Everyone who has Uranus conjunct their Descendant

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Great. Wonderful !!! Knowing Uranus at 7th helped you - harnessing it is greatness.
Wow!!!! so many planets on the descendant, in a stellium I take it. WIthin about 3 degrees.??? Pluto in the 7th also is very significant and indicates major transformations. What you describe with lovers etc belongs to the 5th house and not the 7th.
From where I am from, marriages are usually for life.
I have found that uranus causes broken marriages. The person having uranus in his 7th being the cause of the same.

But if uranus in 7th is along with saturn, then things are a bit different.

Uranus alone in 7th is not a good indication for long term marriage.

My experiences as above.
This post just became relevant, thanks for sharing. BUT YOU WILL ALL WANT TO HEAR THIS!!

I have relocated to Bali for the period between 28th May & 3rd August 2016, for the purpose of Yoga training & to take a YTT200 cert. Uha!!

but check this, it aint the whole truth, I came out here for the purpose of 'feeling out' a Gemini Ascendant, stuffing that 'headache making' Chiron into 12th for a bit, :devil: making Messenger god (mercury) new ruler, ++ He be in my 3rd :pPP---, with Venus now right on the IC -- oh yeah, i superpackaged my hols to be the perfect chart right, Ascendant makes a nice 2*sextile with Sun in 3rd, sextile with my moon in 10th -- never felt like such a social butterfly, Juno in 11th trine Merc, trine Neptune, supertrianglin'

--but i'm married, it's not easy...

I have considered divorce more than 30 times in the last 34 days, wow, after working so hard to actually tie the knot in the first place.

Venus aint happy, she wants to bring all her beautiful new friends home -- seriously, guys and girls, WTF, wife wanna cut me up into tiny pieces? I feel so free to be myself..
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Retrograde Uranus (0°46' in Sag).
Scorpio 29° Dsc.
Sun 26° in Cancer.

Very bad.
Half of the life passed still no relationship.
I have Cancer ASC, Sun in Scorpio and Uranus in the 7th, conjunct Neptune and NN. Venus and Jupiter trine Uranus and Mars sextiles it.

My experience with relationships is that ALL my partners had planets in Aquarius (especially Mars and Venus), my current partner is heavily Uranian and somewhat Neptunian and yes, quite unpredictable. But I'm intrigued by these people. Of course, I also love Neptunian girls.

I always needed an independent partner since I need a lot of space and alone time to do my things and cultivate my passions. I also get bored quickly if the relationship isn't stimulating anymore and I tend to have a wandering eye with other girls and my GF is OK with it (she also has this wandering eye). I believe sex is purely a pleasure act unless you LOVE the person you are having sex with (Scorpio stellium), therefore, not only I love an open relationship sexually-wise, but I think I need it. I've never "cheated" although if my partner is OK with it (of course she has the same freedom to do it) I have no problem doing that.

Intelligent, sarcastic and original people attract me very much, although sometimes I'm irritated by the excessive idealism, uranian stubborness and "airy" thoughts that are seemingly impossible to be made real. My DSC in Capricorn needs some pragmatism.

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