Would her allergy rash will get better?

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Mrs. @waybread

My mom born 1944, in 2021 she had a stroke. This is around the time when the ambulance come and rush her to hospital. She got admit immediately and put under critical condition. She survived but now she half paralyze.

This is her birthchart and the transit of the time ambulance come took her. I don't know if you can see anything.
If there is "astrology" then it has to show something, because a stroke that leave someone PARALYZE change the rest of their life is a Major event Mrs.

Transit Mars did Square Natal Saturn exactly at 0 orb. But here the thing, Mars change sign every 2 years, my mom have Transit Mars Square Natal Saturn every 2 years since she born. And she not paralyze until the 77 old age.
Hope the pic show up, I uploaded it just in case: https://i.ibb.co/XkxZf3j/MOMtransits-22-4-1944-22-37-a-2-9-2021-08-52.png

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When evaluating a health related question in horary astrology, one considers the state of the 6 th house which represents health, The Moon which is the general indicator of change and the significators for your mother which is most likely the 10 th house ruler if the chart is cast for the question being asked about your mother​

Complications may be indicated by any malefic influence as from Mars or Saturn or if the Moon or the ascendant ruler is under affliction. Client improving factors, such as Jupiter or Venus, may be pointed out. As much as the chart provides direction, medical decisions should always involve expert advice–consulting a doctor is encouraged for your mom’s sake.​
I'm an observer of horary queries. What I do not see in this topic is any reference to Mars' association with 'red rashes' which is so evident in the chart provided.
Moon has associations with allergies ( adverse reaction to outer stimuli), especially when there is a link to Virgo (irritation itch to body).

As I understand it, the O.P is enquiring after her mother's health.
Taking mother as 4th house and turning houses, her 6th house of physical disorders would fall in Cancer in which both Moon and Mars.r are placed.
If mother is represented by the10th house, turning houses places Capricorn (skin) on the 3rd house cusp, her 6th house, in which both Mercury, ruler Virgo, and Sun are placed.
Either choice sees the oppositions btween Sun-Mars (flaming effect) and Moon-Mercury (allergic reaction) in a turned 12th house environment.

Mars is related to bacteria, infections, and fighting their adverse effect with Mars ant-biotica.

I found the following on an Australian website :
Antibiotics only work for some infections. They work against bacteria but don’t treat infections caused by viruses such as: • Colds and flu (influenza) and COVID-19 (coronavirus)
Bronchitis and most coughs• Most sore throats and ear infections
OP mentioned mother was given antibiotica to treat an ear infection.

Horary uses only the traditional planets. Medication for viral infections that modern techniques would apply to Neptune of Pisces, will be traditionally ruled by Jupiter.
Jupiter in the chart is in Gemini (hearing! through ears) and is retrograde. I don't know if minor aspects are accepted in horary interpretation. Jupiter r. is exact degree semi-square (indisposition towards health issue?) to Mars r., which may imply that any medication will have the REverse effect towards what is meant.

As this is also the horary chart for the OP's query, her 1st house will be ruled by Mars. Would Jupiter r. be prepared to listen to what appears as adverse advice, which could set off the deep-seated anger she (now) feels towards the medical profession on its handling of her mother's health issue?

Does the horary show that the rash will be over when Sun in Capricorn completes the opposition to Mars in Cancer, or when Moon in Cancer completes its opposition to Mercury in Capricorn, or Moon to Mars, Mercury to Sun, ....or a combination of all?

Still learning.:unsure:

I'm an observer of horary queries. What I do not see in this topic is any reference to Mars' association with 'red rashes' which is so evident in the chart provided.
Moon has associations with allergies ( adverse reaction to outer stimuli), especially when there is a link to Virgo (irritation itch to body).

As I understand it, the O.P is enquiring after her mother's health.
Taking mother as 4th house and turning houses, her 6th house of physical disorders would fall in Cancer in which both Moon and Mars.r are placed.
If mother is represented by the10th house, turning houses places Capricorn (skin) on the 3rd house cusp, her 6th house, in which both Mercury, ruler Virgo, and Sun are placed.
Either choice sees the oppositions btween Sun-Mars (flaming effect) and Moon-Mercury (allergic reaction) in a turned 12th house environment.

