Recurring dream portends change?

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Jul 5, 2011
New Hampshire
Last night I dreamed about a tornado. The details are hazy because the dream was interrupted by a puppy, a cat, and a crisis, but I remember that my first thought on waking was "oh, finally!"

I had my first tornado dream back in the mid 90's, and for about 4 years they were a regular occurance. At the same time, I also had a recurring dream of being in my home (it wasn't always a place I knew, just that in the dream I knew it was my home) and unexpectedly finding a door that I thought lead to a closet or bedroom, only to find that it lead to a whole other part of my house/apt/whatever, with room after room after room full of treasures and beautiful things, and I can distincly remember that I felt happy to know they were my rooms, and anxious beacuse there were always more rooms to see, and never enough time to thouroughly explore each one. I always understod that the rooms represented opportunity, but could never really get a handle on what the tornadoes were about. Everything I read suggest violent emotions or suppressed anger, and that didn't quite capture how I felt.

Looking back now, I see that the dreams first started at about the same time a solar eclipse occured within 1 degree of my natal Saturn in 8th house, and for the next several years my life went through some pretty major upheavals. I had the tornadoes telling me when something was about to change, and the rooms to explore to remind me that change means new opportunity. The dreams gradually tapered off as TJupiter moved through my 8th, and life started to stabalize, and I haven't had either one since about 2000.

What I find really interesting is that my life currently needs a radical overhaul, and my first tornado dream in twelve years comes as TMoon conjuncts TJupiter in my 8th. The dream cycle and changes began with an eclipse at 8* Taurus, and continued over a period of 3-4 years, ending with TJupiter in Taurus. Oddly, TJupiter is back in Taurus, and in the spring of 2014 there will be another solar eclipse at 8* Taurus.

If anyone has any thoughts on this, I would love to hear them. :smile:
T,Anthony Louis suggests Uranus rules Tornadoes.(Horary Astrology)page 492
t Uranus 180 r SU/UR,150 Venus,> 90 Mars.
p Moon > r Uranus


Jerry, I have read that about Uranus. I was trying to find similarities between then and now, and with t Uranus the only similarity is 150 Venus. I was tossing around the idea of a cycle that started with an eclipse and ended with t Jupiter, and wondering if this could be the start of another cycle starting with t Jupiter and ending with an eclipse?
Maybe Uranus, seems awfully easy to look at transits of Uranus, Pluto and Neptune to explain almost everything in modern astrology, and I'm not just saying that because I have been focusing on learning traditional/Hellenstic methods. I have an interest in eclipses (she understates)

and thought one conjuncting a natal planet and setting off a series of events, ending with t Jupiter almost where it is now, could be significant when another eclipse will hit the same degree (and on the same day) as the first. Of course, I know nothing about anything. :smile: I have read that anything important will show in the chart in more than one way. So, maybe it's both? Seems that since Uranus transits last so long the timeframes could fit both scenarios?

I do heartily belive that recurring tornado dreams presage major upheaval in one way or another, and can't wait for the next one.
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dreaming of a new house indicates that you are entering into a new phase or new area in your life and are emotionally maturing: a house in your dream represents your own self: specific rooms in the house indicate a specific aspect of your psyche

Dreams about various rooms often relate to hidden areas of the conscious mind and different aspects of your personality - To dream that you find or discover a new room, suggests that you are developing new strengths and taking on new roles. Consider what you find in the discovered room, such rooms are symbolic of neglected skills or rejected potential. :smile:

Dreams Dictionary

To dream that you are in a tornado implies that you are feeling overwhelmed/out of control. Your plans could be filled with complications and you could experience a series of disappointments.

It is interesting that you have linked your dreaming experiences with eclipses as well as transiting planets aspecting natal planets - keep a dream journal and document daily events.

A tornado suggests changes beyond individual control... changes affecting many, not just an individual. Potentially destructive or devastating changes - although often some houses remain unscathed when a tornado passes - while others are totally destroyed :smile:

Perhaps your subconscious is 'waking you' to the realisation that dramatic changes could occur in your life without much warning (except from the subconscious via a dream):smile:

Tornados test the structural integrity of what they pass by.. poorly built structures are effortlessly torn asunder while buildings with strong foundations are more often left unaltered.

Just loosely calculating, within the next two years or so Saturn will also move into opposition of your natal Saturn. I'm not how closely it lines up to that eclipse either but either way it could be a connection.
Tornados test the structural integrity of what they pass by.. poorly built structures are effortlessly torn asunder while buildings with strong foundations are more often left unaltered.

Just loosely calculating, within the next two years or so Saturn will also move into opposition of your natal Saturn. I'm not how closely it lines up to that eclipse either but either way it could be a connection.

