Writing skills?

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Aug 31, 2010
Do I have any aspects that can tell that I could be successful in writing? or at least good on it?

Hi Raquel. I think a natal chart is more likely to tell you what experiences are likely to influence your writing than whether or not you are a naturally good writer. If you have a particular genre or style in mind, then you could look for that in the chart, for example 8th house for spy/crime thrillers, or 9th for travelogues etc.

It might be worth you checking out your 5th and 7th harmonic charts.

In Harmonic Charts David Hamblin says, 'Together with the 5th harmonic, the 7th represents man's creativity: his ability to invent his own version of reality.' (page 79). From what Hamblin says, aspect configurations in 5th harmonic chart show which archetypes we can effectively use in the act of creation, and those in the 7th show which archetypes come together to inspire the flavour of that creation.
How to find your career- sticky in Vocational Forum

Money & you
career significators
planets conj MC

Professional & Destiny
sticky in vocational astrology forum
Astro’s vocation section

My thoughts and links on vocation

Waybread’s thoughts on Vocation

Career options are assessed by MC any planets conjunct, where the ruler of MC is placed, it’s aspects, then 2nd house ‘how you earn your money’ and planets there, ruler of cusp and where it’s placed, then 6th house of ‘type of work you do’ any planets there and how they are aspected.

Researching rulers of houses will help you understand more where I joining the dots so to speak
Taurus/venus rules MC and is posited in 4th house of home and family. This suggests you could work from home, or with family members. Or write about family issues/matters. looking at 2nd house is Virgo, very detailed focused and orientated with mercury placed in 2nd house of how you earn your money. Now Cappi/Saturn rules 6th and is placed in 5th house. the rulers of these house venus, mercury and saturn should have some linkage with aspects, but we only see mercury square saturn, which can be good for study and writing.

In fact your mercury is the MOSt challenged planet in your chart. Now Transiting Saturn is currently sitting ontop of your natal mars, creating stop/go situations, delays frusrations of actions. your sun is combust mars adding action for forcefulness. Now libra and pisces and gemini are what I call the three most restless, procrastinating and indecivise signs, and you have sun/mars in the house ruled by gemini and pisces moon....so am not surprised your are having problems deciding here..:whistling:

Your venus is a singleton ie; only planet in fire element, which your chart lacks this drive, energy, impetus. But having Leo asc and 3planets in house of leo will help out.

your stellium in cappi in 5th is difficult, although they are generational planet, they will affect your creativity, and 5th house matters. Saturn conj neptune is not great as it suggests having your dreams and aspirations crushed in early childhood by father and/or authority figure and can be linked to depressions. When Saturn and Uranus fall in the same sign or house we get caught in a cleft stick, wanting to make changes but fearing to let go of the old.

You have a triple common T Square with all your libran planets. What tends to happen with these is that a transit, progression or solar arc comes along and becomes the 'missing leg' like a 3legged wobbly chair. this then temporarily creates a Grand Square, which causes enormous tension and gets you off your backside moving to resolve problems.

So, if we break down your mercury aspects....
mercury square jupiter, tends to overtalk when it should be quiet and undertalk when it should be talking...
mercury square saturn, suggests perhaps not able to speak up enough in childhood, but good for study/research.
mercury square uranus - mentally very quick and gets 'flashes' of thoughts but can also be bit argumentative.
mercury square neptune - over active imagination, creativity, writing ability. but also reading too much between the lines, mis communications going out and coming in, losing the plot/thread occasionally.
Now normally no one breaks down and compartmentalises facets of your personality like this, but hopefully you will recognise your mercury aspects...

Is that stressed mercury can give writing/communication skill?? :surprised:
yep, espec mercury square neptune. moon opp mercury can suggest occasional sleep problems.

T Jupiter is going over MC very soon, which could be very social or good for opportunities for career/work.
I'm very argumentative and very talkative... but I control allot my emotions when I talk...
I can be cold when I talk, but inside burning and chocking in hell... but in the other side, I have this need to tell the people that I love, and to show them, that they are the most important thing to me.
Bad things: Nervous and Impulsive, lack of will in much things... interests for many things but unable to finish the things I start... and very very unstable and indecisive.

I'm good at languages, I was good at writing, in school my teachers always told me that... as my friends and family too.
I'm 22, my maternal language is Portuguese, but I speak fluent English, and German, and a bit of french.

