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When evaluating a health related question in horary astrology, one considers the state of the 6 th house which represents health, The Moon which is the general indicator of change and the significators for your mother which is most likely the 10 th house ruler if the chart is cast for the question being asked about your mother
Complications may be indicated by any malefic influence as from Mars or Saturn or if the Moon or the ascendant ruler is under affliction. Client improving factors, such as Jupiter or Venus, may be pointed out. As much as the chart provides direction, medical decisions should always involve expert advice–consulting a doctor is encouraged for your mom’s sake.
OP mentioned mother was given antibiotica to treat an ear infection.Antibiotics only work for some infections. They work against bacteria but don’t treat infections caused by viruses such as: • Colds and flu (influenza) and COVID-19 (coronavirus)
Bronchitis and most coughs• Most sore throats and ear infections
Mars- rash connection in my post 13.I'm an observer of horary queries. What I do not see in this topic is any reference to Mars' association with 'red rashes' which is so evident in the chart provided.
Moon has associations with allergies ( adverse reaction to outer stimuli), especially when there is a link to Virgo (irritation itch to body).
As I understand it, the O.P is enquiring after her mother's health.
Taking mother as 4th house and turning houses, her 6th house of physical disorders would fall in Cancer in which both Moon and Mars.r are placed.
If mother is represented by the10th house, turning houses places Capricorn (skin) on the 3rd house cusp, her 6th house, in which both Mercury, ruler Virgo, and Sun are placed.
Either choice sees the oppositions btween Sun-Mars (flaming effect) and Moon-Mercury (allergic reaction) in a turned 12th house environment.
Mars is related to bacteria, infections, and fighting their adverse effect with Mars ant-biotica.
I found the following on an Australian website :
OP mentioned mother was given antibiotica to treat an ear infection.
Horary uses only the traditional planets. Medication for viral infections that modern techniques would apply to Neptune of Pisces, will be traditionally ruled by Jupiter.
Jupiter in the chart is in Gemini (hearing! through ears) and is retrograde. I don't know if minor aspects are accepted in horary interpretation. Jupiter r. is exact degree semi-square (indisposition towards health issue?) to Mars r., which may imply that any medication will have the REverse effect towards what is meant.
As this is also the horary chart for the OP's query, her 1st house will be ruled by Mars. Would Jupiter r. be prepared to listen to what appears as adverse advice, which could set off the deep-seated anger she (now) feels towards the medical profession on its handling of her mother's health issue?
Does the horary show that the rash will be over when Sun in Capricorn completes the opposition to Mars in Cancer, or when Moon in Cancer completes its opposition to Mercury in Capricorn, or Moon to Mars, Mercury to Sun, ....or a combination of all?
Still learning.![]()
I'm prepared to leave this natal chart with transits here for information-only purposes, but please repost it on a separate "read my chart" thread if you'd like an analysis. This board is for horary-only threadsMrs. @waybread
My mom born 1944, in 2021 she had a stroke. This is around the time when the ambulance come and rush her to hospital. She got admit immediately and put under critical condition. She survived but now she half paralyze.
This is her birthchart and the transit of the time ambulance come took her. I don't know if you can see anything.
If there is "astrology" then it has to show something, because a stroke that leave someone PARALYZE change the rest of their life is a Major event Mrs.
Transit Mars did Square Natal Saturn exactly at 0 orb. But here the thing, Mars change sign every 2 years, my mom have Transit Mars Square Natal Saturn every 2 years since she born. And she not paralyze until the 77 old age.
Hope the pic show up, I uploaded it just in case:
Sorry; my mindset. Mars has different associations.Mars- rash connection in my post 13.
I think of 'inflammation' as associated with rise in temparature bringing on 'burning skin', severe red nose colds, fevers, etc., or anything that breaks through the outer body skin via cuts that then becomes inflamed.: Mars rules inflammation. It is retrograde and in its fall in Cancer, so it's not in great shape.
OP mentions that the rash is fading. Seems the applying opposition planets are doing their work ?