Mercury retrograde November 23rd

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Jul 6, 2008
Hi everybody:innocent:!! is everyone getting ready for Mercury retrograde November 23rd??? Yup, right in time for Christmas shopping. So I started by putting a lot of things on layaway and any computer items I already book- like kindle,etc. I think that will help me plan my shopping appropriately. Now, about projects- i did all my major writing and creative projects already because I read Astrology Zone by Susan Miller. The message I got November 1st was to work like a bandit, make money, work as many hours as humanly possible, write, publish, submit work for creative feedback and then chillout after November 23rd. Some overnights I did. Whew.. Thank goodness Mars is in my sign. You know, Mercury retrograde is so challenging for our technology-evolved population everytime it happens. I'm just wondering is there ever a way to lessen the effects of the Mercury retrograde on delays, communication, purchases, travel, computers, major business plans, etc? Maybe some of the more experienced or senior members of the forum can comment or respond????
:w00t:You could be right we are now in the west very uranian with all the gadgets. its quite nice to leave it all at home some days.

expect chaos! it will sq mars in virgo at certain it falls in my 2nd house may well be about money delays. some similar around christmas last year I recall.
as saturn has been transiting my 3rd, virgo cusp ~ mercury ruled ~ i have seen and felt many merc retro similarities. it's been quite interesting, really.
working from touch screen phone's internet, tiny small print and scroll bars with barely a finger's wiggle room, i find myself deleting by accident, delays in connecting to websites and worse, not being able to see thumbnail charts or do cut paste or use split screens. sigh...
i've almost gotten used to it, though, so who knows? maybe when merc goes retro, it will actually reverse the delays and errors of my micro touch screen abilities. one can dream, right?
uggh - remembering 2007's retro blasts ~
first it was mars, then venus and then mercury. something like 9 months of retro wreckage.
so, hey, if we made it thru that.....
Before the retrograde begins,

Back up your important files to DVD's, flash drives, or an extra external hard drive.

If you have not done so, be sure to do thorough maintenance on your computer.

Scan for malware, viruses, spyware, and root kits. Defragment your hard drive. Clean out your registry and temporary files. Make sure all security programs are up to date and that the firewall and anti-virus program are on at all times. Update all drivers as well and perform any other needed updates and patches.

If you have been neglecting your computer and think you have been getting away with it, then a major problem will spawn some time during a Mercury Retrograde. It might not be until after it goes direct when you find out that you have a big problem on your hands, and it might possibly be too late by then.
Mundane considerations during the Mercury Rx period:

Nov. 22
Sun enters Sagittarius

Nov. 24
Mercury Retrograde

Nov. 25
New Moon Solar Eclipse

Nov. 26
Venus enters Capricorn

Dec. 10
Uranus Direct

Dec. 10
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Dec. 13
Mercury Direct
Before the retrograde begins,

Back up your important files to DVD's, flash drives, or an extra external hard drive.

If you have not done so, be sure to do thorough maintenance on your computer.

Scan for malware, viruses, spyware, and root kits. Defragment your hard drive. Clean out your registry and temporary files. Make sure all security programs are up to date and that the firewall and anti-virus program are on at all times. Update all drivers as well and perform any other needed updates and patches.

very sensible advice. virus's are a huge problem now.
I'm wondering.. would mercury retrograde affect love life at all?

I've read its a bad time to go on first dates :sad:
I'm wondering.. would mercury retrograde affect love life at all?

I've read its a bad time to go on first dates :sad:
Interesting observation DeLaSoul - I wonder if there are any forum members who met their long term partners on a Mercury Retrograde first date!

