Your Rising Sign and Your Mother's Moon

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Here are some correlations I just thought of concerning family signs...

My father and I have moon in scorpio...

My daughter and I have venus in scorpio...

My husband has venus in capricorn(I'm a sun cap) and I have venus in scorpio(he's a sun scorpio)....I guess that would mean something? Although our marriage is highly highly karmic:rolleyes: , he has scorpio rising too may I add.:cool: Very hot tempered and moody, addictive personality(gambling) and I should mention also that he has moon in cancer.(top three are water signs:eek:). My daughter is a Libra who strives for balance and harmony and boy is that a problem with us right now, God help us...I'm trying not to let her see how messed up this marriage is.(not sure how long it's going to last, I'm at my WITS end!!!)

My mother, father, and I are all earth sun signs, I'm a cap sun, Father is a Taurus sun, mother is a virgo sun. My mother remarried a man who's birthday is the same as my father's (May 9). So yes, I do have some correlations here but not in regards to moon/ascendant.
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Rising - Unknown (was told born midnite so that would be VIRGO)
Sun - Sag
Moon - Gem
Merc - Sag
Venus - Scorp
Mars - Leo

Rising - Unknown (dunno the guy)
Sun - Gem
Moon - Gem
Merc - Gem
Venus - Can
Mars - Tar

Sun - Scorp
Moon - Pisces
Merc - Scorp
Venus - Libra
Mars - Virg
I've also read that sagittariouses are almost always wanted children. Is that true?[/quote]

Hey Momento Mori, I am a Sagittarius, and I think I was wanted, in the beginning! So's my husband and I think that it's the same thing for him too, in the beginning, then our Dad's left. You, know, his mom is a Sag and her Dad left too!
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There's no denying links in family charts. I think rather than saying something is as specific as your mothers' moon and your rising sign will be the the 20 years I've done this...what I've found is that there will be links...but not necessarily that one.

My mother is an Aquarian with a Leo Moon. Her mother was a Scorpio.

Now then...I am a "natural" birth...BUT...I am a Virgo with a Moon in 11th House stellium...and a Scorpio Rising Sign.

My children are all c-section babies...and here's what's interesting about that. Although the times weren't planned for the oldest and youngest have Cancer Rising Signs at 2 degrees and at 4 middle child has hers in Taurus.

My paternal great grandfather and grandfather...both had their natal sun located at 4 degrees Cancer and 3 degrees Taurus, respectively.

My paternal grandfather has his moon in Cancer.

My paternal grandmother had a Pisces Rising sign...I have natal Neptune in the first house. Her natal Mars is in a tight opposition to my Scorpio Ascendant at 4 degrees Taurus. There are so many links between their charts, mine and my children...that they're too numerous to list here.

The point here is...families are linked whether the birth is natural or by c section. If you read "Astrology Karma and Transformation" by Stephen might enjoy learning more about how we all have a distinct purpose and plan when we come into this life...and there are choices made, that include free will...but the obstacles presented are part of a greater to speak.

We are where we're supposed to be.
My Sun sign is my mother's Moon sign and my rising sign is my father's Sun sign.

My mother's rising sign is her father's (i.e. my grandfather's) Sun sign.

My father's rising sign is his mother's (i.e. my grandmother's) Sun sign.

So in my family's case the rising sign is the Sun sign of the parent of the opposite sex...
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This rings true for me.

I am an only child and I was a natural birth.

My mom's moon is in Aries at 0 degrees! I've always considered my ASC to be Pisces (it fits my personality better than Aries) I know that my birth was between a 10 minute range (6:30-6:40pm more or less)and that gives me either late Pisces or Aries.

so who knows? Maybe I am really an Aries Asc :rolleyes:
FleetingDasein said:
This rings true for me.

I am an only child and I was a natural birth.

My mom's moon is in Aries at 0 degrees! I've always considered my ASC to be Pisces (it fits my personality better than Aries) I know that my birth was between a 10 minute range (6:30-6:40pm more or less)and that gives me either late Pisces or Aries.

so who knows? Maybe I am really an Aries Asc :rolleyes:

only pictures will tell. POST EM!
Oh yeah, and my mother has mercury in Leo, and I have Leo rising, does that mean anything?:confused: Sorry I seem so oblivious to astrology, I just can't devote TOO much time into learning aspects and configurations at the moment, unfortunately. I'd love to though.

Edit: I'm copying and pasting my previous post because I'm curious if any of the following correlations have some kind of meaning.

Here are some correlations I just thought of concerning family signs...

My father and I have moon in scorpio...

My daughter and I have venus in scorpio...

