how is your Ascendant and how were you born?

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I have a leo ascendent. sagitarius decante.
I was born with Jaundice, and had to be kept at the hospital for a while, in something like an incubator, under the bright lights.
I don't really have any interesting aspects to my asc. other then a wide moon conj.
and a few other aspects to it like sextile pluto, sextile mars, trine neptune, trine midheaven.

I havent really chased down what might have caused it.
Hi Jag,
Great thread.

I have 4th H Venus, 5th H Uranus and Pluto square my Gemini Asc. Neither I nor my mother was in any hurry to get me born. My mom was out shopping when her labor came. Despite urging from a sister who was with her, she refused to go to the hospital until her water broke. She said she knew I wasn't ready. Then I was slow in coming. My big head became stuck (even though I was the third child). I was a forcepts delivery. Poor mom- I don't think they gave her any pain medications.

From my looks and body-type, I would say I was meant to have a Taurean Asc., but I do have the restless, information gathering mind of a Gemini. Also long arms and large, sensitive hands.
I find this quite interesting.
My asc is 23 degrees libra, with neptune conj. in the 1th. on 28 degr.
I was born with water in my lounges, and was given an oxygen mask for the first 24 hours of my new life.
I was also 2-3 weeks late and my mother told me it was a hard labor giving birth.
Other aspects to asc: sun in square in the, jupiter-uranus (conj.) square from A t-square in other words. mercury is part of this in a wide conj. with sun, and makes a square to neptune. Finally Chiron is making an accurate square to neptune. (conj. mercury)
I guess you can say it indicates hard labo(u)r. ;-)
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capricorn, aries rising, mars conjunct asc. in 0 degrees taurus (I was born on the day mars changed, and if I'd been born about 6 or 7 hours later my sun would be in aquarius). moon in cancer, also born on the day the moon changed. sun square mars and asc, moon sextile mars, mars trine saturn and uranus. My dad says I was born "right on time" basically, don't know how difficult of a birth I was, all I know is that there's a picture in my baby book of "mom being swen up by the doctor" and I know for a fact she didn't have a c-section so I'm not sure what happened there. also according to my baby book I kept getting fevers during the first year of my life, and since my mars is heavily aspected and my asc. is aries that seems about right :-D.

i am not too crazy about the whole entire idea of this thread.

here is why

if you were born with the same asce say hmm 200 years ago, you woudl have had A LOT LOT less chances to survive. there werent pain killers, knowledgeable doctors, surgeons and etc

mortality rate was SUPER HIGH. people were having kids as often as they could because of fear of famine, children were dying at a very young age. WHy even go that far?
my grandma had 7 kids .. only 3 daughters survived. we are talking 1930s. 3 kids died from deseases that can be cured right now but 1 kid my mom tried to explain to me i didnt get it until i saw TV program... the baby was growing outside of the pouch. the baby still feeds off the main tube but it is not in the right place. It does not happen too often but it does happen. Anyway, if this was done right with today's advances in medicine, the baby could have survived. The doctors didnt realize until the last minute that the baby was growing outside of the pouch. the cut off the tube and the baby died before she was born.

so i am not too sure about the idea of asce and how a personw as born.

that is just my 2 cents
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My daughter and I are both Scorpio Rising. I had a emergency c-section with her. My mom told me that She almost died having me because of a overdose of medicine given to her by the nurse.
My mother gave birth to my 3 healthy sisters and I all naturally, with no anesthesia whatsoever.

I was the first, and with me her labor was most difficult. I was born face up (heh! a stargazer, even at birth) after 13 hours of hard labor. I have Virgo rising with Mars in Pisces directly opposing my Ascendant.

My sister born a year after me has Taurus rising. She was the product of an easy and natural birth. She has Mars trine Asc and Jupiter sextile Asc.

The next one was induced, but still yet born without aid of painkillers, and delivered naturally. Like me, she has Virgo rising. She has Mercury trine Asc and Sun/Mars squ Asc - the Asc is actually part of a mutable Tsquare with her Sun/Mars, Moon, and Uranus.

