Your Favorite Astrology Sites

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wow!! there's really a lot of sites here. don't need to google it any more, lol
thanks for sharing the information guys :D

Lots of well-written articles on these two sites. Of particular interest at C.U.R.A. is Dennis Rawlins' article sTARBABY reprinted from Fate Magazine, an inside account of PSICOP's embarrassingly inept and dishonest attempts to debunk the well-known Gauquelin "Mars effect" research. Rawlins, a skeptic of the paranormal, provides a damning account of the increasingly desperate attempts of the triumverate of philosopher Paul Kurtz, astronomer George Abell and statistician Marvin Zelen to discredit Gauquelin, showing that they were not so much interested in the truth of the matter as in protecting at all costs their "position" that astrology is superstitious nonsense.
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For book reviews, I like Dave Roell's Although his ultimate goal is to sell books, he has a very impartial perspective and doesn't shy away from being sharply critical where it's justified. He also has some fairly exhaustive listings of the "best" books in the various branches of astrology. Worth looking at if you're buying.
Sorry this is more of a question but what is the best double sign (western and chinese) site that analyzes compatibility with other double signs? I find that just focusing on western or chinese astrology, without combining the two, doesn't really provide an accurate analysis.

On a side note, the best daily readings I've ever come across for accuracy are
Astrology Scope is a 3D natal chart designed with Adobe Flash Player. The chart itself is fully interactive with a side menu to change house systems, location, time and date of birth. It's pretty nifty :joyful: Unfortunately, I prefer the Whole house system but Equal, Placidus, and Porphyry are the only options. I suppose the true value stems from the actual design and graphic interface than the information gained, which is very minimal to be honest. There is a "Solar System" tab at the top right of the screen. I always found the concept of "planets in signs" somewhat confusing especially when I read that Sagittarius can be seen in August when it is associated with late November and December this scope kinda clears it up. By targeting Earth and dragging the cursor to face other planets, you can view the constellations in the background. I'm a visual learner what can I say haha.