Yods created by sextile between Neptune & Pluto

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Dec 5, 2008
under the Southern Cross
Since Neptune and Pluto have been in almost continuous sextile since the early-mid 1940's, then a large number of Yod formations of those born since this time will have Neptune sextile Pluto as the base of the Yod, with a faster moving planet as the apex.

As I read it, this sextile bestows a number of generations of people with the opportunity for opening up to others, and allowing boundaries between people to be dissolved (Neptune), for the purpose of allowing what is hidden, dark, even perhaps dangerous (Pluto) into the light. Put simply, the sextile is found on the natal charts of most of those born from 1943 onwards, and it brings with it the possibility and potential for enormous spiritual growth both personally, and globally.

Those who have Yods formed from a planet - natal, progr or transiting - inconjunct both Neptune and Pluto will have to use this sextile perhaps more consciously than others.

I'm opening this thread for others to tell their own Neptune-Pluto-???? stories, and I am also hoping that others with knowledge will visit in order to help out those who are struggling with theirs. My aim is to broaden the base of the Yod-education of us all. I am certainly one who needs this.

The stories of natal configurations are interesting, but do not overlook the temporary Yod formations, as they can produce struggle, obstacles, and opportunities for complete life turn-around - whether you want this or not.
R4VEN said:
....this sextile bestows a number of generations of people with the opportunity for opening up to others, and allowing boundaries between people to be dissolved (Neptune), for the purpose of allowing what is hidden, dark, even perhaps dangerous (Pluto) into the light. Put simply, the sextile is found on the natal charts of most of those born from 1943 onwards, and it brings with it the possibility and potential for enormous spiritual growth both personally, and globally.

Neptune/Pluto were last exactly conjunct in Gemini (1892)......starting a 500 year cycle that appears to be about worldwide social changes.

Uranus/Neptune were last exactly conjunct in Capricorn (1993).....completing a cycle that also began in Capricorn (1821) and produced government reforms/improved conditions for the masses.

Uranus/Pluto were last exactly conjunct in Virgo (1965)......perhaps beginning a cycle of original thinking about change......and completing that in Sagittarius (1851), which had made Higher Education available to the masses.

So, we might conclude that Uranus/Neptune/Pluto are working together to remove the fears/phobias/taboos of society which restrict "individual growth"......and that all Yods with Neptune/Pluto as the sextile base need to be viewed against this background of "evolutionary change"......(Or, to paraphrase JFK, "ask not what your Yod means for you, but rather what it can mean for your society/community".

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R4VEN said:
...Those who have Yods formed from a planet - natal, progr or transiting - inconjunct both Neptune and Pluto will have to use this sextile perhaps more consciously than others.

Assuming this Neptune/Pluto cycle is indeed about social changes, we can break it down further by considering the signs of each sextiling planet :-

Pluto in Leo sextile Neptune in Libra (1943)
As children, this generation were raised by mothers who had learned to be independant during the war years....So as adults, they set about dissolving relationships that restricted their personal power (Leo), with women (in particular) leaving marriages in which they were "unhappy but secure"....So, I'd expect Yods involving this sextile to be linked to "personal power in relationships".

Pluto in Virgo sextile Neptune in Scorpio (1957)
As children, this generation were moulded by rock 'n roll/teenage rebellion and sexual freedom.......and, as adults, were intended to break down the taboos (Scorpio) which restrict personal growth (Virgo)...So, I'd expect these Yods to be about that.

Pluto in Libra sextile Neptune in Sagittarius (1971)
As children, this generation were moulded by parents from the Neptune/Pluto "class of '43" (who had passed through the Virgo/Scorpio period as teenagers).....and (I'd guess) their evolutionary role is to "homogenise (Libra) by dissolving religious, educational and cultural barriers (Sagittarius)".

Personally though, I believe the train of evolutionary intent got de-railed here.....because many of those Pluto in Leo parents had become "self-obssessed" (rather than personally empowered).....immersing themselves in their careers and other forms of self-expression, at the expense of time spent with/moulding their children.....and compensating the latter for this neglect by indulging them materially and relaxing parental controls......So the Libra/Sagittarius sextile might also be a generation whose outlook is "harmony (Libra) through having no restraints (Sagittarius)".

Pluto in Scorpio sextile Neptune in Capricorn (1984)
Here in the UK, this was the time when the emerging "Me first" culture was replaced almost overnight with one of "Me only"......An awful time, when government (Capricorn) consisted of hidden agendas (Scorpio) which ensured the left and right hands were unaware of the other's actions (but certain that self-interest was the motivation).......So, my guess is that the generation born and raised during this sextile are here to "transform the Establishment/status quo".....since most will have received a strong message from their parents that "government's cannot be trusted to act in the best interests of the people".