As to whether Mercury Retrograde would affect love life that could be linked to the Sign and House position of your natal Mercury. Far as I'm aware Mercury is very slow at the time of this particular post and is preparing to Station before actually going Retrograde in approximately fourteen hours time at 20 Sagittarius Tropical (which is of course 26 Scorpio Sidereal) :smile:
wow! that eclipse at 2' Sag is going to oppose my moon from 5th to 11th.
i don't like eclipses on the luminaries. very intense.
those eclipses in low aquarius/leo a few years back were conjunct my sun. 6 months of wipeouts, literally, followed.
sorry i digressed...

i usually hear from people from the years past, or bump into them, during mercury retro.

natal merc is in 7th, opp. uranus in 1st.
merc is ruler of 3rd.
last time it went retro, an old college classmate i hadn't seen since 1983, walked right past my house. we went to college 400 miles north from where we both live now. 1 block away from each other. classmates turned neighbors 28 years later.
oh, and she is an aquarian like me, born day before me, same year.
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It is good to be aware however the Mercury retro will affect everyone differently according to their charts and aspects..
Mail and gifts should be posted as soon as possible and make allowances for general transport delays. Foreign travel and places will be strongly featured.. Delays with all that. I would be sending gifts and card overseas as soon as possible. Even more fraught than usual with Christmas coming on.... For some people they may decide not to go any distance and prefer to stay at home... In Sagittarius it deals with the global media and far reaching communications for sure...There can be issues with wildlife, sports institutions and
church affairs...

However it is best to look at our individual influences and act accordingly, transits and progressions....
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very sensible advice. virus's are a huge problem now.
Viruses are always a huge problem and I have backed up my files, got extra anti virus protection and this was just a few days ago before it hit.
So I cant connect it... I think we should all be vigilant all the time.
The fact that students are off school and so on and making more mischief is an issue, especially those in college or high education facilities.
wow! that eclipse at 2' Sag is going to oppose my moon from 5th to 11th.
i don't like eclipses on the luminaries. very intense.
those eclipses in low aquarius/leo a few years back were conjunct my sun. 6 months of wipeouts, literally, followed.
sorry i digressed...

i usually hear from people from the years past, or bump into them, during mercury retro.
Expect anything related to communications going back to the past - such as retrieving information from the past (including the recent as well as far distant past)... perhaps discovering some communication in the form of letters or notes that were lost long ago

eclipses emphasize and draw attention to matters signified by the planet aspected and when Moon is aspected new domestic conditions could occur and/or changes involving family members

If one has planets and/or natal angles at the eclipse degree then be alert for potential event triggers around 7 April 2012 when Mars retrogrades back to the eclipse degree and Stations there before going Direct on 14 April 2012 and finally separating from the eclipse degree on 20 April 2012
Before the retrograde begins,

Back up your important files to DVD's, flash drives, or an extra external hard drive.

If you have not done so, be sure to do thorough maintenance on your computer.

Scan for malware, viruses, spyware, and root kits. Defragment your hard drive. Clean out your registry and temporary files. Make sure all security programs are up to date and that the firewall and anti-virus program are on at all times. Update all drivers as well and perform any other needed updates and patches.

If you have been neglecting your computer and think you have been getting away with it, then a major problem will spawn some time during a Mercury Retrograde. It might not be until after it goes direct when you find out that you have a big problem on your hands, and it might possibly be too late by then.

My computer crashed yesterday! :w00t: I read this too late!
generally, it's not the best time. Use our search feature for old retro...

If at all possible, avoid signing legal documents.
If at all possible, finish projects which involve communication before the retrograde.
If at all possible, avoid closing big deals during the retrograde
If at all possible, avoid launching new projects during the retrograde
If at all possible, avoid scheduling meetings to make a big decision
Allow extra time when travelling
Backup your hard drive before the retrograde
If at all possible, avoid installing new computer software during the retrograde
Do needed repairs on machinery before the retrograde
Do not hold an election during the retrograde.
"This is not to say Mercury retrograde is always a bad thing. Far from it. It is actually an ideal time to do some other things, like:

Do the follow-ups on a project already started
Wrapup or complete a project already started
Research a new project thoroughly
Catch up on paperwork
Hold an information-sharing meeting
Enjoy someone's wacky sense of humour"
Check every aspect of contracts if it is unavoidable to sign legal documents during retrograde.

If closing big deals is unavoidable during the retrograde then quadruple-check every aspect of the deal before doing so and be prepared for revision at some stage!

New projects may be successfully launched during the retrograde if care it taken

When scheduling meetings to make a big decision be prepared to revise it when Mercury goes Direct and returns to the degree at the time the decision was made

Always a good idea to allow extra time when traveling!