Your loose calculations are pretty good. :smile: TSaturn will oppose natal Saturn (Saturn half-return?) exact on 10 Dec. 2012. (I'm getting old...) What is interesting is that on the same day, TSun will be at 18* Sag, exactly one year to the day from this coming December 10 lunar eclipse with Sun at 18* Sag and Moon at 18* Gemini. As it happens, this particular eclipse will square to the degree the only pre-natal eclipse that is unoccupied in my natal will be fun to see what happens.

dreaming of a new house indicates that you are entering into a new phase or new area in your life and are emotionally maturing: a house in your dream represents your own self: specific rooms in the house indicate a specific aspect of your psyche

Dreams about various rooms often relate to hidden areas of the conscious mind and different aspects of your personality - To dream that you find or discover a new room, suggests that you are developing new strengths and taking on new roles. Consider what you find in the discovered room, such rooms are symbolic of neglected skills or rejected potential. :smile:

Dreams Dictionary

To dream that you are in a tornado implies that you are feeling overwhelmed/out of control. Your plans could be filled with complications and you could experience a series of disappointments.

It is interesting that you have linked your dreaming experiences with eclipses as well as transiting planets aspecting natal planets - keep a dream journal and document daily events.

A tornado suggests changes beyond individual control... changes affecting many, not just an individual. Potentially destructive or devastating changes - although often some houses remain unscathed when a tornado passes - while others are totally destroyed :smile:

Perhaps your subconscious is 'waking you' to the realisation that dramatic changes could occur in your life without much warning (except from the subconscious via a dream):smile:

I have tried writing down my dreams in the past, but usually end up loosing the random papers and notes I wrote them on. :andy: Now that I am actively looking for an explination, keeping better track is definately on my list of priorities. :smile:
I 've had dreams of prophecy all my life...I can even 'program' myself to have them if I wanted to...about specific upcoming events...that sort of thing.
I don't know if there are astrological influences on dreams...I've never thought about it...but know that I've given it a bit of thought... I kind of doubt it actually. [Now the Moon is a whole 'nother deal...Edgar Cayce said to never let the moon shine on your face while you sleep, apparently it can bring about some forms of madness or disturbances, I would assume He was referring to dreams in part or whole... Does anyone know of any refs. to dreams and any of the 12 houses?
About this Uranus thing and tornadoes though...
I have a thread here at aw in another sub-forum ...on what I've had to call/describe as "A Runic Explanation of the Zodiac."
This has to do with my finally figuring out all the elemental assocs. of the Zodiac.

...if you read the thread you will find that Gemini represents all "Air on the Earth" [Aquarius all "Air above the Earth" and Libra all "Air below the Earth"] As I would say that a Tornado is "Air on the Earth" and Gemini is ruled by Mercury of which the higher octave ruler is Uranus...I'd say, that belief has got something going for it.
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Programming yourself to have prophetic dreams is quite the gift.
I've been doing some "programming" myself.
Focusing intention on becoming lucid in my dreams and facing my "ghosts" so to speak.
I don't see any reason that dreams shouldn't have astrological correlations.. after all, reality does, and dreams are not as distinct from reality as it seems.
Traditionally, the 9th house rules dreams.
I've been pretty interested in the relationship between dreams and astrology lately.. there are two discussions that have taken place here on the forum.
Now, that is interesing. My understanding is that dreams are traditionally a 9th house matter. Tropically, Gemini is on my 9th cusp, ruled by Mercury in Libra. With sidereal, Gemini is 10th house, but ruled by Mercury in Virgo, and Mercury is also ASC ruler. Either way, Mercury does have effect on 9th. Isn't it the belief that Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury? Meaning perhaps (I hope someone can verify) that prior to the discovery of Uranus, Mercury may have ruled tornadoes?

ptv, I would absolutely, positively, love to know how you program yourself to have prophetic dreams? Because, the only way I have ever been made aware that something is going to happen has been through my dreams. And, with three little ones (not to mention the new puppy) my dreams are more interupted than they have ever been. Remembering them is becoming almost impossible...
I've been doing some "programming" myself.
Focusing intention on becoming lucid in my dreams and facing my "ghosts" so to speak.

Aaron, I am usually pretty happy if in my dreams I am "me" (as opposed to the usual someone else, and sometimes male) and am dreaming about people I actually know, lol. As far as facing your ghosts, are you talking about nightmares? We could have a whole conversation about nightmares alone...:wink:
Now, that is interesing. My understanding is that dreams are traditionally a 9th house matter. Tropically, Gemini is on my 9th cusp, ruled by Mercury in Libra. With sidereal, Gemini is 10th house, but ruled by Mercury in Virgo, and Mercury is also ASC ruler. Either way, Mercury does have effect on 9th. Isn't it the belief that Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury? Meaning perhaps (I hope someone can verify) that prior to the discovery of Uranus, Mercury may have ruled tornadoes?