Pluto in Sagittarius sextile Neptune in Aquarius (1999)
Assuming the Scorpio/Capricorn generation succeed in transforming the staus quo, the role of the Sagittarius/Aquarius sextile individuals may be to create a society of equals (Aquarius) that is open and honest (Sagittarius).

In reality though R4VEN, very few people are likely to use these sextiles consciously.......slowing down the evolutionary process until the personal impact of unconscious/generational planets is finally recognised through the "100th monkey" phenomenon.

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In reality though R4VEN, very few people are likely to use these sextiles consciously.......slowing down the evolutionary process until the personal impact of these unconscious/generational planets is finally recognised through the "100th monkey" phenomenon.

Yes, I tend to agree with that. I'm just being optimistic in believing that people work consciously with Yods. Most resist them because they feel painful, and we automatically choose to avoid pain, even to denying it exists.

I'm impressed with your research, EJ, and just hope that some people other than me are reading your posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I consider this to be such important - fundamental - background for all modern astrologers.
Why is it we study history? So we can learn from it, and hopefully not make the same mistakes again. Astrology is no different.
R4VEN said:
.....I'm opening this thread for others to tell their own Neptune-Pluto-???? stories.....but do not overlook the temporary Yod formations, as they can produce struggle, obstacles, and opportunities for complete life turn-around - whether you want this or not.

I do not have a natal Yod, but my Pluto in Leo/11th sextiles Neptune in Libra/1st......creating a very brief Yod period whenever a progressed or transitting planet is exactly at 15 degrees of Pisces......which I'd expect to be about "dissolving a relationship that restricted personal power".

My progressed moon crossed this degree in April 1967 and June 1995.....

...On the first occasion, I was 18; had been in a relationship for 12 months and decided to continue with that rather than pursue my childhood ambition of a career in the Armed Forces....That relationship became a marriage and we celebrate our 40th anniversary in January 2010.....

...On the second occasion, my daughter was living with her husband in a Town which she disliked so much that it was depressing/destroying her....My wife and I decided to let them move in with us and, after a few months, they acquired a home in this area (where she has many friends)...Their marriage broke up 5 years later, because she developed the self-confidence to recognise that she had outgrown it.

From the perspective of working with this Yod consciously or unconsciously, I now have two examples/experiences that can be used to "raise awareness" of how the Leo Pluto/Libra Neptune sextile operates through the individual to achieve it's evolutionary purpose......But, until R4VEN made me think about it on this thread, it was just a (latent) Yod that had been triggered (unconsciously) for two days in a 60 year lifetime.

EJ, thanks for those 2 examples. So clearly points of decision in your life - which is what Yods seem to be about.

I tried that with my own Neptune-Pluto, but didn't raise anything for progressed Moon. Progressed Asc, however, was exactly at 12 degr Pisces when my grandchild was unexpectedly born, and this child has motivated me to become more than I thought I was satisfied with myself being. In other words, he has led me to becoming better than just mediocre.

I know that Yods can also feature in the charts of people in difficult - but inescapable - relationships. Whilst examining the implications of the big new moon in Virgo in a couple of days, I recognised that my son has his Moon 29 deg in Pisces, which forms an exact Yod with his child's grandfather's Neptune-Pluto sextile - itself exact to within 9 mins. They are each experiencing the Yod and have had an extreme reaction to it - perhaps due to each perceiving that the other is the one restricting their personal power. It is clearly evident to me that they are acting out something left incomplete in another lifetime(s). The key - as I read it - is that honesty and truth must prevail. So far, the older guy has managed to get away with misinformation and obfuscation - he is particularly good at that. In the short term he may have `got away with it', but where Yods are involved, eventually untruths are always revealled. I can also see my son's energy lifting as he sticks with an approach which he knows to be right for his child, and it is in concentrating his focus upon that which is important to him that is resulting in a raising of his own sense of empowerment in the situation.

I am witnessing this `battle' with intrigue.
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....I'm just being optimistic in believing that people work consciously with Yods....

With the Neptune/Pluto sextile though, the apex planet personalises the subtlest of the unconscious planetary influences....offering us a rare opportunity to see at first hand how the planets use individuals to shape evolution.....Most will remain completely unaware/unconscious of the Yod influence; some will become aware of it's inluence on their own lives and a few will become conscious of the evolutionary impact.....And, when the few become the "100,000 monkeys", the impersonal planets may become personal...(perhaps as astrology enters the Aquarian Age).

....my son has his Moon 29 deg in Pisces, which forms an exact Yod with his child's grandfather's Neptune-Pluto sextile - itself exact to within 9 mins. They are each experiencing the Yod and have had an extreme reaction to it - perhaps due to each perceiving that the other is the one restricting their personal power. It is clearly evident to me that they are acting out something left incomplete in another lifetime(s). The key - as I read it - is that honesty and truth must prevail.

