Paid Job opportunity?

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Oct 12, 2013
Dear all I have asked a new horary something very specific. The thing that concerns me the most right now is leaving my current job and being able to get another paid opportunity before May. The question is:
"Will I get a paid opportunity?"

Analysis here:
Scorpio ASC -Mars placed in the 1st House
Virgo MC- 10th House- Mercury placed int he 2nd House

There is a conjunction between the 2 significators
Also a conjunction between the Sun and Mercury.

I have a sense that this could be a yes but I am cautious because there have been several failed attempts to get another job.
Thank you.


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Have you already left your current job?
And also have you been finding your current job quite oppressive? I'm asking bc of Saturn on on the IC.
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Have you already left your current job?
And also have you been finding your current job quite oppressive? I'm asking bc of Saturn on on the IC.
No I haven't left my current job. Its draining but I have been doing it for 1,5 years and met some really great friends (which I didn't expect)....However its opressive and completely irrelevant with my studies (museum studies and currently I am styling film). Its great only because it gives me the money to fund my film studies. However I am trying to reach people in the creative industries and change jobs in 2024. (Hopefully)
With the time frame you've asked about and the extra context, I'm not seeing a positive result. Mars the ruler of the 5th/creative industries is applying to inconjunct an angle/dsc. This represents self-sacrifice, having to give up what you truly want to do for your current employment. Because you have the 11th ruler Venus conjunct the Asc maybe it's due to the friends you say you've made.
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Using the 10th as your current job and the 11th as the next job, then we consider the ruler of the 11th, Venus. It is right on your Asc which suggests another job will come to you. But given your aspiration, I am concerned that Venus in its detriment may be another unsatisfying job.
You are Moon exalted in Taurus, so something good must be going on right now where you are. But Moon applies to oppose Venus and also receive Venus really poorly by fall. The aspect combined with the reception restates that the next job opportunity or offer may not be what you are hoping for. I am sorry and I hope I am wrong.
Using the 10th as your current job and the 11th as the next job, then we consider the ruler of the 11th, Venus. It is right on your Asc which suggests another job will come to you. But given your aspiration, I am concerned that Venus in its detriment may be another unsatisfying job.
You are Moon exalted in Taurus, so something good must be going on right now where you are. But Moon applies to oppose Venus and also receive Venus really poorly by fall. The aspect combined with the reception restates that the next job opportunity or offer may not be what you are hoping for. I am sorry and I hope I am wrong.
I see I didn't think 11th H would be relevant here. My uncle also is trying to help me to find my first job in the creative industries. I don't see what I do now as a 10th house matter because its not my career but something I do part-time to fund my degree (its a temporary job). It feels great psychologically to be able to fund yourself (possibly why there is exhaled Moon). To be honest my next job could be unsatisfying but I have to start gaining experience in the creative industries. There is no other way. The problem with me is that I need to get my foot on the door and gain experience . I can't do that if I am working part-time in fashion retail.

With the time frame you've asked about and the extra context, I'm not seeing a positive result. Mars the ruler of the 5th/creative industries is applying to inconjunct an angle/dsc. This represents self-sacrifice, having to give up what you truly want to do for your current employment. Because you have the 11th ruler Venus conjunct the Asc maybe it's due to the friends you say you've made.
Thank you I think around April it could be a possibility. Because I really want to leave despite the positive relationships I 've made.
Also I really want to start from somewhere even if its bad.
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I see I didn't think 11th H would be relevant here. My uncle also is trying to help me to find my first job in the creative industries. I don't see what I do now as a 10th house matter because its not my career but something I do part-time to fund my degree (its a temporary job). I
I would just share my understanding that traditionally the 10th rules employment, profession or trade, an umbrella for what we are doing out in the world. So I would take the 10th to describe where one works whether it is their chosen profession or simply employment.
I sincerely hope I am able to get a different job in the next couple of months (a previous chart in October 2023 suggested around 7 months which resonates with my trasits ) because I have really outgrown my current environment and I really deserve a more appropriate/ relevant work environment that despite any issues helps me to grow professionally and in every other way.
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I sincerely hope I am able to get a different job in the next couple of months (a previous chart in October 2023 suggested around 7 months which resonates with my trasits ) because I have really outgrown my current environment and I really deserve a more appropriate/ relevant work environment that despite any issues helps me to grow professionally and in every other way.
Well, the way I see the chart, it does look to me like another job will come to you, and I am hoping that is so!
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Venus IS the new job applying your Ascendant!
Venus on your Ascendant is intriguing, opposing your Moon in the 6th house.
It’s like someone in a secret way (12th house) will hire you for a project or something.
A sudden opportunity.
Notice that all planets except for Venus are under the horizon, they are out of sight.
Venus is an old ruler of the 12th house.
The only thing of concern, I’m not sure if this opportunity is a good thing for you.
opposition are often regrets, disappointments and not worth the actions.
And Venus is also in detriment.