I stopped studying, and I gave up from the college, because I was not sure of what I wanted... and now... I'm in another country... doing nothing for my self-worth...:unsure:
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I have seen few charts in which stressed mercury caused problems in early education, how was ur early education?
It was below average or ruler of 3rd helped in early childhood education?

I'm very argumentative, i'm very talkative... but I control allot my emotions when i talk... I can be cold when I talk, but inside burning and chocking in hell.

The truth is that I was always good in languages, I was always very good at writing, and in school my teachers always told me that... since I was very little... I'm 22 my maternal language is Portuguese, but I speak fluent English, and German, and a bit of french.

I stopped studying, and i gave up from the college, because I was not sure of what I wanted... and now... i'm in another country... doing nothing for my self-worth...:unsure:
I have seen few charts in which stressed mercury caused problems in early education, how was ur early education?
It was below average or ruler of 3rd helped in early childhood education?

Until I fell in "love" (15) for the first time I was the best student in my class. Than, I started to study less, but I never lost a year... lower grades but keep on going...
My mother was a teacher, and very exigent from me in school too... I lost her ate my 14's so I think for me that made me more lazy in school too, because I don't had her support anymore...

one interesting thing is that I started to talk sooner... and when I get in the first year in school I knew few words in English lol and we don't need that in portugal... my mother was always pushing me... in a good sense... and I learnt so well because I always have the need to make her proud of me...
my early childhood I was always in projects... sing, dance, theater... and i was always very good in that... but as I said... now, I lost every talent, that I thought (or someone made me thought) I had...
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I notice T Saturn is setting off your T Square, conj natal mars, causing frustations, delays and stop/go situtions. Saturn is therefore setting off mars aspects,so also opp moon prob keeping you short of money emotionally withdraw and poss bit depressed.
Saturn square Neptune is classic depression aspect. What saturn is really doing is *testing what is of value to you* and what's not. What's working will endure, what's not working will die away..:kissing:

so, patience, patience and more patience, it will not last.
Hello Raquel,

to ask someone if you're gifted with the talent to write astrologically will not ultimately reveal if you're actually able to or not. The best thing to find out about this simply is to try that out. You have to practive writing even if you're a gifted person, most people who are writing on a "good" level have been practicing since childhood.

So knowing that your chart indicates a writing talent - actually pretty much here - is only one step and there are many to follow. You might be a little afraid to start trying it out because the bar you raise for yourself is incredibly high, but there's no way to avoid that phase. Saturn does not make it very easy for you, but maybe HE will finally be the important factor to let you become good at writing BECAUSE of his sensorship.

Nothing is to late yet, if you try I'm pretty sure there might be something you can discover about yourself here, although you'll face a lot of "this is just not good in my opinion" stuff. I'm a musician and tried for a long time "to be creative". I knew I was but there was no way to get this thing past the sensorship of saturn - until one day I said to me that if I'd go on like this, all is lost and when I just try to catch every idea, there of course will be a lot of bad stuff, maybe 95% will be bad, but the 5% left were just what I was missing before...

So just try it out and don't be afraid to fail - I'm sure you won't.
According to my teachers from early-childhood I had talent to write... and after that I made much more, articles for newspapers, poetry, expressing thoughts and opinions... intimate texts, and all that when was not public I used to show many people and they said always that I sould go ahead with the writing... and i think it's the only thing I like most to do...

Write about the world, about things that not everyone sees... write about the drama that's not fiction, that's REAL... I feel everything around me... and I drag the feelings to the paper, sometimes it seems that is another person writing... when than I read them...

I asked if I you can see in my chart success in this field...

If you ask me if i can write well, with feeling, and with meaning I would answer YES. Because most important of all, is that I love every piece of my texts, they're part of mysoul, and my inner-self.
According to my teachers from early-childhood I had talent to write... and after that I made much more, articles for newspapers, poetry, expressing thoughts and opinions... intimate texts, and all that when was not public I used to show many people and they said always that I sould go ahead with the writing... and i think it's the only thing I like most to do...

Write about the world, about things that not everyone sees... write about the drama that's not fiction, that's REAL... I feel everything around me... and I drag the feelings to the paper, sometimes it seems that is another person writing... when than I read them...

I asked if I you can see in my chart success in this field...

If you ask me if i can write well, with feeling, and with meaning I would answer YES. Because most important of all, is that I love every piece of my texts, they're part of mysoul, and my inner-self.

You have Mercury sextile Venus in your chart.

This is what I told someone else...

I can't help with career, except to say that Mercury sextile Venus is good for any career involving writing skills.

Enjoy writing.