If the three planets are all at the Anaretic (29th) Degree, both men are able to learn something significant from this (karmic) interaction......It might not seem so (because of the QCXs) but, Grandfather/outer planet is teaching father/inner planet to love unconditionally (Neptune) and to let go (Pluto) of his emotional hang-ups (by making him fight for what he cares about....Moon in Neptune)....However, the older man's anaretic degrees suggest he is here to learn how to compassionately (Neptune) exercise power (pluto) in personal relationships (Leo/Libra)......and your son's moon reflects that back to him.

So, the key might lie in the grandfather's Neptune/Pluto sextile...with the anaretic degrees emphasising the importance of him learning in this lifetime how to balance "personal power in relationships"......and your son's moon lying opposite the balance point, constantly reminding him of his own shortcomings through the "nagging" QCXs.

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...EJ, I think Uranus/Pluto were last together in 1968. In my year, 1967, they were still Conjunct by 3º.

You are correct Haizea.....my dates refer to the time when the conjunctions were exact/at an orb of 0 degrees, so I have amended my comment to reflect this....(Thanks for reading carefully enough to pick it up).

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I have a Yod with the Pluto/Virgo (in the 12th) and Neptune/Scorpio(in the 2nd) sextile. Venus/Aries is the planet completing the Yod.

Venus is the ruler of my chart. And it's retrograde in the 7th house.

I would appreciate anyone's opinion or advice as to how best utilize/become aware of this yod's energies.

....general advice as to how best utilize/become aware of a yod's energies?....

As with any planetary configuration, we become aware of a Yod's energies by reviewing what happened in our life when it was triggered by progressions and/or transits......focusing on conjunctions with the three planets in the Yod (and with the degree opposite the apex planet).... whilst bearing in mind that the most significant events will have occurred when the Yod was triggered simultaneously by both progression and transit....(And of course, this is something that can be done meaningfully only by the chart owner...as it involves accessing memories/experiences which are known only to them).

Having thus identified what happened at the time of each transit, we then have a list of (seemingly) unrelated events which (in fact) are linked by a pattern (or common astrological lesson) that is the key to unlocking/working with our natal Yod's energies.....taking conscious control of planetary forces that we have previously been responding unconsciously to.
I have a Yod with the Pluto/Virgo (in the 12th) and Neptune/Scorpio(in the 2nd) sextile. Retrograde Venus (in Aries/7th) is the planet completing the Yod......and I would appreciate anyone's opinion or advice as to how best utilize/become aware of the energies of this specific Yod...

Here Allie, my approach would be to attempt an initial interpretation of the natal Yod (based on early childhood memories)......perhaps along the lines of "the Virgo/Scorpio sextile is about breaking down those taboos which restrict personal growth; undermine (12th) self-worth (2nd) and hamper self-assertion (Aries) in relationships (7th).....possibly (but not neccessarily) because I was raised to regard the role of females (Venus) as passive".

Then, I'd look at the progressions/transits and "fine-tune" this initial interpretation to reflect events/astrological lessons encountered in your life so far......with the ultimate objective being to clarify the purpose of your Venus in Aries/7th, as that is the individual contribution to the Neptune/Pluto evolutionary process which you can make consciously rather than unconsciously.......[For example, in my interpreation attempt, your conscious role would be to drive home the message that "it's OK for females to be assertive"......putting you at the end of the Virgo/Scorpio generation rather than the begining]

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Grandfather/outer planet is teaching father/inner planet to love unconditionally (Neptune) and to let go (Pluto) of his emotional hang-ups (by making him fight for what he cares about....Moon in Neptune)....However, the older man's anaretic degrees suggest he is here to learn how to compassionately (Neptune) exercise power (pluto) in personal relationships (Leo/Libra)......and your son's moon reflects that back to him.

So, the key might lie in the grandfather's Neptune/Pluto sextile...with the anaretic degrees emphasising the importance of him learning in this lifetime how to balance "personal power in relationships"......and your son's moon lying opposite the balance point, constantly reminding him of his own shortcomings through the "nagging" QCXs.

That's a pretty good summation, EJ.

The Uranus-Saturn opposition is activating father's Moon @ 29 Pisces by opening his heart to his child, and so raising his ability to fight for what he believes is right. He views g/father as domineering, out-of-touch, stuck in a place where he can only act in one way, and that is not working, so he further demands power (over others - anyone who is scared of him, generally his own family members) and has not yet truly seen what the father is doing/being in order to stand his ground.

The section I emboldened seems to be the `sticking point' for the g/father, who feels threatened, believing `it's him or me', and acts totally from that belief. His deep insecurity drives all his behaviour.