My husband has venus in capricorn(I'm a sun cap) and I have venus in scorpio(he's a sun scorpio)....I guess that would mean something? Although our marriage is highly highly karmic:rolleyes: , he has scorpio rising too may I add.:cool: Very hot tempered and moody, addictive personality(gambling) and I should mention also that he has moon in cancer.(top three are water signs:eek:). My daughter is a Libra who strives for balance and harmony and boy is that a problem with us right now, God help us...I'm trying not to let her see how messed up this marriage is.(not sure how long it's going to last, I'm at my WITS end!!!)

My mother, father, and I are all earth sun signs, I'm a cap sun, Father is a Taurus sun, mother is a virgo sun. My mother remarried a man who's birthday is the same as my father's (May 9). So yes, I do have some correlations here but not in regards to moon/ascendant.
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I don't think that anyone means to ignore you, Astrocurious, but it's difficult to state anything decisively without seeing the charts.

And as for all-pervading question in astrology and in life (i.e. "Does this mean anything?"), my opinion is that where you look for meaning, you will find meaning.

In other words, everything is meaningful if you believe it is meaningful :)

The Moon in astrology tends to have a more intimate relationship with the mother than Mercury, but I believe it is significant in other ways that your Ascendant is in the same sign as your mother's natal Mercury--especially if Mercury is conjunct your Ascendant.

You may be particularly influenced by your mother's thoughts and opinions, especially if your natal Moon has any contact with Mercury or the planet that rules your tenth house--the traditional house associated with the mother.

My father and I have moon in scorpio...

I'm not sure exactly how common this phenomenon is, but I've noticed examples in my family in which a child seems to "inherit" a specific astrological placement from one or both of his parents; my brother and my father both have a Capricorn Moon, for example, and we've both "inherited" yod configurations from our father. If you believe in reincarnation, you may find it helpful to think of it as an expression of family karma, of the types of characteristics and challenges the soul has agreed to undertake in order to have certain experiences and learn certain lessons.

My daughter and I have venus in scorpio...

I believe this is particularly significant because Venus as you know is a feminine planet, and although it has been suggested that women may have a stronger connection to their natal Moon and Venus placements than their natal Sun and Mars placements, Venus does not find its optimal expression in Scorpio--it is the sign of Venus' detriment. My mother has this placement and possibly a Scorpio Moon as well, so this adds a certain intensity to planetary influences that are not generally regarded as intense. Scorpio is a Mars-ruled sign, although it is also a feminine sign; there always seems to be an inner war between the opposing forces in such a placement.

I fear I have wandered farther away from the topic that I had originally intended, but I didn't want to think we were ignoring you...

Arian Maverick

P.S. I'm in the same boat as you, FleetingDasein, and I too resonate more strongly with a Pisces Ascendant than an Aries Ascendant, perhaps because any more Aries in my natal chart would be overkill. If you don't mind, I'd really like for you to join us in the thread The Prenatal Epoch because I'm curious if this method will also give you a Pisces Ascendant.
Another great book related to the issues of family karma is the Astrology of Family Dynamics by Erin Sullivan. I read it over the past summer and it really revolutionized my worldview once I started examining my family members charts and comparing them to my own. It was amazing.

Here's the book description copied from

Book Description
Erin Sullivan's latest book is a breakthrough both in astrology and psychology. The Astrology of Family Dynamics makes for gripping reading and shows us that astrology is the only system that demonstrates the complexities of the family as an organic whole, the family's place in the collective, and the role an individual plays in carrying on the ancestral line. Sullivan writes with compassion and accuracy, weaving together various methods of analyzing and working with individuals and their families. She discusses the cardinal, fixed, and mutable signs as they affect families, shows how elements work as a family dynamic, tracks core themes in families using planetary positions and aspects, and explains the 4th, 8th, and 12th houses as our ancestral base.

Essentially what I realized from this book is that we essentially ARE our families, and our families ARE us. We are all just permutations of energy patterns passed through time. Maybe that's old news to some people, but it seemed revolutionary to me.

For example: in my chart, I have an Aquarius Ascendant and my Gemini Moon is in the 5th house conjunct Jupiter in Cancer. My mom is a Gemini Sun with a Moon conjunct Uranus in Cancer. Its almost a parallel. We have an awesome relationship and are clearly soul mates here to work together throughout the lifespan. We've known this for years. We are best friends.

Thats the Moon-Mother-Ascendant connection there.

I have an Aries Sun/Pluto in Libra opposition on the 2nd/8th axis.
My dad has an Aquarius Mars/Pluto in Leo opposition on the 2/8th axis. His Pluto is directly conjunct my Mars in Leo, square my Sun, oppose my Mars. There was violence between us. And that violence was my fathers inheritance from his father, who inherited it from his father and so on and on into the past.... So this clearly is where my karmic work is centered.