My youngest sister was induced yet born 100% natural also, was blue when she came out but was healthy and gained color quickly. She has Sagittarius rising.

We were all born in good health, and my mother suffered no complications while giving birth.

With my own daughter, I tried (very hard!) to give birth naturally, but she wouldn't come out. They induced my labor, and after no progress in 13 hours, I got an epidural so I could rest. After 13 more hours, they insisted on a C-section. Her Asc is Pisces, with Uranus conjunct, and makes stressful aspects to Moon and Saturn. Her father chose not to attend her birth, but the man I was with at the time did attend, and still gives her much love.

She was born with extremely low blood sugar due to the long labor, but otherwise was in perfect health.
My goodness, how did I miss jagetoile's article until now? :eek:

This is absolutely beautiful and almost had me in tears, although I've never given birth...

Thank you for posting.

Arian Maverick
My goodness, how did I miss jagetoile's article until now? :eek:

This is absolutely beautiful and almost had me in tears, although I've never given birth...

Thank you for posting.

I'll second that! But I have given birth. This story is so real, so true. I agree with every word. We would gradually become a healthier society, in every way, if respect for and nurturing of spirituality in the birthing room were restored.
Hmm, taurus rising.

Ascendant opposition Sun and Pluto, Square with Mars and trine Neptune.
Had a normal birth with a twin brother 2 mins younger than me
My son was born with Scorpio rising.

I had a 29-hour labour, and for the last few hours he was stuck. The cord was round his neck, they had to do an emergency forceps delivery. His ascendent is exactly conjunct his father's planets.

His father has Leo rising, and his heart stopped when he was born.
unukalhai said:
By Koch houses, the final degree of Cancer, with Leo fully contained (intercepted sign) in the 8th, Mars and N.Node. Koch is the only house system that gives me interceptions.

By Placidus, Regiomontanus and Porphyry, Leo with Mars, N.Node and Jupiter.

Equal and whole houses push the planets into the 9th, but maintain Leo on the cusp.

Take your pick :)

I've read that us Capricorn rising folks don't want to come out of the womb, we dread being subjected to birth so it's our nature to fight it. I wish I could remember where I read that ages ago, but it's stuck with me...[/quote]
In Jeanne Averys " The Rising Sign" it is stated Capricorn risings doesnt trust anyone but him/herself and starts out by controlling the birth as long as possible. I have never heard my mother mention my birth in detail except that i came three weeks early. She and my father married when she was 5 months pregnant. None of her pregnancies where planned. She wanted to wait till she had a career before having kids but that didnt happen.
Hello all,

I have capricorn rising at 17 degrees, conjunct with mercury. Both ascendant and mercury are squared by Pluto in 10th. It was a fast birth, but I scared the s*** out of my mom because before getting to the hospital the water coming out of the uterus suddenly appeared mixed with blood. She was very afraid that something bad was going on, but nothing worse happened.

Very interesting thread.
He was born on his due date and on my grandma’s birthday.

I'm a little Aries ram also born on her due date; who says we Arians aren't right on time? :p

I don't I became stuck--that was my big-shouldered Taurus Sun brother with his first house Jupiter in Pisces--but supposedly I couldn't stick with my decision to be born that day and decided to abruptly stop all progress. The doctors wouldn't have that, so they loaded my poor 100-pound mother with a full dose of pitocin that was not in proportion with her weight or size; needless to say, things progressed quite rapidly from there. As I mentioned before, I even broke the fetal monitor! :D

Arian Maverick
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Hi there,

I was born about 3 wks early (should have been a gemini!) and l was born by C-section after a labour.

When l was born l went into cold turkey as l was severely addicted to the drugs my mother took during pregnancy... and l nearly died. Apparently l went blue within 24 hrs of being born and had to be drip-fed the drug to come off it.

Anyway, posting my chart are l would not know where to associate AC with birth :)
Anyway, posting my chart are l would not know where to associate AC with birth

Neptune, the ruler of your Pisces Ascendant, governs drugs and drug addictions. This is not to indicate that every individual born with a Pisces Ascendant will have similar difficulties at birth, but I find it interesting, nevertheless.

