To give more perspective to the theme of this old thread about the ugly collapse of one Age and the bloody birth of a new Age, which includes both the astrological Age of Pisces transitioning to that of Aquarius and the Kali Yuga transitioning to the Dwapara, I would like to quote a few scholars who suspect, as some of you have, that human beings just didn't suddenly, accidentally "evolve" into a superior
intellect - a pathological intellect that is rapidly becoming humanity's own undoing.
It has been hypothesized that there was some kind of selective "intelligent design" (and not one of Universal Goodness) actively responsible. Many paleontological and mythological clues strongly suggest that our species was given an artificial boost in specific ways for specific purposes a long time ago and the rest our evolutionary qualities have never caught up - in fact, they are even now being outstripped by these "select ways" at such an alarming rate that we seem doomed to destroy ourselves or at the very least our entire present civilization. The end of the Age.
I quote from a favorite (and tragically undervalued) writer/philosopher, Arthur Koestler:
Ghost in the Machine: Chapter 16:
"A Tumorous Overgrowth"
"Before congratulating ourselves on having such a superior brain...we ought to pause and examine the possibility that man, too [like other types of animals limited in certain higher brain capacities by fundamental anatomical limitations] might carry a constructional fault inside his own skull...which potentially threatens his extinction....
"The first reason for this suspicion is the extraordinary rapidity of the evolutionary growth of the human brain - a feat, as we know,
unique in evolutionary history. To quote Professor Le Gros Clark: 'It now appears from the fossil record that the hominid brain did not begin to enlarge significantly before the beginning of the Pleistocene. But from the middle of the Pleistocene onwards, it expanded
at a most remarkable speed -
greatly exceeding the rate of evolutionary change which had so far been recorded in any anatomical character in lower animals...The rapidity of the evolutionary expansion of the brain during the Pleistocene is an example of what has been termed
"explosive evolution".'
"To quote from Judson Herrick's
The Evolution of Human Nature:
The history of civilization is a record of slow but dramatic enrichment of human life interspersed with episodes of wanton destruction of all the accumulated rights of property and spiritual values. These episodic reversions to bestiality seem to be increasing in virulence, and in the magnitude of the resulting disasters until now, we are threatened with the loss of everything that has been won in our strugggle for the better life.
In the view of this record, it has been suggested that the enlargement of the human brain has gone so fast and so far that the result is actually pathological. Normal behaviour depends on the preservation of a balanced interplay between integrating and disintegrating factors and between the total pattern and local partial patterns. So...the human cortex is a sort of tumorous overgrowth that has got so big that its functions are out of normal control and 'race' erratically like a steam engine that has lost its governor."
In other words, our cold intelligence has evolved exponentially faster than any other part of our sentient nature (e.g., ethics, empathy, love, concern for others, concern for survival of life). It is all out of proportion to the rest of our evolution, unseen in any other kind of evolution. What triggered this "tumorous growth" -this dooming self-destructive imbalance happen? (Which no rational person could attribute to mere chance!) There are logical hypotheses with growing evidence, most of which the mainstream keep marginalized, along with how in the world the Great Pyramids were built.
Arthur Koestler stated: "Only three species regularly murder
en masse members of their own species: Ants, rats, and humans." Not too flattering a group to be part of. But we're proving it to be true every single day now. The striking distinction of humans vs. ants and rats is that, due to their "tumorous" amoral intelligence, humans have continued inventing - at an ever-increasing rate -
new and more horrible ways to totally destroy masses of their own species, and collaterally most other life on earth.