Am I correct that you asked a different question on reddit than you posted here? That would make a big difference. Length of life is a different question than an adverse reaction to a medication.I don't know as the rash might come back tonight. Right now the rash is basically gone since she took the Antihistamine. But Antihistamine pill last 24 hours. So maybe after 24 hours it gone, the rash will come back.
So far my mom not itchy anymore, rash almost gone, but then it only been 13 hours since she took the medicine.
Reddit said my mom will be okay, as she the Sun 10th does not aspect the rulers of the bad houses. And Sun Opposition Mars yes, but they say Mars does NOT rule any of my mom dangerous houses of hospitalization or death. They said No one is going to end up in the hospital or die, not in this Horary chart.
They said my mom bad houses from 10th, is Moon and Saturn, or Jupiter, something like that. But the Sun my mom does not Applying aspect to that. No one is going to die or end up in hospital.
We will know if Reddit is right or not in few days, whether my mom get worst and end up in hospital or not.
The chart I asked would my mom live to see 2026, meaning live through 2025 to see 2026 (this chart I asked back in Jan 5th, before the Penicillin rash). Someone here help me and told me No, my mom won't live to see 2026.
But Reddit say otherwise, Reddit say again, my mom the 10th house does NOT aspects the death house 8th or 12th ending, my mom will live to see 2026
I guess in 2026 I will know who right. They read it 10th though, they don't use 4th.
4th is roots fatherland. 10th is your mother who teach you and shape you up.
That what I was told in Reddit. They say your father is your roots 4th, but it your mom that has the most influence on you, raise you, shape you up, she is the 10th.
Also, was the chart identical here and on reddit? If not, that would also make a difference.
The dicey part of this, is that if you asked a length of life question prior to a question about an allergic reaction to medication, the more favorable response on length of life might have included taking precautionary steps (like medical attention) in the intervening period.