Yods and their interpretations

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Oh wow

I bet your ping pong game is on point lol
I wonder if it feels like a bunch of oppositions ?
Personally, I have a lot of oppositions, like 13 I believe. The battle between me and Pisces is real lol
Kind of like.. But that's mostly a feel of fate. Only little free will is possible and can't change one's destiny. Unreal bad luck. Hardships have to be faced frontly . There are no escapes nor respite . Also, I'm a reasonable person. I don't smoke or drink, I watch my diet, I'm not led by my emotions.. It's not because of poor behavior or decisions ( free will ) , it's about destiny (fateful)
I have multiple yods in my natal chart so I have studied this topic a lot. One of my favorite courses on the yod is by Mark Jones an evolutionary astrologer: https://www.astrologyuniversity.com/shop/aspects/astrological-yod/

I would like to add that I agree with R4ven; you really start to understand the yod when it gets activated. You feel it when it happens and astrology is a great tool to help you get through the energies more easily.
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Classic Yod, Golden Yod, and Iron Yod

- A Brief Explanation of the Variations Yods in Astrology :)


The natal YOD, made up of two planets in sextile (60 degrees away) and both connected by a third planet, 150 degrees away, is the aspect of the avalanche, or snow crashing down the mountainside. The apex planet or finger of God symbolizes the top of the mountain, while the sextiled planets form the base.

If you have the misfortune of being caught in a personal avalanche, you cannot extracate yourself easily, from it, can you ? This aspect is different than the natal square or the opposition in that respect. All you can do is swim with the tide and prevent yourself from drowning or suffocating (in the snow). Quite often, when you crash at the bottom of the mountain, there is no one to help you get up? Therefore, if you can survive the YOD and the crash, you can survive, well, anything !

The quincunx (another term for the 150 degree aspect) is either a 6th house dilemma (health, employment, subordinacy) or an 8th house one (your creditworthiness, your capacity to heal and to be transformed, your death or demise). Yods are frequently karmic in nature, as well as fatalistic.

I have natal Moon sextile Mars quincunx Neptune. I have always found fabulous spiritual help and answers to pressing life concerns. My life work or career is often intertwined with spiritual disciplines. That's the good news. The bad news is that I have been frequently conned or lied to by the most evil of people, such as those who claim they are "spiritual" or wise, (such as church priests and even astrologers), but they are downright con-artists and or deceitful.

Therefore, the YOD can frequently bring disappointment, as well as triumph?
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Hello shannaUk. I read your horary chart about your parents squabbling and fighting. And I do remember your natal chart and how similar it was to mine? You are a Sun Mercury Gemini natally with Saturn opposite in sag right? And Gemini rising with a yod as well? I feel for you, sister? I was raised in a family with chaos everyday and the parents were fighting and complaining every day as well? My parents also later got divorced, bitterly, and to this day, my "Taurus" father is still whining about my mother, (now six feet under!) and my daughter is also pissed off at ME and my Dad ? Lol. this has been going on for 50 years now. Wishing you well in 2024. Stay safe!
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Hi thesporting life :) Yes you get it right , my yod ( boomerang with Moon/Saturn semi- sextile between Neptune sextile Pluto) is composed of 6 planets + ascendant and lilith . You said : "All you can do is swim with the tide and prevent yourself from drowning or suffocating (in the snow)." It's exactly how it feels and trying to swim against the tide only make things worse. There is no (or just little) room for free will. Even for the most critical decisions I took in my life, it's mainly because I had no other options, a strong feel of fate.
I have not seen my parents for ages. I send letters to my mother time to time and that's it. My father was Taurus as well ( malignant narcissist type ) immature emotionally and abusive, with whom mutual respect and genuine communication were not possible. I'm sure your daughter will not be pissed off at you forever, you seem to be a heartful person . All the best to you too !


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My father was Taurus as well ( malignant narcissist type ) immature emotionally and abusive, with whom mutual respect and genuine communication were not possible.
I take it that you are British and or from the UK. I am British, too, on my father side (my grandfather was born in Wales). The older British men and women all seem to have the culture of Queen Victoria (Sun in Gemini, btw lol) beaten into them from a very young age and British culture, itself, has a bad reputation for being abusive to their children, as in: "all children must be seen and not heard?"

But then, the late palmist and seer Chiero once said that "Gemini is the cruelest sign." HA HA HA !

I'm sure my Scorpion/witchcraft friend "triple m" can relate to that ! lol

The British boarding schools of the last century, from where my own father came from, were nasty places where students were punished (well, abused) with cold showers, draconian corporal punishment, such as the strap and whippings, etc.