The patterns of family dynamics are truly fascinating, once you sit down and pick through them, and realize the same forces are repeating themselves and changing with every new generation. Looking at the patterns really helped give a mental "order" to the dynamics I felt very overwhelmed by in real life.
Its worth researching.
geez sidereal, thats spooky!

i have avoided this thread because my mum died years ago and i know nothing about her chart.....but i am bored so i looked at this thread.

My moon is in cap and my sons rising is cap..........he was a natural birth....isnt that bizarre........

the question remains though that all siblings in a family are unlikely to have the same rising sign........not sure though but i doubt it.
Arian Maverick said:
I don't think that anyone means to ignore you, Astrocurious, but it's difficult to state anything decisively without seeing the charts.

And as for all-pervading question in astrology and in life (i.e. "Does this mean anything?"), my opinion is that where you look for meaning, you will find meaning.

In other words, everything is meaningful if you believe it is meaningful :)

The Moon in astrology tends to have a more intimate relationship with the mother than Mercury, but I believe it is significant in other ways that your Ascendant is in the same sign as your mother's natal Mercury--especially if Mercury is conjunct your Ascendant.

You may be particularly influenced by your mother's thoughts and opinions, especially if your natal Moon has any contact with Mercury or the planet that rules your tenth house--the traditional house associated with the mother.

I'm not sure exactly how common this phenomenon is, but I've noticed examples in my family in which a child seems to "inherit" a specific astrological placement from one or both of his parents; my brother and my father both have a Capricorn Moon, for example, and we've both "inherited" yod configurations from our father. If you believe in reincarnation, you may find it helpful to think of it as an expression of family karma, of the types of characteristics and challenges the soul has agreed to undertake in order to have certain experiences and learn certain lessons.

I believe this is particularly significant because Venus as you know is a feminine planet, and although it has been suggested that women may have a stronger connection to their natal Moon and Venus placements than their natal Sun and Mars placements, Venus does not find its optimal expression in Scorpio--it is the sign of Venus' detriment. My mother has this placement and possibly a Scorpio Moon as well, so this adds a certain intensity to planetary influences that are not generally regarded as intense. Scorpio is a Mars-ruled sign, although it is also a feminine sign; there always seems to be an inner war between the opposing forces in such a placement.

I fear I have wandered farther away from the topic that I had originally intended, but I didn't want to think we were ignoring you...

Arian Maverick

P.S. I'm in the same boat as you, FleetingDasein, and I too resonate more strongly with a Pisces Ascendant than an Aries Ascendant, perhaps because any more Aries in my natal chart would be overkill. If you don't mind, I'd really like for you to join us in the thread The Prenatal Epoch because I'm curious if this method will also give you a Pisces Ascendant.
Okay...I just thought maybe I wasn't ready for the advanced part of astrology and that's why I wasn't getting responses:p ...Thanks AM.
Someone told me that the ascendent represents the grandmother and the descendant the grandfather( or the other way around maybe?) My ascendant and moon are in Leo and my grandmother was a Leo.I dont have my mother's chart, but I can definately see some Leo in her.
4leafclovah said:
Someone told me that the ascendent represents the grandmother and the descendant the grandfather( or the other way around maybe?) My ascendant and moon are in Leo and my grandmother was a Leo.I dont have my mother's chart, but I can definately see some Leo in her.
One of my grandmothers is a Libra and the other is a ascendant is grandfather however(one of them) was a Leo, my other grandfather died when my father was 10 so I at the moment, don't know his birthdate.
Hi- In regard to ascendant/descendent relating to grandparents, the logic to this.
If one read a Natal using derived houses, the mothers mother would be the tenth from the tenth- that is, the seventh (descendent).
The fathers mother would be the tenth from the fourth-the ascendant...
The sign on the cusp of either of those points may bear no relationship to the actual sign of the person- but the rulers of those signs may in fact describe them better...
My mothers mother is represented by my cap gran was a sun/libra (curiously, HER mother was a sun capricorn)
Cheers Lillyjgc
My mothers moon is Aries conjunct my venus in aries but my rising is Libra so dunno in some respect it's making an aspect to my rising...

My daughter even though placing her for adoption she has taurus moon and taurus rising conjunct each other and it's conjunct my Sun.
The link between my mothers moon (Capricorn) is not the same as my Leo ASC.

We do have links with sun conjunct saturn, and jupiter conjunct ASC but thats about it! We dont get on at all, in fact she said to me (and I remember this) that when I was 5 I asked my dad if we could swap her for another mother preferably Anita Harris for those of you that are old enough hahaha!
This could be true & not necessarily for naural births!

I am an Aries with Gemini Asc & my mom's Moon is in Gemini. I was born Caesarian (had the chord around the neck so had to get out quick!) :38: I am the eldest & my brother was born C section just over 1 year later, he is a Sagittarius with Aries Asc. My mom is an Aries as well with Cap Asc & my dad was (now deceased) a Capricorn (mom's Asc?)