Hello Milly:
So first I would address the placement of Lilith in your 1st House, which has to do with your sense of Identity, as reflected by your early childhood experiences. Lilith represents the archetype of the ‘wild woman’ who is often challenged by patriarchy’s views towards the female gender. Lilith is also known as the Black Moon, denoting feelings kept hidden within the darkness of the psyche. Placed in the first house, Lilith can indicate potential ‘body image issues’.
For you , Lilith is trine to natal Moon/Gemini in the 10th, potentially indicating that you likely had early support from your mother, whereas the stellium of Capricorn in your 4th suggests the potential for dealing with stressors / negativity from the father, which have likely left you with memories of rejection, shame of disempowerment. Lilith in the 1st house can indicate ‘body image’ issues which contribute to low self esteem.
One of the most important lessons of Lilith in the first house is to learn to accept yourself.
We also note the vital opposition of the Sun and Moon [the Full Moon Phase] which further hints at likely conflicts or oppositions between the parents while you were young. Their influences upon you were highly different from each other,which are likely internalised now , thus contributing to your own internal tension and confusion. As such the message here is about resurrecting your Identity and developing a strong sense of personal empowerment and self acceptance. For this to happen, you need to work on balancing the contrast between your Sun in Capricorn , Moon in Gemini and Virgo Rising. It is the blending of these 3 energies in particular that contribute to your sense of self and how you channel your energies.
There is also the dynamics of the Nodal Axis to study for further insights into your purpose in life. Note this second opposition between the 6th [Pisces] and 12th House [Virgo]. It is through this opposition that you will learn important and necessary lessons about your past [SNode] and where you are meant to be going for your personal learning in this lifetime [NN].
Neptune demands notice in the chart, by its’ sxt to the NN and trine the SS. This aspect is probably felt as heightening your intuition and insight which will work to assist in your personal growth and awareness. You may find yourself drawn to a career in creative or healing professions.
These are just some of the highlights presented in your chart for analysis. I would be happy to work with you personally on gaining new insights through your c
Hello Milly:
So first I would address the placement of Lilith in your 1st House, which has to do with your sense of Identity, as reflected by your early childhood experiences. Lilith represents the archetype of the ‘wild woman’ who is often challenged by patriarchy’s views towards the female gender. Lilith is also known as the Black Moon, denoting feelings kept hidden within the darkness of the psyche. Placed in the first house, Lilith can indicate potential ‘body image issues’.
For you , Lilith is trine to natal Moon/Gemini in the 10th, potentially indicating that you likely had early support from your mother, whereas the stellium of Capricorn in your 4th suggests the potential for dealing with stressors / negativity from the father, which have likely left you with memories of rejection, shame of disempowerment. Lilith in the 1st house can indicate ‘body image’ issues which contribute to low self esteem.
One of the most important lessons of Lilith in the first house is to learn to accept yourself.
We also note the vital opposition of the Sun and Moon [the Full Moon Phase] which further hints at likely conflicts or oppositions between the parents while you were young. Their influences upon you were highly different from each other,which are likely internalised now , thus contributing to your own internal tension and confusion. As such the message here is about resurrecting your Identity and developing a strong sense of personal empowerment and self acceptance. For this to happen, you need to work on balancing the contrast between your Sun in Capricorn , Moon in Gemini and Virgo Rising. It is the blending of these 3 energies in particular that contribute to your sense of self and how you channel your energies.
There is also the dynamics of the Nodal Axis to study for further insights into your purpose in life. Note this second opposition between the 6th [Pisces] and 12th House [Virgo]. It is through this opposition that you will learn important and necessary lessons about your past [SNode] and where you are meant to be going for your personal learning in this lifetime [NN].
Neptune demands notice in the chart, by its’ sxt to the NN and trine the SS. This aspect is probably felt as heightening your intuition and insight which will work to assist in your personal growth and awareness. You may find yourself drawn to a career in creative or healing professions.
These are just some of the highlights presented in your chart for analysis. I would be happy to work with you personally on gaining new insights through your chart.