Your "Destiny" & the North Node

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ehhh........ voodoo doll is used for controlling others (as far as i know) and how does that give determination to u ?

*scratches his head*

YOU shall become my homework, workout slave.... excersize my limbs for me! *throws her deadweight on you 500 pounds of glory
well 1st lol voodoo aint working honey ,
2nd I wouldnt mind doing the deadweights to save my GLORY ! :p
I have kind of mixed up message from nodes. SN in Cancer(Cancer=emotions) in 9th house but conjunct MC /1 deegre/ ( career) and my NN is in Capricorn( career) in 3rd house in 1 degree conjunction with IC(family):whistling:
I have kind of mixed up message from nodes. SN in Cancer(Cancer=emotions) in 9th house but conjunct MC /1 deegre/ ( career) and my NN is in Capricorn( career) in 3rd house in 1 degree conjunction with IC(family):whistling:

Hm do you find comfort in religion or ideology by any chance? My guess is that you naturally throw a lot of your emotional energy (cancer) into a religion (9th house) to understand sentimental experiences you may have...
And with your NN in the 3rd house, Capricorn - you may find real answers by communicating (3rd house) with others directly. Instead of relying on a God or divine entity to solve your problems, you will have to be more assertive and willing to discuss your problems with others. In other words, be more responsible (Capricorn) instead of letting "God answer your prayers."
Just a thought, not a professional interpretation by all means...
You should do it! I came back several months later and people would say I was glowing! They also said I came back a different person since then. It will be a very rewarding experience, it was tough because it was hard work but it made me a lot stronger inside. I wish you luck!

It's done! :biggrin:

Heading off to Europe in a couple of months on my own.. scarey, but at the same time i feel invigorated to be doing something so far beyond my comfort zone. After having to experience the sudden death of a dear friend over the weekend, i realised how quick life can pass you by.. and every opportunity that presents itself should be taken.
It's done! :biggrin:

Heading off to Europe in a couple of months on my own.. scarey, but at the same time i feel invigorated to be doing something so far beyond my comfort zone. After having to experience the sudden death of a dear friend over the weekend, i realised how quick life can pass you by.. and every opportunity that presents itself should be taken.

My condolenses in regardes of your dear friends passing. I am also happy you decided to do it!!!!! Jealous! That is amazing may your journey be insightful, joyous, protected and may your perception be expanded! oxoxoox NN Powa!
I am so confused by this! My north node is in 5th house in aquarius, and my south node is in 11th in leo. The houses are totally opposite of the signs. So what can be the purpose of NN in Aquarius in house naturally ruled by Leo? On what way i can work on humanity, eccentric behavior and unusual ideas in area of love relations, children and creativity. I can't do this in area of art because i am not very artistic and creative unfortunately, so i can't bring any new concepts there :(
I have found a really good link about Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node). This link is one of the best references I'd came across so far from research.

Once we understood what Rahu and Ketu represent based on Vedic myth, combine with sign/element of the cusp, ruler of the cusp, interconnections between rulers of cusps... connection with planets and axises (AC, DC, MC & IC), meaning of the houses, any aspects with angular houses etc...I was very surprised how much more information you can dig out!

I look at my transit NN and SN, on significant day for example, the beginning of a relationship such as first day of you started dating a person. A few times, I noted the activation started by NN (exact conjunction with a planet). Because NN and SN represent eclipses, I believe they representing activation of "something" depending on the placement.

Above link provides general information about Moon nodes and the time of their return approximate every 18.6 years. I think it worth looking at any event or people came into your life at those critical times and work out how NN and SN manifest in your own chart. And don't forget when they are up side down such as transit NN conjunct your natal SN.