Computer work and repair work continues irrespective of the retrograde, just take care to check everything over :smile:

Im just finishing a two year project early dec - so that is quite timely.

but feel less inclined to rush into anything now.and my contacts with recruitment teams is re-affirming that!

found the new moon last night - quite peaceful!
I am now a firm believer in the phases of a mercury retrograde cycle. And I wonder if it does not start prior.

My truck (mercury rules my third house) was totaled on Nov. 6th the day after Mercury went in to its shadow period. Since my son was using my truck to get to school and work I have been driving him since the accident. Mercury was at 5'25 Sagittarius. If you look at my chart you can see it energized a lot of things and the transiting moon was conjunct transiting Uranus on the cusp of my ASC.

But I digress...thus I have been in the throws of everything 3rd house. My daughters phone was taken by a friend (we are working on that), we bought another vehicle at auction this thursday the 8th which when we drove it home and to a mechanic looks like a nightmare. The good news is the title has not arrived and in fact may a have a potential lien on it via Car Fax. If the seller does not come up with a clean title within 30 days I can take the truck back and get our money back. Thus Mercury retrograde is in the dealer hands.

Mercury goes direct station on monday and will retravel the path. Mercury will pass over the same spot it did when the original truck was totaled November 6th in the next few days. It will be Jan 1st before Mercury has passed out of the area it traveled.

I am curious to see how this pans out. When the accident happened Mercury was in the 8th house of others money and insurance. It was the others fault so the settlement went to us and we were a little ahead as it moved into the 9th house. It is back in the 8th house again in other peoples money, insurance etc. I just wonder.

I can tell you that as my natal mercury was aspected by transiting Mercury things really heated up in areas of vehicles and communication issues ie phones. I have not had time to finish anything! All I am doing is juggling transportation issues. My car has now 180,000 and I have been sorely tempted to buy...I know now don't buy one until after the 1st if you have to cause...well you see my story.
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I am now a firm believer in the phases of a mercury retrograde cycle. And I wonder if it does not start prior.

My truck (mercury rules my third house) was totaled on Nov. 6th the day after Mercury went in to its shadow period. Since my son was using my truck to get to school and work I have been driving him since the accident. Mercury was at 5'25 Sagittarius. If you look at my chart you can see it energized a lot of things and the transiting moon was conjunct transiting Uranus on the cusp of my ASC.

But I digress...thus I have been in the throws of everything 3rd house. My daughters phone was taken by a friend (we are working on that), we bought another vehicle at auction this thursday the 8th which when we drove it home and to a mechanic looks like a nightmare. The good news is the title has not arrived and in fact may a have a potential lien on it via Car Fax. If the seller does not come up with a clean title within 30 days I can take the truck back and get our money back. Thus Mercury retrograde is in the dealer hands.

Mercury goes direct station on monday and will retravel the path. Mercury will pass over the same spot it did when the original truck was totaled November 6th in the next few days. It will be Jan 1st before Mercury has passed out of the area it traveled.

I am curious to see how this pans out. When the accident happened Mercury was in the 8th house of others money and insurance. It was the others fault so the settlement went to us and we were a little ahead as it moved into the 9th house. It is back in the 8th house again in other peoples money, insurance etc. I just wonder.

I can tell you that as my natal mercury was aspected by transiting Mercury things really heated up in areas of vehicles and communication issues ie phones. I have not had time to finish anything! All I am doing is juggling transportation issues. My car has now 180,000 and I have been sorely tempted to buy...I know now don't buy one until after the 1st if you have to cause...well you see my story.
Mercury seems to affect everyone differently dependent on the house position and aspects of natal mercury as well as house position and aspects of transiting Mercury and your story is a great validation of the phenomenon.

We had a full moon lunar total eclipse literally just seven hours ago as well and when I looked at your chart just now I notice it conjuncted your natal Sun within four degrees on the 3rd house/9th house axis. You say your truck was totaled on November 6th? On that day Transiting Mars was just separating from a square to your Natal Jupiter and the square is within three degrees away from when it was exact :smile:
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