But maybe it will help you to get further in the business you want.
Because they will love you! But the job is combusted, maybe not what you expected or they giving confusing information.
Be aware!
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I don’t see a new paid job is coming your way.
However Venus on your Ascendant is intriguing, opposing your Moon in the 6th house.
It’s like someone in a secret way (12th house) will hire you for a project or something.
A sudden opportunity.
Notice that all planets except for Venus are under the horizon, they are out of sight.
Venus is a old ruler of the 12th house.
The only thing of concern, I’m not sure if this opportunity is a good thing for you.
opposition are often regrets, disappointments and not worth the actions.
And Venus is also in detriment.

But maybe it will help you to get further in the business you want.
Because they will love you! But the job is combusted, maybe not what you expected or they giving confusing information.
Be aware!
Thank you. To be honest I had my fair share of disappointments so far because it was almost impossible to gain experience and find the appropriate internships/ jobs for more than 10 years now. I only have expense unpaid jobs or what I do now which is a temprorary job. I have seen also a lot of amateurism and other negative things. So I am only looking for a door and a small opportunity to start from somewhere. Its simple really.
Just a though because MarinaFFF mentioned the 12th House. I have previously mentioned that my (maternal) uncle is trying to help me via his connections to get a new job. Could the 12th House represent my uncle's interference?
Just a though because MarinaFFF mentioned the 12th House. I have previously mentioned that my (maternal) uncle is trying to help me via his connections to get a new job. Could the 12th House represent my uncle's interference?
Very good point! If this is a brother of your mother (3th brother from 10th mom) he represents Mars. That’s the reason why he is in your first house near your money (trying to get you a paid job).
Also the 3th (siblings ) from the 4th (parents) Venus carries that connection, helping you behind the scenes.
He is really doing his best for you! While he is disliking your current job (Mercury in detriment).

You also mentioned that your old job is draining. Look at your job Mercury being combust!
But they like you very much (Mars in exaltation) you also mentioned to have some great friends there!
You see how accurate and beautiful horary works?
Very good point! If this is a brother of your mother (3th brother from 10th mom) he represents Mars. That’s the reason why he is in your first house near your money (trying to get you a paid job).
Also the 3th (siblings ) from the 4th (parents) Venus carries that connection, helping you behind the scenes.
He is really doing his best for you! While he is disliking your current job (Mercury in detriment).

You also mentioned that your old job is draining. Look at your job Mercury being combust!
But they like you very much (Mars in exaltation) you also mentioned to have some great friends there!
You see how accurate and beautiful horary works?
He is indeed my mother brother and he knows exactly lets say my struggles and true dream. (Its crazy how the chart is so detailed) My current job is great if you want to get experience while being a student in your first degree its not however for someone who has already 3 degrees (!) because you are not really learning something (or giving your knowledge). It helped me expose my self, be financially independent and make friends that I would not normally meet. Its possibly the first place that people saw my real character, ethos and also did not judge me in a gossipy way!
Its sad that I would loose all this but its time for me to find a job that will help me to start my career...

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