, 2012
Greetings !!

I would like a career where I am helping people. Does my chart suggest that I would have success in this field? I am very interested in alternative methods of medicine, and the idea that the body has tremendous capability to heal itself. Does my chart support a career in this field ? (I have had the hardest time finding the right career. Currently I am a stay at home mom, before I became a mom I worked in nursing and daycare. I enjoy taking care of others very much.)

Thank you!
This is not a horary chart-it is your natal, however I will comment on your natal: Neptune (which has to do with unusual subjects, matters, activities) is at the top of the chart in the 10th whole sign house, ruled by Jupiter (lord of Sagittarius) and Sagittarius does have an affinity for healing, so from this very brief consideration of the natal indications I would so yes, such a career might well be for you!
Another note: old time medical astrologers (like H.C. Cornell) considered that a strong Pisces indicated special talents, abilities and successesin what they then called "nature cure": notice that you have Pisces as your ascending sign! (A long time homeopath, I have Pisces angular as my 7th house, positing its lord Jupiter and also the Moon)