My own natal SN conjunct Jupiter, Uranus, and IC. Jupiter in 4th house usually represents relatively good family background. Jupiter the expansion in here represents expansion of land and property. My grandfather was a landlord until communist took all his lands. My father's family members are mostly doctor, teachers, high rank army officers and some kind of state governors in ancient time and we have a family tree record of more than one thousand years history. You can also find examples of celebrities with Jupiter conjunct IC and in 4th house, such as Brat Pitt, Rafael Nadal, Heath Ledger.

Without SN, Jupiter in 4th is in great power due to at angular house and at the root of the chart. My understanding is 4th is the strongest angular house because it rules our unconsciousness when the light (sun) at the bottom/the other side of earth.

SN, Ketu the body detached from the head Rahu, has a meaning of detachment. For me, my father was a violent man and I don't have close attachment with family which is also related to the conjunction with Uranus and being in Sagittarius. My drive is more toward religion, philosophy, and physically detached my family before turning 18 years old also encouraged me to seek those understanding. I came to Australia to study and now still working/living here permanently. With SN here, pain and sufferings from family 4th forced me to seek high meaning in life. Because Jupiter in his own sign of Sagittarius are the natural sign and ruler of the 9th and foreigner culture/country. Sagittarius Jupiter is in great power in the root of the chart, the deepest fundamental/unconsciousness side of me is based on these life changing events (study overseas, meeting with foreigners and higher eduction including religion). I had also lived with people from all over the world when I was a student for 7 years Sagittarius=foreigners right at my "home" 4th house. And once again, the natural ruler of the 4th, Moon is in detriment in the sign of Capricorn in 5th, semisquare both Jupiter, IC and SN.

SN (detachment) with Uranus (unpredictable, instability), I had moved home many times when I was a child and during study in Australia (I am truly sick of moving home...). Jupiter is the tradition ruler of Pisces and also rules over modern ruler of Neptune (Neptune in Sagittarius in 4th with Jupiter & Uranus so therefore is also ruled by Jupiter), I had married to a foreigner in the past and divorced we can consider influences from both Uranus and SN; my own parents were also divorced. As the result of this event, another spiritual and personality growth, a Real Major Landmark.
North Node Pisces in 5th .... hello, Moog.

The NN kicked in for me about age 30, roughly, when I started studying spiritual stuff. I've seen some clients who have the NN sort of dormant well into adulthood, also. Don't know if that's "normal".

Have had LOTS of Pisces folk in my life (but I have Jupiter in Pisces also, and I think they're attracted to that). Was never the picky, worrying Virgo type (even with Sun in Virgo), but I have relaxed a lot over the years, have become less of a materialist, and possibly (my husband thinks so) less practical. Probably more compassionate now than when I was a feckless young person. Used to want to know EVERYTHING... Nowadays, I'm perfectly clueless about life, and it doesn't bother me a bit. (Don't know, don't care about "past lives", for instance; think the karma part may have more to do with early childhood.... these are the nodes of the MOON we're talking about.)

A decade ago, I gave up my PR/ad business, let my husband support us, and started working part-time as a helper to elderly and disabled people, mostly shut-ins living alone. Golly, if that ain't Pisces North Node at work, I don't know what is.

PS: Schulman's book is very biased against the SN. I didn't find it very relevant.

PPS: Rodden (AA rating) shows Van Gogh with NN in Gemini in his 12th (Placidus houses); SN conjunct Jupiter in Sag.
I have found a really good link about Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node). This link is one of the best references I'd came across so far from research.

Once we understood what Rahu and Ketu represent based on Vedic myth, combine with sign/element of the cusp, ruler of the cusp, interconnections between rulers of cusps... connection with planets and axises (AC, DC, MC & IC), meaning of the houses, any aspects with angular houses etc...I was very surprised how much more information you can dig out!

Idk I don't subscribe that Rahu is necessary evil/malefic like most vedic astrologers do. I look at it at having the propensity to make matters WORSE so you can change the direction...for example if you have a drug addiction and you enter a Rahu dasa or significant Rahu transit, then you may be thrown out of wherever you are and forced to engage in prostitution or have a drug overdose due to insatiability which all will lead to getting better. Rahu pushes us to where we should be going, it doesn't destroy the path. But Rahu is not very gentle.
North Node Pisces in 5th .... hello, Moog.

