Would her allergy rash will get better?

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I did ask this question in Reddit, someone help me said my mom is 10th house not 4th as 4th to them is the roots fatherland.
They said my mom is 10th the Sun, and the Sun is far from Malefics. And the Sun does not aspect 4th and 9th (for her), which are the bad house for her since she is the Sun 10th.
When any of our family members is in a health situation we are all anxious and worried, it's normal.
The important thing is to not panic, and think clearly, and don't communicate the anxiety to the other person.

As I mentioned, not everyone agrees to assign the mother and father to the 4th or 10th.
I prefer the mother in the 4th, but this is not the only possible interpretation.

However, if we do take the 10th house, she is sun and approaches an opposition to mars in her 12th house.
Moon is also there in her 12th house, and approaches an opposition to mercury in her 6th house of health and sickness..

So both interpretations really give the same info.
She is not in a good place in the institution she is in.
It not up to me to decide if she be hospitalize or not, that is up to the doctors in the hospital. And a rash on arms and feet is not severe enough to be hospitalize, unless she has trouble breathing and other symptoms.

I have come to emergency room before, while wait there 6-7 hours for my CT result, I have see people worser than my mom and they still not admit. Take example a boy with a huge swollen knee that leaking blood and pus, he said he got bitten by a spider in his yard. The doctor did not admit him, give him antibiotics shot and antibiotics told him to go home and take it.
I talk to him as I wait there 6-7 hours, so he go home after with a swollen knee leaking pus.

If he not admit to the hospital, my mom with rash on her legs and arms won't get admit.

Plus she not want to go hospital yet, she said wait till it get worst.

I can go against her wishes and just call the ambulance, but then it still not up to me to decide if the ambulance will take her or not, based on her condition.

Look, doctors and ambulance don't care about Horary charts of Sun Saturn whatever, they go by symptoms and how severe the person is. Hospital has certain number amount of beds. You don't get to demand the hospital to admit my mom or not.

I will test Horary this time, I will go against Horary and not take my mom to the hospital yet. Not until her condition worser.
The ear infection was the reason for giving penicillin.
The ear is represented by mercury, as hearing, and by venus as ruler of taurus.
Moon approaches the opposition to mercury, so this problem hasn't been resolved.
When evaluating a health related question in horary astrology, one considers the state of the 6 th house which represents health, The Moon which is the general indicator of change and the significators for your mother which is most likely the 10 th house ruler if the chart is cast for the question being asked about your mother.

Complications may be indicated by any malefic influence as from Mars or Saturn or if the Moon or the ascendant ruler is under affliction. Client improving factors, such as Jupiter or Venus, may be pointed out. As much as the chart provides direction, medical decisions should always involve expert advice–consulting a doctor is encouraged for your mom’s sake.​
Reddit already told me, nobody is going to be hospitalize or die, because my mother the Sun does not aspect the ruler of those houses. Also Sun Opposition Mars they get it, but Mars does NOT rule those houses that will cause death or hospitalization for my mom.

Astroseek also say my mom will be okay.

I will update this in the next few days on my mom condition, but right now she not going to the hospital until worser symptoms beside rash on arms and two feet.
My mom also have kidney problems, this is why the Penicillin not pee out exit her body like normal people. Does the Horary chart say my mom have kidney problems?
Kidneys are usually Venus (upper part) Mars for the lower part and the letting go of fluids.

Venus is somewhat blocked by Saturn, both are not seeing Mars making for a possibility that there is a lessened flow of fluids that need to go out.

7th and 8th house are involved, that's Saturn for the 7th, it is blocking Venus at the eight cusp.
8th is ruled by Jupiter retrograde in detriment, squared by Saturn. So Jupiter is not functioning very well, signalling the same as above.
The chart looks clear.

Mother is the tenth in this delineation. Usually I'd take the 4th. Interesting.

As you know, or have been told, I neither am a medical expert. Astrological insights for medical matters only go so far.
Clinging to them for truth is not advised.

I am very glad for you that no matter how one turns the chart, the outcome is similar. Even more glad to read your mother seems to recover from this medication problem. Quite the shock I imagine.

Good luck, good health to mum!
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Kidneys are usually Venus (upper part) Mars for the lower part and the letting go of fluids.

Venus is somewhat blocked by Saturn, both are not seeing Mars making for a possibility that there is a lessened flow of fluids that need to go out.

7th and 8th house are involved, that's Saturn for the 7th, it is blocking Venus at the eight cusp.
8th is ruled by Jupiter retrograde in detriment, squared by Saturn. So Jupiter is not functioning very well, signalling the same as above.

What does this means Ms./Sir? Will my mom recover from the Penicillin rash?
Anyhoo, my mom take 1 pill of Antihistamine last night and this morning the rash are basically gone. But I'm taking precautious just in case the rash come back tonight.

Surely the Horary chart didn't say my mom would recover this easy just from Antihistamine does it.
I don't use 4th as mom, I use 10th. Because 4th is the roots the fatherland. And 10th is our mom that teaching us and shape us up.
The chart I asked I was told No, that it more than penicillin rash, and my mom need to go hospital, and adverse effects, etc..

So this answer that it not something Antihistamine can fix therash, and require hospital trip.

Reread the replies, I was told that.
I don't know as the rash might come back tonight. Right now the rash is basically gone since she took the Antihistamine. But Antihistamine pill last 24 hours. So maybe after 24 hours it gone, the rash will come back.