Mars is related to bacteria, infections, and fighting their adverse effect with Mars ant-biotica.

I found the following on an Australian website :

OP mentioned mother was given antibiotica to treat an ear infection.

Horary uses only the traditional planets. Medication for viral infections that modern techniques would apply to Neptune of Pisces, will be traditionally ruled by Jupiter.
Jupiter in the chart is in Gemini (hearing! through ears) and is retrograde. I don't know if minor aspects are accepted in horary interpretation. Jupiter r. is exact degree semi-square (indisposition towards health issue?) to Mars r., which may imply that any medication will have the REverse effect towards what is meant.

As this is also the horary chart for the OP's query, her 1st house will be ruled by Mars. Would Jupiter r. be prepared to listen to what appears as adverse advice, which could set off the deep-seated anger she (now) feels towards the medical profession on its handling of her mother's health issue?

Does the horary show that the rash will be over when Sun in Capricorn completes the opposition to Mars in Cancer, or when Moon in Cancer completes its opposition to Mercury in Capricorn, or Moon to Mars, Mercury to Sun, ....or a combination of all?

Still learning.:unsure:
Mars- rash connection in my post 13.
Mrs. @waybread

My mom born 1944, in 2021 she had a stroke. This is around the time when the ambulance come and rush her to hospital. She got admit immediately and put under critical condition. She survived but now she half paralyze.

This is her birthchart and the transit of the time ambulance come took her. I don't know if you can see anything.
If there is "astrology" then it has to show something, because a stroke that leave someone PARALYZE change the rest of their life is a Major event Mrs.

Transit Mars did Square Natal Saturn exactly at 0 orb. But here the thing, Mars change sign every 2 years, my mom have Transit Mars Square Natal Saturn every 2 years since she born. And she not paralyze until the 77 old age.
Hope the pic show up, I uploaded it just in case: https://i.ibb.co/XkxZf3j/MOMtransits-22-4-1944-22-37-a-2-9-2021-08-52.png

I'm prepared to leave this natal chart with transits here for information-only purposes, but please repost it on a separate "read my chart" thread if you'd like an analysis. This board is for horary-only threads
oh okay I'm sorry Mrs. waybread

Well not sure if my mom is out of the woods yet, but no more rash, no more itchy, the pink rash under her skin this morning get lighter. Today she has not take anymore Antihistamine and the rash still not reappear. So hopefully it stay that way. I will continue monitor her for the next few days before she go back to her Nursing home care.

Is Sun still Opposition Mars today or yesteday? Because my mom rash basically gone since yesterday, today her arm is 90% back to normal pale skin color. No more pink under the skin.

Let hope the rash not come back. The doctor said it shouldn't, because she not expose to Pencillin anymore what is there in her system that can trigger the rash to come back.
Mars- rash connection in my post 13.
Sorry; my mindset. Mars has different associations.
You wrote:
: Mars rules inflammation. It is retrograde and in its fall in Cancer, so it's not in great shape.
I think of 'inflammation' as associated with rise in temparature bringing on 'burning skin', severe red nose colds, fevers, etc., or anything that breaks through the outer body skin via cuts that then becomes inflamed.
'Red skin rash' is different of nature in its cause.

No offence meant.

OP mentions that the rash is fading. Seems the applying opposition planets are doing their work ?
OP mentions that the rash is fading. Seems the applying opposition planets are doing their work ?

I actually don't know what going on, but here the timeline.

Friday my mom took Penicillin then Saturday the rash appear. Sunday she very itchy and reddish rash.
Sunday night I gave her Antihistamine. Siince then No more itchy, rash fading too.
Monday rash is pink.
Tuesday rash basically gone.
And now Wednesday I stop the Antihistamine and rash has not return.

It not getting worst like what the Horary say, it actually get better everyday.

Reddit told me my mom rash won't get worst, her 12th house is the Moon domicile in Cancer Trine Venus exalted in Pisces. Reddit told me she will not be in hospital, she will not die neither. They told me to calm down, 3 people in Reddit read the chart said the same thing.
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No worries, Frisiangal. A rash is a type of skin inflammation.

