I have found a really good link about Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node). This link is one of the best references I'd came across so far from research.
Once we understood what Rahu and Ketu represent based on Vedic myth, combine with sign/element of the cusp, ruler of the cusp, interconnections between rulers of cusps... connection with planets and axises (AC, DC, MC & IC), meaning of the houses, any aspects with angular houses etc...I was very surprised how much more information you can dig out!
I look at my transit NN and SN, on significant day for example, the beginning of a relationship such as first day of you started dating a person. A few times, I noted the activation started by NN (exact conjunction with a planet). Because NN and SN represent eclipses, I believe they representing activation of "something" depending on the placement.
Above link provides general information about Moon nodes and the time of their return approximate every 18.6 years. I think it worth looking at any event or people came into your life at those critical times and work out how NN and SN manifest in your own chart. And don't forget when they are up side down such as transit NN conjunct your natal SN.
My own natal SN conjunct Jupiter, Uranus, and IC. Jupiter in 4th house usually represents relatively good family background. Jupiter the expansion in here represents expansion of land and property. My grandfather was a landlord until communist took all his lands. My father's family members are mostly doctor, teachers, high rank army officers and some kind of state governors in ancient time and we have a family tree record of more than one thousand years history. You can also find examples of celebrities with Jupiter conjunct IC and in 4th house, such as Brat Pitt, Rafael Nadal, Heath Ledger.
Without SN, Jupiter in 4th is in great power due to at angular house and at the root of the chart. My understanding is 4th is the strongest angular house because it rules our unconsciousness when the light (sun) at the bottom/the other side of earth.
SN, Ketu the body detached from the head Rahu, has a meaning of detachment. For me, my father was a violent man and I don't have close attachment with family which is also related to the conjunction with Uranus and being in Sagittarius. My drive is more toward religion, philosophy, and physically detached my family before turning 18 years old also encouraged me to seek those understanding. I came to Australia to study and now still working/living here permanently. With SN here, pain and sufferings from family 4th forced me to seek high meaning in life. Because Jupiter in his own sign of Sagittarius are the natural sign and ruler of the 9th and foreigner culture/country. Sagittarius Jupiter is in great power in the root of the chart, the deepest fundamental/unconsciousness side of me is based on these life changing events (study overseas, meeting with foreigners and higher eduction including religion). I had also lived with people from all over the world when I was a student for 7 years Sagittarius=foreigners right at my "home" 4th house. And once again, the natural ruler of the 4th, Moon is in detriment in the sign of Capricorn in 5th, semisquare both Jupiter, IC and SN.
SN (detachment) with Uranus (unpredictable, instability), I had moved home many times when I was a child and during study in Australia (I am truly sick of moving home...). Jupiter is the tradition ruler of Pisces and also rules over modern ruler of Neptune (Neptune in Sagittarius in 4th with Jupiter & Uranus so therefore is also ruled by Jupiter), I had married to a foreigner in the past and divorced we can consider influences from both Uranus and SN; my own parents were also divorced. As the result of this event, another spiritual and personality growth, a Real Major Landmark.