So far my mom not itchy anymore, rash almost gone, but then it only been 13 hours since she took the medicine.

Reddit said my mom will be okay, as she the Sun 10th does not aspect the rulers of the bad houses. And Sun Opposition Mars yes, but they say Mars does NOT rule any of my mom dangerous houses of hospitalization or death. They said No one is going to end up in the hospital or die, not in this Horary chart.

They said my mom bad houses from 10th, is Moon and Saturn, or Jupiter, something like that. But the Sun my mom does not Applying aspect to that. No one is going to die or end up in hospital.

We will know if Reddit is right or not in few days, whether my mom get worst and end up in hospital or not.

The chart I asked would my mom live to see 2026, meaning live through 2025 to see 2026 (this chart I asked back in Jan 5th, before the Penicillin rash). Someone here help me and told me No, my mom won't live to see 2026.
But Reddit say otherwise, Reddit say again, my mom the 10th house does NOT aspects the death house 8th or 12th ending, my mom will live to see 2026

I guess in 2026 I will know who right. They read it 10th though, they don't use 4th.

4th is roots fatherland. 10th is your mother who teach you and shape you up.

That what I was told in Reddit. They say your father is your roots 4th, but it your mom that has the most influence on you, raise you, shape you up, she is the 10th.
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Thank you for summarizing what has been developing, I kinda got most of it through reading most replies here, also the now deleted ones, I for one do appreciate you taking the time to revisit in short what's happened.

Some things are becoming clear are they not?
One of them is that there are as many astrological interpretations as there are astrologers. In cases of high emotions it is therefor advised to ask advice from people in the knowing, professionals if you will and not ask the stars or spirit. Those 'higher'places are best reserved for putting wishes and prayers in those trying, emotionally burdening times, especially when you are, as you said so yourself, easily influenced by emotional states. Those are my words, I remember you writing yours and ending that of with the clarification of 'you being a Gemini'.

Furthermore I don't think people on whichever platform are much into discussing astrological interpretations and technicalities through somebody who is going back and forth between them. If someone wants to discuss horary technique, they either find another platform like reddit themselfs or engage in the horary-techniques discussion forum here.

As a general pointer, when you are 'shopping'around like you are, that's okay, you are a free person to do as you wish. You may want to think about finding an astrologer or platform that suits your needs best, that answers your questions best. Only time can tell who that person or what platform that is. The outcomes of your questions will reveal themselfs over time and by them you can make your choice. This way you won't end up in these kinds of discussions that actually serve no one, take a lot of your time and energy.

Your charts have been looked at and read to the best of every bodies abilities. It's time to let the medication do their job and really hope for the best as it comes to the health and well being of your mother.

That's not to put you or anyone else of, I can appreciate a lively discussion and have no say whatsoever in this matter or on this forum, I just felt it time to say this, this way. I hope you can appreciate that.

My kind regards and best wishes for your mother once more!
Updates would be much appreciated, I think, so we all can learn from this.
I don't know as the rash might come back tonight. Right now the rash is basically gone since she took the Antihistamine. But Antihistamine pill last 24 hours. So maybe after 24 hours it gone, the rash will come back.

So far my mom not itchy anymore, rash almost gone, but then it only been 13 hours since she took the medicine.

Reddit said my mom will be okay, as she the Sun 10th does not aspect the rulers of the bad houses. And Sun Opposition Mars yes, but they say Mars does NOT rule any of my mom dangerous houses of hospitalization or death. They said No one is going to end up in the hospital or die, not in this Horary chart.

They said my mom bad houses from 10th, is Moon and Saturn, or Jupiter, something like that. But the Sun my mom does not Applying aspect to that. No one is going to die or end up in hospital.

We will know if Reddit is right or not in few days, whether my mom get worst and end up in hospital or not.

The chart I asked would my mom live to see 2026, meaning live through 2025 to see 2026 (this chart I asked back in Jan 5th, before the Penicillin rash). Someone here help me and told me No, my mom won't live to see 2026.
But Reddit say otherwise, Reddit say again, my mom the 10th house does NOT aspects the death house 8th or 12th ending, my mom will live to see 2026

I guess in 2026 I will know who right. They read it 10th though, they don't use 4th.

4th is roots fatherland. 10th is your mother who teach you and shape you up.

That what I was told in Reddit. They say your father is your roots 4th, but it your mom that has the most influence on you, raise you, shape you up, she is the 10th.
I can't adequately comment on a horoscope analysis that I haven't read -- together with the chart. But the idea that, because the sun (Mom's significator) doesn't aspect any planetary rulers of "the bad houses" she'll be fine-- is not part of any horary system of which I am aware.

The 6th house of health (turned in your mother's case, to be the radix 3rd house) is certainly relevant.

There are different systems. Some horary astrologers rely much more on planet-sign reception, not aspects. But I've not come across the "reddit" system previously.

Mars rules inflammation. A skin rash is a type of inflammation. That is basic to medical astrology.

There is a real tendency among querents who receive multiple conflicting analyses to favor the good news they want. It may not be accurate, but if it's the desired outcome, that's what many querents will accept.

Emergency room staff nationally tend to be heavily overworked. This doesn't mean a given course of treatment given there is wrong. Hopefully your mother has a family physician to consult.

We all hope your mother's health improves. Please let us know what happens. That way, we'll all learn to do better at this type of horary question.