Geminimercury, I think there was some confusion initially with your post, because you didn't mention (or I didn't catch) any mention of an intervening action on behalf of your mother after the penicillin allergy occurred. A MD visit was what I and several other discussants recommended. But -- it turned out that you had already done that, with the result that your mother was put on antihistamines and seemed to be doing much better.

Any time you want to know what is happening with transits, you can consult an ephemeris. Are you familiar with them? They work like a timetable for planets. There is a good free one at Astrodienst at www.astro.com . They also post an ongoing "chart of the moment."

As of this writing (8:41 MST) the Mars-sun opposition is essentially exact.
We didn't visit MD Mrs. @waybread, my mom is paralyze we cannot get her anywhere unless an ambulance put her on the stretcher and take her. Going back to Nursing home she be in stretcher too to take her. Paralyze people can't walk or do anything on their own.
We had a video call with the Primary care doctor and he gave her Antihistamine. She never leave my home, let alone go visit a doctor or hospital.

I don't know what Mars Opposition Sun exactly means in the Horary chart, my mom is Sun 10th, 4th is home, fatherland. 10th is the person who has the most influence on you, raise you, teach you.

I just know my mom rash has got better since Sunday actually. Because I was told that Penicillin rash last typically 3 days,
because Immunoglobulin E (IgE) that trigger the allergic reaction is short live 3 days, and it will calm down. Unless you put more Penicillin in my mom body.
And this is not Horary, this is science of what going on in a human body.

I guess what how it work then because starting 3rd day my mom rash getting alot better.
I have stop Antihistamine and the rash has not return.

At this point I don't know if I need to cast another chart ask Will my mom rash return? Or just let it run it course and wait few more days and see. So far so good, the rash is gone.
Paralyze is someone who cannot move their hands of legs. This is woman who 80+ and paralyze. I get it, people here tell me to take her to hospital, doctor office, Urgent care, etc.. but do you know how hard it is to move someone who "Paralyze"? She cannot move her hands and legs on her own.

I can call 911 to take her, but she has to show more than just pink rash on her arms and feet for 911 to admit her. Hospital don't have a bed for something like this. We are not Billionaires, it not like we can 'demand' the hospital admit admit my mom.

This has nothing to do with a broken American hospital system, it not. It about you can't demand hospital to admit your mother and just stay in hospital bed to observe her. It about her condition has to be severe enough. And this is not it.

I actually don't find America hospital system is broken at all. When my mom had a stroke and paralyze, it was the America hospital that help her.
Had my mom was in China she would have die already, China hospital throw old people out if you don't have money.
Here in America, btw I am in California, hospital here will treat you regardless if you have money or health insurance or your citizenship status.

Sorry, America hospital system is not broken.

ah btw, look at it, look at millions of illegal immigrants in California and hospital still treat them regardless they have money or citizenship.

I am grateful to be in America hospital system. It not broken like what the other poster said.
And I don't read 12th house as hospital or ending for her. I see 12th house as she is a 80+ years old woman who Paralyze arms and legs, and cannot move her and arms and legs, she confine to the bed, bedridden. That is 12th house in the Horary chart in the question of my mom.
Was your mother given a course of antihistamines to take over a period of time, and did you decide to stop them in mid-course, or did she take exactly what the doctor recommended?

Given your dissatisfaction with this horary discussion and your tendency to input new information after posting your OP and chart, I don't see what further astrological answers you think would be more helpful that you own judgement, at this point.

You also seem to have your own ideas about reeading a horary chart that are different from the ones that most astrologers have studied and practiced.

Yes, I know how difficult it can be to take someone with serious disabilities to the hospital. Like my 85-year old husband, for example. If your mother's rash is improving, why would you take her to the ER, with its long wait times, anyway? I don't know if you live in an area with a visiting nurse agency, but you might find a qualified health care professional to come to your home.

But honestly, if your 80-year old mother is quadriplegic, I question the wisdom of keeping her at home,, instead of in her care facility. unless you have some nursing credentials, or unless she truly prefers to live in your home.

