The 12th House - Your Thoughts

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I think I know what you mean pisceskitty as I also get that feeling sometimes. It's almost like an out of body feeling or not feeling connected with body, or just wanting to lose that connection.

My Capricorn stellium, which consists of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Venus (which I've already mentioned before) are all in the twelfth house. Although I'm not 100% certain about Venus since it is right at the end of the twelfth house and can be interpreted as being either in the twelth or first house.
Hmmm, pisceskitty, it might sound like OBE (out of body experiences)...and about your Solar return for 2007...are you sure in which place will you be at that time?
I will be here in New York for my Birthday. I know this for a fact. I've visited alot of differen't places, but I loooove my home town. I always make it my buisiness to spend my Birthday home with family, and friends.:) If anyone is curious about my Solar Return, here's my information:

March 11th 1973
New York, NY

I have a strong feeling, that I will have to deal with that 12th house alot in 2007. It's really calling me. I'm really ready to start delving deeply into certain aspects of myself as a human being. NOW is the time. As my Grandmother used to say: "When your called, your called."
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pisceskitty said:
I'm reall happy that someone started this tread. I have natal Pluto Rx in the 12H, square my Moon in the 9H, Trine Jupiter in Aquarius in the 4H, and opposite Mercury in Pisces in the 5H. I was looking at my Solar return chart for March 2007, and I have Moon-Pluto-Jupiter all in Sagittarius, in the 12th:eek: I can't explain it, but there are moments when I have this strong need to live "outside" of my own body. I don't mean suicide or anything like that. I remember as a child, I felt like I was some kind of "starchild" or something. Like I wasn't from this planet.[I know this sounds insane!]

I also have this fascination with fasting. This need to "lose" my body every now and then. I'm trying my best to explain this, but I can't! It's just something that I feel. It's almost impossible for me to put it into words. It's as though I could unzip my own body, step out of it, and hang it up in the closet for awhile.

I can relate to so much of what you said pisceskitty! When I was a child I just didn't get gravity at all. I also preferred being small and lightweight which to me, made moving around in physicality a bit less difficult. Like driving a 2 seater sports car!!! ;) Personally I feel you're just remembering what it feels like being NON physical! I've always remembered having come here from another higher nonphysical dimension, and to those who have more conscious memory of this, being in physicality in a physical body feels very restrictive and dense. So of course I'm a Cap so I can really drag around in 3D. :cool:

It wouldn't surprise me if in some ways the 12th house represents our beingness at other nonphysical levels or at least our invisible connections to them all.
`12th house Sun denotes spirituality and getting religion. George W is an alcoholic and coke head who supposedly found God. It denotes seclusion, retreat and perhaps becoming more involved in helping those less fortunate especially those who are abusing substances and alcohol. When that progressed Sun aspects a natal placement and you already have a similar aspect in your chart then you will feel the effects. It is the house of karma, secret enemies and self undoing. Not easy to get a handle on as everything there is subtle and hidden.

I have a lot of stuff in 12th House Moon (Libra), Jupiter, Neptune, NN all in Scorpio as well as a Scorpio ascendant. I believe all this 12th house placement kind of waters down my Sun (Aquarius in 4th). I am not a people person per se although I enjoy a good time. 12th house is this good or bad? The cusp of 12th house is in gemini and mercury is in 11th house...
23 said:
So I was wondering if you can do the same here for the 12th house like a previous post re the 6th house. What have you got in your 12th house and what are your impressions of the 12th house?

i have the sun, mercure and venus in cancer in 12th, all in the same degree.
about the 12th i think is an interesting house, for good or for bad. it have such a malefic reputation of solitude or isolation but for me solitude is like air, i need it everyday, or meditation too, to contact my inner self. do i need it for good or beacuse of my "malefic" life? i dont know, but i enjoy being alone.
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I think my thoughts on my 12th has changed slightly. The first post that I wrote was in my greener days. I still believe that there is an element of solitariness with that house, introspection actually. But I have noticed that many famous/prominent people can have a focus on the 12th as well (as well as 10th/11th houses) and that allows them maybe a bit of breathing space from the public glare.
23 said:
I have noticed that many famous/prominent people can have a focus on the 12th as well (as well as 10th/11th houses) and that allows them maybe a bit of breathing space from the public glare.

thats a good definition, i think. it have sense.
do you think also that 12th is the house most related to past life?
23 said:
..But then I noticed that a lot leaders have a 12th house sun, eg Bush, Putin and Carter, to name a few.
Yes, that's very true. Many remarkable people were born with Sun and planets in the twelfth house like: George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Vladimir Putin and Ariel Sharon.

Sharon was born with Sun in Pisces and retrograding Mercury nearby, and he is known as "the warrior" for his hawkish tendencies. He has Uranus conjunct Jupiter in Aries also in the 12th, which may explain why he does not display the accepted Piscean characteristics of compassion, empathy, sympathy and humanity. Nevertheless he is an example of a 12th house Sun.

Vladimir Putin was born with Sun conjunct Saturn in the peaceful sign of Libra and has a stellium in Libra including Mercury and Neptune, all in the 12th house. Even before his appointment as prime minister in 1999 he was one of the most powerful men in the Kremlin during the time of Boris Yeltsin as President & was personally chosen by Yeltsin as his successor

George Bush has Sun and Saturn in Cancer in the 12th house. Many astrologers see his Sun as a good 'case study' to show the dark side of the twelfth house. The manner in which he came to the Presidency in a disputed election, and the "behind-the-scenes" manipulations that have caused many to feel that he is not the real winner of that election, definitely reflect the power of that solar position.