That would explain why the British Royal family still tends to fight and argue amongst themselves and again, it must be a British thing (to enjoy seeing others suffer and to control and manipulate others?) Britain is mostly an Aries/Capricorn hegemony, kind of like Hitler? LOL Would you agree?
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Thank you thesporting life, I'm actually Bristish because I live in England and hold the nationality but I have 0% British blood and 100% foreign background. That's interesting, I knew nothing about Queen Victoria :ROFLMAO:. I think strict upbringing or education is not always negative or related to abuse. Abuse is always related to personality disorders and/or mental issues, yet most of the time, undiagnosed
Hey: Good evening! I do agree that strict upbringing and or education is not always so bad, as it teaches discipline, self-esteem, and respect for human values that is sorely lacking in today`s world (BUT provided, those qualities are taught, at all?). i am a noted sports instructor and former world team member, who has taught over 1,200 athletes in my community, so I have personally seen how beneficial that training can be, especially for young kids. I am Canadian, but the son of Asian immigrants, too, they are pioneers of immigration in the Province of Quebec, and since I was also born in Quebec, Canada, I am fluently bilingual in French and English, by the way. So, yeah, we do have MUCH in common, my Gemini friend !

Ahah you're probably kidding, there are people like this all over the world but United Kingdom is a good country.

Shanna, the best way to determine a foreign country's suitability is not through anectodal evidence, but through the science of relocation astrology and astro-cartography. Have you ever had a relocation analysis done by a professional. I have been doing RLC astrology for over 40 years and I would be happy to help you with this ? Perhaps you need to find a new abode or country to live in, such as a relocation to a Venus or Jupiter line where money and love can flow more easily into your life. I have seen your natal chart, and with your chart rulers, Mercury and Sun, relegated to the 12 house, that does not bring success, easily, in everyday life events, and will impair/retard employment, and personal health prospects and even your personal vitality and energy levels. I say you need to explore getting out of England !

You also have a very negative natal chart connection that impairs your financial aspects (since you asked) aside from your Yod. You have natal Sun and Mercury opposite Saturn. Mercury rules your natal house of finances?

The late astrologer Grant Lewi once said that natal Sun square Saturn (also, the natal opposition) blocks or curtails the success of the person. He recommended stepping outside of the box and moving away from your family path and that of your parents and once you do that, your life will be much more successful and your mental wellness will also improve. Your current mental health is also of concern to me, Shanna, and perhaps you need counselling to help you with your demons, right now?

For exemple, North Korea is a right exemple of a mentally ill country, demonic ( giving all praise to their evil leaders the same way Christians give all praise to their lord Jesus Christ ) and purely sociopathic (voided of empathy and emotions, cruel and dehumanazing ).

But to come back on the yod, so far it feels like a locked padlock which I don't know the code. I may tirelessly try all possible combinations to open it up and finally break free ( my Sagitarius Moon is so hungry for freedom ) but nothing works, It's keeping closed, unable to move forward. In some way it really feels like a nightmare.

North Korea's dictatorship of Kim Jong Un IS demonic in nature, agreed, but the North Korean people. themselves, are essentially prisoners or victims of the dictatorship and the unfair policies of their government, which has nothing to do with THEM.

Many Christians (but not all) are deceitful and misguided, but sociopaths ? LOL I wouldn't go so far ?

I may tirelessly try all possible combinations to open it up and finally break free ( my Sagitarius Moon is so hungry for freedom ) but nothing works, It's keeping closed, unable to move forward. In some way it really feels like a nightmare.

That is troubling to hear, Shanna, and I would be willing to offer my services, pro bono, to help you deal with some of your nightmares and offer you encouragement. Transiting Pluto in Aquarius will be trining your natal Sun and Mercury in Gemini, this year, and will eventually conjoin your MC, as well, so that signifies personal transformation at all levels (career, employment, physical, mental. and spiritual) and also, financial rejuvenation, transformation and monetizing, as well, since you have natal Venus in Cancer in the 2nd house of finances. trine natal Pluto in Scorpion and the natal vertex. Are you ready for this personal "house cleaning" that will enter your life? If you choose to do nothing (possible?) your life will continue to sink into the abyss. Finally, natal charts are never defined by one SOLE aspect, such as the yod. You have to read the chart in its totality and all of the planets and aspects.
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The Yod Aspect Pattern, Key points :)

which will enable you to understand this Fated Aspect Pattern