The NN kicked in for me about age 30, roughly, when I started studying spiritual stuff. I've seen some clients who have the NN sort of dormant well into adulthood, also. Don't know if that's "normal".

Have had LOTS of Pisces folk in my life (but I have Jupiter in Pisces also, and I think they're attracted to that). Was never the picky, worrying Virgo type (even with Sun in Virgo), but I have relaxed a lot over the years, have become less of a materialist, and possibly (my husband thinks so) less practical. Probably more compassionate now than when I was a feckless young person. Used to want to know EVERYTHING... Nowadays, I'm perfectly clueless about life, and it doesn't bother me a bit. (Don't know, don't care about "past lives", for instance; think the karma part may have more to do with early childhood.... these are the nodes of the MOON we're talking about.)

A decade ago, I gave up my PR/ad business, let my husband support us, and started working part-time as a helper to elderly and disabled people, mostly shut-ins living alone. Golly, if that ain't Pisces North Node at work, I don't know what is.

PS: Schulman's book is very biased against the SN. I didn't find it very relevant.

PPS: Rodden (AA rating) shows Van Gogh with NN in Gemini in his 12th (Placidus houses); SN conjunct Jupiter in Sag.

Actually, SN Ketu in Vedic:

"Ketu brings spirituality on to people by making them suffer. It is almost as if Ketu creates so many disasters in a person's life, that one has no choice but to turn to the Divine for help and solace."

SN surely brings negativity into a person's life but SN is the SEED of NN, the foundation of the highest goal but then if badly placed NN is negative obsession of any kind which includes drugs addiction.

NN and SN don't rule any sign. But they have their own exaltation. I remember NN usually functions the best in Gemini or Virgo because they belongs to Mercury; so the obsession is under control by the mind with more logical thinkings.

I remember that SN functioning the best in Sagittarius because Sagittarius itself rules over high education, religion, philosophy. By nature Sagittarius is relatively happy, bright and childlike sign and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter which brings optimism to the sad sad SN.
Idk I don't subscribe that Rahu is necessary evil/malefic like most vedic astrologers do. I look at it at having the propensity to make matters WORSE so you can change the direction...for example if you have a drug addiction and you enter a Rahu dasa or significant Rahu transit, then you may be thrown out of wherever you are and forced to engage in prostitution or have a drug overdose due to insatiability which all will lead to getting better. Rahu pushes us to where we should be going, it doesn't destroy the path. But Rahu is not very gentle.

Yes, I think it will be interesting to look at transit of nodes when ex-drug addicted overcame their obsession and turned into spiritual master/became the best inspiring person for current drug addict undergoing rehab.

Same thing like criminal in the jail leading teaching program for high school kids how regret he really is and convince them not to commit to crime. I beg their NN and SN at reverse positions or transit to some particular houses that help these people to breakthrough.
I have NN in Aquarius 1st house. I'm still having issues with my 7th house SN because I try to do everybody a favour, leaving my own will and yet I want to be noticed. I prefer not to speak up, yet be the centre of attention due to whatever others expect from me. It's hard to finally follow my gut, but slowly realizing how my sister surpassed me in attention (her Sun conjuncts my SN) I had to take my fiance's advice on finally do my thing with equals on a much different background than I was used to. Hmm...
*Just my personal experience*

South node in Aries 8th house/North node in Libra 2nd house...
I agree with astrologers who believe that much of a chart can be condensed to these placemants. I know that I am a strong person who can weather all storms alone and be the warrior in life. I find what the "other" values as being as important to me (or more) than what I value. I feel that with the nodes on the 2nd/ 8th axis, it is a journey to establish personal values, and protect them...add in libra/ life has unfolded beautifully the more people that I am including in that. The more healthy relationships I have that respond to and cultivate my core values, the more fulfilling my life. My south node is not at all "bad", I love that I am couragous and strong, but tenderness and vulnerability is what makes me grow.
and lets not forget rationality and balance. In short, I think the nodes are extremely important in personal growth...and to speak to your nodes, I feel there may be a lot of creativity there, good luck!