I wonder if your large intercepted first house stellium also plays a role...?

Arian Maverick
Yes Arian Maverick, my stellium might play a role. I feel that one of the reasons l was born early is that my mother didn't really want me and so the combination of her negative/non motherly vibes projected onto me may have triggered my Aries/stell impulsiveness as quite suddenly l panicked in the womb and this is why they induced labour.

This then makes me question whether the astrological setup plays a part BEFORE birth?

Interestingly, as an adult l don't have an addictive personality - neither chocolate, drugs, drink nor other vices are excessive in my life. In fact l rarely drink nor eat chocolate.

My stellium has gotten me into a load of trouble emotionally in my life - impulsiveness to the hilt and people upon meeting me are almost scared of me, often saying later they thought l was too much! (almost a scorpio trait?)

Thank goodness for the jupiter trine to it all! :D
Yes, Aries is all about physical survival, but I believe that we are all born exactly when we need to be born; the particular astrological configuration at the moment of our birth only indicates decisions and contracts that we have previously made.

I am not surprised that you do not have an addictive personality as an adult; since you were involuntarily exposed to such toxic substances in utero, you may have subconsciously developed an aversion and disgust of the dependency your mother--and thus, you--had upon them. Aries is probably the most independent sign of the zodiac, and your stellium probably cannot stand the idea of what it may perceive to be great weakness of character. I do not personally view drug addiction as occurring only to those of weak character, so please do not misinterpret my words, but I believe it is highly probably that specific archetypes interpret possible scenarios and circumstances in different ways, almost as if they were living, breathing entities.

I find the different kinds of mutual reception you have going on between the Moon and Venus in Aries and the Sun, Mars, and even Mercury (the esoteric ruler of Aries) very interesting indeed; the Moon is exalted in Taurus while the Sun is exalted in Aries, and Venus is the ruler of Taurus while Mars is the ruler of Aries. This kind of makes me curious where Vulcan, the esoteric ruler of Taurus, is located, although I've never used it in my interpretations before and probably will not use it here on the forums; I doubt the traditional astrologers will take well to the idea of using a hypothetical planet, one that doesn't physically exist. Even I'm a bit skeptical, I admit, but your mutual receptions are so intriguing--especially since they all tie in with your nodal axis--that I wish I could get my hands on a hypothetical planet ephemeris.

I just noticed that Saturn is also involved in this "super conjunction" of planets in Aries--so we've really run the gamut of planets that are traditionally uncomfortable in this sign. Don't fear, though, because I believe the series of mutual receptions with the similarly "debilitated" planets in Taurus provides you with a strong foundation upon which to build upon. I don't know why, but I'm feeling a strong aspect of fate here--especially since these planets in Aries are all within two degrees of the North Node on either side!

I apologize for getting off-topic a bit here; I don't know exactly how this is all related with the circumstances surrounding your birth, but I'm sure that it's significant.

I'm also beginning to eye your eighth house Neptune in Scorpio, the modern ruler of your Pisces Ascendant, suspecting that this mystical planet in a water house and sign may also hold some clues. Interestingly, Jupiter, the traditional ruler of your Pisces Ascendant, also rules your Sagittarius Midheaven--the cusp of the tenth house, which is traditionally associated with the mother. These planets form a tight square to each other, within ten arcminutes; Mars is also applying towards a square aspect with Jupiter although the orb is not as tight, forming a T-square configuration with Jupiter as the apex planet. We should really look up the Sabian symbol associated with 26 Leo as well as its opposite point, 26 Aquarius, and see if this reveals any additional insight.

Here are the symbols from the main site:

Leo 26
Sabian Symbol: A perfect rainbow forms slowly in the summer rain as the sun begins to break through the rather thin cloudbanks.
Kozminsky Symbol: Two hands clasped under a floral crown.

Aquarius 26
Sabian Symbol: The battery man at the automobile service station about to inspect a customer's car has his hydrometer in hand.
Kozminsky Symbol: Three fires blazing above three triangular hills, a cross sword floating in air above.

Arian Maverick
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