The doctor told me ONLY give antihistamine when the rash is still there and itchy, once the rash go away, she can stop.
Because she is on multiple medications:
high blood pressure med,
diabetes med,
high cholesterol med,
and azithromycin (just for right now to clear the ear infection) and azithromycin it an antibiotic she took before and not allergic to.

The doctor said the more meds she take the more side effects and drugs interaction she will have. Antihistamine is not a "permanent" or "long term" drug, it only use when there rash break out.

The rash are gone. My mom actually have a video call with the doctor today (since she paralyze, it hard to get her to the doctor office as she cannot move her legs or arms, that what paralyze is).

The doctor look at my mom hands and feet over Video phone call, and yelled at me. He told me why am I stressing my mom out and keep scaring her pressure her to go to Hospital, he even asked me am I crazy or or what to take her to the hospital when her rash look like this?

I said nothing, except sorry and that I should calm down. Should I just told him that an Horary chart point her to Hospital so that why I'm stressing her out that she needs to be in hospital?

This is my mom arm (I post this pic the other day): https://i.ibb.co/dBHhJts/111-Untitled.png
the doctor asked me am I CRAZY or what? Why am I trying to get her to the hospital when her arms is like this? 911 is not for an rash like this on the arm.
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I am not keeping her home, my husband said No already, he said he will PAY for all her medical care but she needs to be in Nursing home, because my anxiety stressing the hell out of her.
And he cannot handle a wife that jump up and down over every tiny thing like this, example like my mom heart rate was 50 when she sleeping. When the doctor already told me that someone 80 it is normal for their heart rate to be low when they sleeping.

She just here with me for few days till her rash clear up then she going back to Nursing home. I think I'm getting her back tomorrow as the rash is alot better, basically resolve, unless there another flare up, but she not taking Penicillin anymore so what is there to trigger her rash.

Well I got yelled at and called crazy today over Video call by the doctor, he asked am I CRAZY or what? Why I am stressing my mom out about "hospital" when her arm look like this?

I was about to tell him because Horary chart say 12th house hospital for my mom. But I didn't, because medical doctor will roll their eyes at me.

I not sure if 12th house is hospital for her, or 12th house is simply a woman who paralyze arms and legs, and has to confine bedridden to bed 24/7, because 12th house can mean that.
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I think the best thing you can do now is just calm down. I wondered whether your being so stressed and upset and so frequently hovering around your mother might be emotionally hard on her. I think the doctor wanted you to be sensible. I think he would be even more annoyed with you to learn that you are placing your faith in a horary astrology reading that you got from reddit.

Yes, we know what "paralyzed" means.
The 12th house does not symbolize your mother in horary astrology. Depending upon one's approach (more traditional or more modern) she is symbolized by the 4th or 10th house.
Actually I didn't read Horary my way, I read what Hellenistic taught me about 12th house, it not just hospital or ending, it also means isolation, someone who confine in one spot, my mom is paralyze arms and legs, she confine in bedridden 24/7. that is her 12th house.

Right but I was told get my mom to the hospital because of 12th house.
My mom has alot of things, bad kidneys (hence meds stay in her system longer than others), high blood pressure, diabetes type 2, high cholesterol. Plus antihistamine. Taking 5 meds in one day. He told me the Antihistamin should only be giving if I see a rash flare up.

The more meds take at once the more risk of my mom can get a drug reactions (eventhough he check and make sure all the 5 meds not interact). But he said do not take anything that not necessary.

I think I am getting her back to Nursing home tomorrow. I take her home because I was mad she got the Penicillin rash at the Nursing home, but then you can't blame them, it her first time take it, nobody know what drug she can react to, now it on the list of cannot take.

I am still mad over this, this is why I am protective of her and keep her for few days at home with me.
Your mother is either the 10th or the 4th house, depending upon what system you use. Whether she is in the hospital or should be hospitalized might be a turned house matter from either the 10th or the 4th, depending. The 12th from the 4th house is the radix 3rd house. The 12th from the 10th house is the radix 9th house.

Earlier in this thread, you were encouraged to get medical attention for your mother immediately, because an allergic reaction to a drug can be serious. Then you said you had already gotten medical attention for her already.