same here (pluto/nn conj. in 2nd opposing chiron/sn conj. in 8th)
a lifetime quest to define and penetrate the truth of my values rather than to accept values that are borrowed from others.
this usually comes down to materialism and the rejection of ideas that my career, my mate, my address, education, etc. should somehow define me, rather than seeking my own definitions of who i am.
I've read this kind of stuff from books, too, but reading something doesn't necessarily make it so.

It doesn't require sadness, suffering, disasters, and so on for a person to move along the continuum from SN to NN.... just a little age and experience. That's all. No hocus pocus.

Your comments about the NN functioning better in some signs than in others doesn't really ring true to me, either.

Actually, SN Ketu in Vedic:

"Ketu brings spirituality on to people by making them suffer. It is almost as if Ketu creates so many disasters in a person's life, that one has no choice but to turn to the Divine for help and solace."

SN surely brings negativity into a person's life but SN is the SEED of NN, the foundation of the highest goal but then if badly placed NN is negative obsession of any kind which includes drugs addiction.

NN and SN don't rule any sign. But they have their own exaltation. I remember NN usually functions the best in Gemini or Virgo because they belongs to Mercury; so the obsession is under control by the mind with more logical thinkings.

I remember that SN functioning the best in Sagittarius because Sagittarius itself rules over high education, religion, philosophy. By nature Sagittarius is relatively happy, bright and childlike sign and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter which brings optimism to the sad sad SN.
I've read this kind of stuff from books, too, but reading something doesn't necessarily make it so.

It doesn't require sadness, suffering, disasters, and so on for a person to move along the continuum from SN to NN.... just a little age and experience. That's all. No hocus pocus.

Your comments about the NN functioning better in some signs than in others doesn't really ring true to me, either.

Hm, those are the materials I found that actually describe my NN and SN well and I have described their functions in my chart in the previous reply. But to see the actual functions of nodes in your chart perhaps need to look back to your previous events to see their actual manifestation, individually.

For example, Mars, Saturn and Uranus are three malefic that people fear of them a lot of time. But as we all know they all have positive meanings depending on how they manifest. So as the benefic Venus and Jupiter can also give you overindulgent, diabetes and expansion of your waist...All these will depending on the chart as a whole..

My feeling of SN is highly likely related to the conjunction with Jupiter in my chart obviously much expanded version of SN in 4th the deepest side of me which also influenced me how I see SN because that is how SN behaved in my chart.

To be objective and fair, if those descriptions don't work for you that is practically normal because if we only need one cookbook why are we still here sharing information that we found from researches? And why still a lot of Vedic astrologer post those descriptions online to teach? I say, because every planet so as each node has multiple meanings in different layers. At the end, we need to interpret the whole chart and consider the psychological impact on a person's personality development according to their age and background therefore their direction of life, destiny (for example, being in India from a royal family of course will have a different culture background to USA regular household that we must include as part of the chart interpretation).

I have also found articles about Ketu/SN classified as the achievements, abilities or hidden talents that we had already achieved or to be born with (existing since the beginning of the physical form of life) from the previous life. Something that we do not need to work to achieve anymore, which is something that we feel comfortable with because no effort required. Rahu/NN is the focus of this life time, something we value and love but we must work on it to achieve the fulfillment of this life time. In a way, Ketu is an area that we must abandon to achieve the goal in Rahu which is why I mentioned Ketu as the Seed of Rahu. The way Rahu and Ketu opposition in the chart is similar to AC/DC and MC/IC, they carry opposition meanings of each other but then can only survive as a pair.
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