Astrologers Predict Obama Win over Romney

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CNN just called the election for Obama; Romney still ahead slightly in the popular vote (c.8:31 pm PST)
did the mercury retrograde hit too early in the election process?

or is it cause mercury is not as involved in these two charts.
I think the Mercuryrx might have been more responsible for the numerous voting machine and related glitches (such as the slow processes in the Florida metropolitan areas) rather than direct election results.
By the way, the majority of astrologers who posted election predictions (see eg the political blog website mentioned by Wintersprite in this thread) were correct in predicting the Obama re-election (I was incorrect in my sunrise chart prediction, above; however if as Culpeper described, Saturn = the democrats and Jupiter = the republicans, then the Saturn position in that sunrise chart was stronger than that of Jupiter, and therefore would have indicated the democrat victory*)

*Why was the Saturn (democrat) position stronger than the Jupiter (republican) position stronger in that sunrise chart (@ Plato Missouri, median center of the US population)?

RX = -1
Elevated = +1
In sect = +1
In 8th house (whole sign) = -1
In detriment in Gemini = -1
Net = -1

Angular in 1st house (whole sign) = +1
Rising = +1
In sect = +1
Net = +3

,,,therefore my statement that in the Plato, MO sunrsie chart Saturn is stronger than Jupiter...
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The amount of relief I feel right now is absolutely unparalleled. Good god I was a mess over this and it turned out all ok. In some ways, better than expected.

What I find interesting is how minor of an effect rx mercury has had. That said, I think in the coming days some things may appear.
The winning of the election during Mercury RX might yield important and unexpected developments down the road, during the forthcoming term.
Observing from a distance, I am relieved but surprised by the speed of the announcement.

again how people vote is private and the polls can not predict everything as it seems a clear cut win.

someone commented on another forum the merc transit to Romney's SN. I couldnt find the nodes posted on any of the charts on this thread.

however the road ahead remains 'rocky'.
Funny, I didn't really think about this. I have the natal condition and I have tendency to take the opposite side of an issue (I do not necessarily support) just to counterbalance an extreme view. The fact that libra venus has been countering the uranus-pluto square could be an indication that independent voters are scared of both options and are trying to stay in the middle. If they hear one is in the lead, then they support the other, ect. The collective leads to a balance.

While this explains the polls over the last week, the t-square is waning. I guess we'll see if balance gives way to decisiveness.

They're saying on the news that among young women support for democrats was overwhelming, so that was venus in libra.

Also he got a lot of votes from women (moon) and from hispanics (maybe jupiter? although it's hard to say that since everyone in america has foreign roots).

I'm thinking that uranus in aries might be the political activists who worked hard to get voters out.

I'm also thinking that these planets indicate the strength or weakness of his policies, so jupiter being retrograde and in detriment, means that he will go back and try again on some foreign policies but he won't have much success or won't have the power to affect change. Alternatively jupiter might be those foreign governments he is working with, so they will be the ones in a weak position. I'm not sure, and maybe it's a topic for another thread.

Also I'm wondering what sort of crisis saturn in scorpio will be when it squares his sun?
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The amount of relief I feel right now is absolutely unparalleled. Good god I was a mess over this and it turned out all ok. In some ways, better than expected.

What I find interesting is how minor of an effect rx mercury has had. That said, I think in the coming days some things may appear.

I feel exactly the same. :happy:
just want to add, in view of merc rx to Romney's south node - from a distance Romney to me represented a by gone era, an America that was but is no more.

Obama stands for the new society we live in.
America loves gridlock!

I'm still surprised the retro mercury didn't have much of an effect, but then I haven't noticed it much in my personal life either.

I'm still a having hard time seeing the connection between jupiter and the republican party. I figure the connection was made because jupiter is the opposite of saturn, and saturn clearly describes the government run by the democratic party. However, you can also say that jupiter-saturn describes the the expanding government under democratic party control. I would want to see a lot of back-testing on this saturn/jupiter theory before I buy into it completely.
I think it's pretty amazing that there was a clear majority of astrologers that predicted Obama's re-election, according to the astrology blog that wintersprite posted previously. Certianly no easy feat in this election!
its true the republicans have worse astrologers, scientists, artists.

they have a few grumpy narrowminded mathematicians, and a few prejudiced sociologists.

its republicanism guys because we own a hot dog place, and we feel privilaged over our waiters and cooks. they like obama, but we think that there shouldnt be government intervention because that is what freedom is. Rene De La Cruz Apple Valley Review (5).jpg

yeah we just decided to connect everyone on the internet.

no government regulation!

i have a golden hotel, and im hogging all the oil. trump david becker gi_0.jpg

it is important to make decisions past immediate enviornment for example the self-sufficient farmers. well if they do their own work, and theyre out there pretty much collaborating with some other people its fine to pick republicanism for that area. they should realize that immediate positions are not singular untill there is interconnected standardization. then the same type of settings are transferred anywhere for example school metropolitan areas. even then in the microsituations there are all sorts of castrated perceivable outcomes.
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Oh, it's quite potent. He has Pluto aligned with his IC/MC, natally (declinations are much more powerful than longitude aspects).

I agree that declinations are extremely potent, both in the radix charts and the various methods of forecasting. The interesting thing is that both Obama and Romney had the transiting declination of Pluto-Node activating the declination of their natal MCs' and this declination is also the Node of the POTUS chart. All these declinations are close to 19S00. (see attached graphs).

I find the POTUS chart the most appropriate to study elections as it is the chart of when the first President of the USA took his Oath of Office. All the Presidents I have studied have had close connections to this chart and the progressed and/or directed charts have close connections for the time they took Presidency.

In addition Obama had the transiting declination of Jupiter moving over the natal declination of his Venus and the transiting declination of the Moon moving over the natal declination of his North Node and Ceres - hence the female vote.

Romney had the transiting declination of Saturn activating his natal declination of Mars-Vertex and the transiting declination of Jupiter activating his Node. Perhaps the Saturn declination transit brought some problems with it, but the Jupiter declination transit should have brought more benefits.

The POTUS chart itself had some telling declination transits:

* transiting Moon activating Ascendant and Venus - again suggesting the strong female vote.
* Transiting Sun activating Part of Fortune - maybe suggesting benefits to a Solar person and Obama is a Leo
* Transiting Jupiter activating Jupiter-antiVertex
* Transiting Mercury-Mars activating Pluto suggesting the very activate canvassing of votes right into the day.



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