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I have a Yod with Pluto in 1st house sextile Neptune and Jupiter in 3rd house, quincunx NN in 8th house. Is anyone able to tell me what this could mean? I know people say NN doesn’t count to make this a Yod, but my NN is extremely prominent in my life and so I am sure that this configuration is prominent and there for a reason, so please do not respond saying this is not a Yod, because I know that it is. I just am not sure how exactly to interpret it with these planets and in these houses.
Additionally, I met a life-changing soul connection a few years ago and I have said from day one that he sparked my spiritual awakening. I knew early on that our synastry showed (among other things) his Sun conjunct my Jupiter exactly (and conjunct my Neptune by several degrees), but I realize now looking at my Yod that in conjuncting my Jupiter & Neptune that he activated my Yod and so indeed, he DID activate my spiritual awakening. Can anyone give any more insight into how his Sun activating my Jupiter (conjunct my Neptune and sextile my Pluto) while quincunx my NN in 8th house might be significant?
Thank you.
I have a Yod with Pluto in 1st house sextile Neptune and Jupiter in 3rd house, quincunx NN in 8th house. Is anyone able to tell me what this could mean? I know people say NN doesn’t count to make this a Yod, but my NN is extremely prominent in my life and so I am sure that this configuration is prominent and there for a reason, so please do not respond saying this is not a Yod, because I know that it is. I just am not sure how exactly to interpret it with these planets and in these houses.
Additionally, I met a life-changing soul connection a few years ago and I have said from day one that he sparked my spiritual awakening. I knew early on that our synastry showed (among other things) his Sun conjunct my Jupiter exactly (and conjunct my Neptune by several degrees), but I realize now looking at my Yod that in conjuncting my Jupiter & Neptune that he activated my Yod and so indeed, he DID activate my spiritual awakening. Can anyone give any more insight into how his Sun activating my Jupiter (conjunct my Neptune and sextile my Pluto) while quincunx my NN in 8th house might be significant?
Thank you.