Remarkably, the g/father's `stuck stance', where he believes that the loudest voice wins has served to activate a compassionate and gentler side of my son - one which had been shut down since early childhood. Thus, the g/father's behaviour has been a gift - even though the older man considers that all he has to do is hang in there, and he will `win'. There will be no winners in the traditional sense - the father understands this, but not the g/father.
......the g/father's `stuck stance'...has served to activate a compassionate and gentler side of my son - one which had been shut down since early childhood....

Yes.......Moon at 29 Pisces must learn to "nurture the unlovable"/show compassion for the (less spiritually mature) grandfather.

:whistling: I found it!! Woo Hoo...I will read through all this wisdom later this evening as I am having a birthday party for me:biggrin:

this is a Really great Line EJ , "ask not what your Yod means for you, but rather what it can mean for your society/community".

Can't wait to have the time to read ..
Great thread. I have Pluto in Virgo in the 6th and Neptune in Scorpio in the 7th. Ascendant is at 5' 40 Aries so it is a little loose to be the focus point but I have noticed that events are triggered around that point ie venus mars conjunction in May was loosely around that point.
Now what is of interest is Jupiter will join that point next year retrograde then in 2011 Jupiter will travel direct over the point again than Uranus. This will affect a whole generation. Pluto will be squaring that point at 6 degrees Capricorn (which will create an inconjunct to my natal venus/mars in the fifth). This would be the
break down the taboos (Scorpio) which restrict personal growth (Virgo)..
Now for me, as I look back Saturn crossed that point in 1996 and that is when I filed for divorce and began raising my infant daughter and son by myself.
March of 1999 Jupiter crossed that point. There was a lot happening up to that point that involved on going issues with the divorce, allegations against my father that I had to defend against the legal system...
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When looking at this sextile I look back to the conjunction of these planets....The last was on April 30 1892 at 17:32.The previous 6 have all been in the sign of Gemini dating back to 1398 on the 1 July at 18:05...

Hi Jerry,

Do you know the exact degree (and dates) of all the Neptune/Pluto Gemini conjunctions?.......(I can only find them by "trial and error" with my computer program).

The Sabian symbols for the exact degree of these Neptune/Pluto in Gemini conjunctions might also indicate the purpose of the evolutionary cycle :-​

The last exact conjunction of the previous cycle was on 2nd April 1399, at 2.55 degrees......and the Sabian for 3 degrees Gemini is The garden of the Tuileries......symbolising "the self-confidence and authority which come to man through social position and wealth"......Keyword : LUXURY......When positive, it suggests individual satisfaction through creative stability......and, when negative, complete selfishness and a joy in lording it over others.​

The last exact conjuntion of the current cycle was n 30th April 1892, at 7.42 degrees......and the Sabian for 8 degrees Gemini is An industrial strike......symbolising "the need for man to act in his own interests whenever his general situation fails to provide him with the creative outlet he needs, or proves inadequate for his relations with his fellows"......Keyword : PROTEST......When positive, it suggests undeviating self-assertiveness and a refusal to accept "second-best"......and, when negative, a dissatisfaction which surrenders rather than regrasps the self's potential.​

In Europe, the period from 1400 to 1900 saw the end of the feudal system (in which one Nobleman literally "lorded it" over all those living on his land) and the rise of industrialisation (which changed the distribution of wealth and the population, through creative innovations).​

Since 1900, we've seen two World Wars; the creation of the "teenager"; the refusal of individuals to remain in unhappy relationships; equality for women; the blurring of class barriers and so on.......(undeviating self-assertiveness and a refusal to accept second-best)......But, we have also seen the few, like bankers and politicians, asserting their own interests at the expense of the many......So, we must ensure that we do not now unconsciously "surrender rather than regrasp the self's potential".​

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EJ53:Uranus/Neptune were last exactly conjunct in Capricorn (1821).....commencing a cycle of government reform/improved conditions for the masses

My nit-picking Virgo Ascendant reminds me that the last exact Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn occured during the early 1990's.
Exact degree conjunct on 16 April 1992, after which both turned retrograde,
exact conjunct on 19CP33direct during 2nd February 1993, after which they remained in close orb through direct and retrograde motion until Uranus separated during 1994.

From this position and later in Aquarius, they formed the sextile with Pluto
in Scorpio and later Sagittarius.

I can't help thinking of this in terms of, amongst other things, disintegration of barriers, mass cutural/religious migration-integration and Cyberspace.:biggrin:

Frisiangal and JerryRR

Thanks for the help....I have amended my earlier comments accordingly.

I will have to check on that eclipse and its later triggers as that was one of the most critical and 'fated' times in my life.