ptv, I would absolutely, positively, love to know how you program yourself to have prophetic dreams? Because, the only way I have ever been made aware that something is going to happen has been through my dreams. And, with three little ones (not to mention the new puppy) my dreams are more interupted than they have ever been. Remembering them is becoming almost impossible...
I learned to do it at age 8 from reading about a couple of guys that were doing in New York at the time. It was in a copy of Fate magazine, my parents subscribed to it, and that was in 1961.
It's most likely due to the near perfect Saturn/Neptune conj. I have in my natal chart. Pluto conj. M.C., Uranus in Cancer in the 8th house trine my Asc surely has something to do with the ability along with Moon trine Neptune [and my 9th house is Cancer...sooo, that bit of info you just gave me has be utilized already]...I've got a lot of aspects that are said to confer such abilities or compliment, amplify, fine tune [etc.] them. Too many to think about this morning. It's now 6 am on the west coast here in the States and i haven't been to bed yet [as I didn't get up till around 2pm I'm retired and not married it makes little diff to me...and my room mate doesn't care...I let him have the spare bedroom for free and he used to be a sound engineer at a blues club over in he's one of those 'Night People' anyways.
Uranus and Mercury were always in co-rulership of Gemini. Just because we recently 'discovered' Uranus doesn't mean it wasn't affecting anything prior to that. ...and Tornadoes are messengers of change...and rude, unexpected change...
...and Tornadoes are messengers of change...and rude, unexpected change...

I don't know that, based on my own experiences with tornado dreams, the changes are always rude and unexpected. Maybe, if someone hasn't been paying attention, the changes could be unexpected....

I see them more as something telling me that there is something in my life that needs to be torn down, in order to build something new and more secure/stable (sounds a bit like Saturn transits?) So to me, tornado dreams are about clearing away that which is no longer useful, to make way for that which is...

Or, maybe I'm just waiting for someone to drop a house on my sister? :wink:
I don't know that, based on my own experiences with tornado dreams, the changes are always rude and unexpected. Maybe, if someone hasn't been paying attention, the changes could be unexpected....

I see them more as something telling me that there is something in my life that needs to be torn down, in order to build something new and more secure/stable (sounds a bit like Saturn transits?) So to me, tornado dreams are about clearing away that which is no longer useful, to make way for that which is...

Or, maybe I'm just waiting for someone to drop a house on my sister? :wink:
Shoes!...? Let's get some shoes!
Ok, the shoes were funny, but a little more retro than I (at 42) want to consider...

ptv...Sabian Symbol for 18* Virgo???

Are you asking me what the Sabian symbol is or referring me to it for some reason I can't understand.
If you need to look up Sabian symbols here's a link to Rudhyar's set Sabian Symbols/An Astrological Mandala - Contents.htm

ps...never too old for shopping for shoes...
I was p'd to find that the slip on clog style with 'Vibram or type of [trademark] soles that I've taken a preference for wearing about 4 years ago and of which type I saw a few days ago and were exactly the right sole, right cut with the high waterproof rubber sidewall that I've been searching for for over a year were only made in a womans' shoe and even though I might have found a pair that fit me they only came in pastel shades and with feminine accouterments ...[flowers and hearts].
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Are you asking me what the Sabian symbol is or referring me to it for some reason I can't understand.
If you need to look up Sabian symbols here's a link to Rudhyar's set Sabian Symbols/An Astrological Mandala - Contents.htm

I was asking because I am interested in 18* Virgo as the 11 Sept 1969 eclipse at that degree is the only one of the 5 eclipses that year that did not fall on a natal point or planet in my chart. But when I read the description for that What a coincidence.

KEYNOTE: The ability to contact deeper recesses of the unconscious psyche and sensitiveness to psychic intimations and omens.
The ouija board is to be considered here a modern device similar to many ancient instruments used for divination and prophecy. Certain states of threshold consciousness are stimulated by such a use, and what the experience produces may vary greatly in quality and in origin. The release of unconscious material has lost the explosive force pictorialized in the preceding symbol, yet at this stage there is still no conscious and willful control over what reaches the ego-consciousness.
This is the third stage of the thirty-fourth sequence of symbolic phases in the life process. It is at best a stage of transition which stresses a passive openness to the unknown. The glamour of it may subtly pervert the mind of the aspirant; but in some cases, this can be the first manifestation of INNER GUIDANCE. The difficulty is to correctly evaluate what or who does the guiding.
Aaron, I am usually pretty happy if in my dreams I am "me" (as opposed to the usual someone else, and sometimes male) and am dreaming about people I actually know, lol. As far as facing your ghosts, are you talking about nightmares? We could have a whole conversation about nightmares alone...:wink:

Not necessarily.. I mean becoming aware that I'm dreaming AS and BECAUSE I am looking someone directly in the eyes. In one dream I was a woman looking at myself in the mirror and became insanely terrified to realize I was seeing myself as someone other than I am used to seeing in the mirror. In other dreams its similar but without the mirror, although it still feels like a mirror image with the face so close.
I'm wondering.. since those symbols are listed as 1*-30*.. would 1* actually be 0* since we normally use 0*-29* ?

To my understanding in converting the 1-30 numeration to the 0-29:59 numeration of modern charts:
-exactly 0:00 would be the 30th of the previous sign
-0:01 (and above) would be 1 of the present sign, exactly 1:00 would be 1 of the present sign, 1:01 and above would be 2, and so on; exactly 29:00 would be 29,; 29:01 would be 30 of the present sign, etc...
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