will he go to jail?

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turkish girl

Well-known member
Apr 25, 2015
This chart is about my sis in law's ex husband.They got divorced last year but had many arguments regarding money and some other stuff.He threated her and she informed police.Court has taken.They were 5 courts and the last one will be on tomorrow.

I feel like soon he will go to jail I wish so.What u see in chart?

I asked the quesion so I am the 1st ruler.Since sis in law is 9th,mercury he is jupiter and his 12th lord is saturn.It makes almost an conjunction to his 1st house cusp.I hope it shows a clue.

jail chart.png

Well actually I do know him personal.Family relations are not that far in turkey.Even My husband recently talked to him and they argued.So he is not a very far person to me.
And also now my sis in law lives with my in laws and we visit them so I talked to my sis in law weekly and sometimes daily.As I Said in turkey family relations are not far
This is the requirment for quesitons in horary:

You can do horary for anything you want, and many people do. But if you follow how horary actually works(yeah its a magic no one understands) then there are three elements that are required. And lets remember that I am a modern horary astrologer from the Ivy Goldstein- Jacobson school in the latter half of the 20th century so I use lots of stuff that traditional Horary astrologers(prior to 1700 CE) DO NOT use.

First, it has to be based on a yes/no question. Lots of additional information comes beyond yes/no, of course.

Second, it has to be something that is out of your control, or at least 90% out of your control. You cannot use horary to second guess your own behavior.

Third, it has to be a question that only you are interested in knowing the answer. If more than you are asking the question, you get into the multple birth time/place conundrum since questions are like birth charts of a question.

If you violate these Goldstein-Jacobson modern horary astrology rules, the degree to which you have violated them gets you closer and closer to just flipping a coin for the answer. This means of course that 50% of the time it will work and 50% it will not. And sometimes when you flip a coin you can get heads even 5 times in a row.

Isn't there also a rule that the answer can't be knowable through mundane means, and that learning the answer through horary gives you some choice as to what to do about the situation? Or is that more a common sense thing?

In this case, the answer is knowable through mundane means. All you have to do is wait for that final court date. And unless there's something @turkish girl didn't tell us, whether this guy goes to jail or not won't directly affect her. There's nothing she can do in response to knowing tthe answer.
Hello people

The court has taken place today.He was judged with 3 months .But there are some options if he pays his taxes and money to her it may postpone etc.Now they gave him 2 weeks.So now its still unclear.And for months courts either postponed or did not get finalized

In Turkey courts take toooooo long.This is why I could not get wait and wanted to make a chart.My sis in law is going police and lawyer for almost 6 months and he is not judged yet.

I did not know I should be the center person for a horary question.But it effects me somehow whether pscyologically and also she lives with my in laws and he threats my in laws as well.
How does whether your sister-in-law's ex goes to jail or not affect you? If he goes to jail, what will happen for you? If he doesn't, what will happen for you? What's the difference?

That's what your question should be focused on.

"Will he go to jail?" focuses on the effect for him. You don't have standing to ask that question.
I would guess the question being asked is, will this individual be out of our lives? So in that sense it has some relevance to the questioner.
How does whether your sister-in-law's ex goes to jail or not affect you? If he goes to jail, what will happen for you? If he doesn't, what will happen for you? What's the difference?

That's what your question should be focused on.

"Will he go to jail?" focuses on the effect for him. You don't have standing to ask that question.
I want him go to jail and get out of our lives.I think that if he goes to jail he will get scared of about his NeXT steps and not argue regarding money which he did not pay neither with my sis in law nor with “my husband”

I feel he feels like nothing happen to him he can do everything and take back the money his father gave to my sis in law and threats my in laws for coming their home and make dangerpus things.
By the way not me every family member of in laws are wondering if he will go to jail because they got so tired of his phone calls and threats.I just dont understand how u guys think I am not effected he is talking to my husband and argues with him how that cant make an effect to me.

We all believe if he goes jail he will get afraid anymore and leave us alone.He says he will kil people etc how come I am not effected.I am not that far family member.I feel scared regarding my in laws life.
I would guess the question being asked is, will this individual be out of our lives? So in that sense it has some relevance to the questioner.
Well thank you very much you hit the point.

Maybe I should have asked the question like that.I am writng with my limited english.

The reason was I asked that question I feel actually we all feel if he gets a punishment he would stop his actions and bad behaviours and leave us alone So I dunno maybe I should make a chart if he goes to hell and get out of our lives?
IT WOULD STILL NEED TO BE Will he get out my life. Otherwise multiple people will be asking the question and we have the multiple birth time for the same question conundrum. The more peeople who cn ask it the more likely you could all just save a lot of time and get out a coin.
I got what u mean now.Techinacally I understood it I mean.Then I will post a chart here that the time question arised in my head about him get out of our lives
I made a chart and asked the question will he get out of our lives?Thank you very much
in advance and thanks for enlighten me.
Both him, Mercury and You, Jupiter are in your 4th house of home together, so no, he won't be out of your lives.

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