Tony Blair has a huge 12th house (starts at 1°52' in Aries and ends at 1°04' in Gemini) with a stellium of Venus, Merc, Sun & Jupiter. Mars, ruler of his 12 is in 1 & Mercury, ruler of his chart in 12. His chart sheds light on yet another aspect of 12 - morality & healing.
At Oxford Blair had embraced both Christianity and socialism and has been described as a man of "enormous moral fibre." He has sought a "middle way" in religion in his marriage to Cherie, a Catholic, while he is a practicing Anglican. He has used Jesus as his role model, and attends Catholic masses with his wife and two sons. Blair is the principal hope for reconciliation with the Arab world. A philosopher and student of religion, he knows that the Muslim and Christian traditions are from the same tradition. A 12th house Taurus Sun conjunct Pallas, he has an inner strength and commitment that can be trusted. Blair showed his special genius most notably at the time of Princess Diana's death. He showed the British at the time of Diana's death that it was all right to express their emotions in public. He convinced the Queen to fly the flag at half-mast over Buckingham palace even though it was not in keeping with protocol. The man is a healer as well as innovator.
23 said:
..So I was wondering if you can do the same here for the 12th house like a previous post re the 6th house. What have you got in your 12th house and what are your impressions of the 12th house?
My impressions of 12 are reflected in my other posts on this thread.
Personally I have no planets at all in 12, I am quite gregarious, but also a very private person - has to do perhaps with my 12th house being in Cancer & its ruler (Moon) in Capricorn (where Moon is said to be in exile).

:) aquarius7000
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There are allot of famous people, creative people, with twelvth house I have come accross them I should have put them into a work document but haven't so mabie I'll just add a few.....

David Bowie,
Westley Snipes,
Michael Douglas,
The Woman who played the lead role on the Holoween horror flicks....whats her name.....Jamie Lee Curtus, Daughter of Tony Curtus. Orriginally went to school to be a humanitarian.
Keano Reeves
Queen latefa(spelling)
One of John Lennons charts that are floating arround out there has a 12H sun.
Andy Warhol
Janis Joplin(self undoing is a theme here..ouch)
The rest from astrotheme:
Tobey Maguire
Elizabeth Hurley
Michelle Pfeiffer
Orlando Bloom
Roger Fedderer(who I oddly look like)
Meryl Streep
Patrick Swayze
Anthony Hopkins
Liv Tyler
David Hasselhoff
Fran Drescher
Richard Branson
Kiefer Sutherland
Johnny Cash
Patrick Dewaere
Mark Wahlberg
Gary Cooper
Boris Becker
Judy Garland
Shaquille Oneal
Miles Davis
Barry Gibb
Billy Crystal
Julian Lennon
Ron Howard
Jimi Hendrix
Chevy Chase

And Me...except I'm not famous....

Many are people I have admired..
If anyone has different data then the astrotheme charts let me know.
I have saturn and north node in the 12th house in the sign of Aries. I have spent the last six years in solitude working out my own patterns of formation and coming to terms with them.
I do want to be in partnership now (romantic). I feel more ready after the inner work I have been doing. The hardest of these planetary placements are my own fears!
Interestingly, my jobs reflects back the placement of these planets. I work at the jail and also as a child therapist for low income families.
At the jail I teach inmates how to cook and meditate. My midheaven is in capricorn.
These are my 12th house experiences.
Any further thoughts are welcome.
Eckhart Tolle, The Collective Ego.
While not an astrologer a decent new age writer, and he covers psychological aspects well, just skimmed through a book and saw this yesturday, thought it described the 12H suns very well, being I have one, and have dealt with having one, and spend time being aware of having one....
Take Care,

From the Book

Awakening to Your Life's Purpose


How hard it is to live with yourself! One of the ways in which the ego attempts to escape the unsatisfactoriness of personal self-hood is to enlarge and strengthen its sense of self by identifying with a group--a nation, a political party, corporation, institution, sect, club, gang, football team.

In some cases the personal ego seems to dissolve completely as someone dedicates his or her life to working selflessly for the greater good of the collective without demanding personal rewards, recognition, or aggrandisement. What a relief to be freed of the dreadful burden of personal self. The members of the collective feel happy and fulfilled, no matter how hard they work, how many sacrifices they make. They appear to have gone beyond ego. The question is: Have they truly become free, or has the ego simply shifted from the personal to the collective?

A collective ego manifests the same characteristics as the personal ego, such as the need for conflict and enemies, the need for more, the need to be right against others who are wrong, and so on. Sooner or later, the collective will come into conflict with other collectives, because it unconsciously seeks conflict and it needs opposition to define its boundary and thus its identity. Its members will then experience the suffering that inevitably comes in the wake of any ego-motivated action. At that point, they may wake up and realise that their collective has a strong element of insanity.

It can be painful at first to suddenly wake up and realise that the collective you had identified with and worked for is actually insane. Some people at that point become cynical or bitter and henceforth deny all values, all worth. This means that they quickly adopted another belief system when the previous one was recognised as illusory and therefore collapsed. They didn't face the death of their ego but ran away and reincarnated into a new one.

A collective ego is usually more unconscious than the individuals that make up that ego. For example crowds (which are temporary collective egoic entities) are capable of committing atrocities that the individual away from the crowd would not be. Nations not infrequently engage in behaviour that would be immediately recognisable as psychopathic in an individual.

As the new consciousness emerges, some people will feel called upon to form groups that reflect the enlightened consciousness. These groups will not be collective egos. The individuals who make up these groups will have no need to define their identity through them. They no longer look to any form to define who they are. Even if the members that make up those groups are not totally free of ego yet, there will be enough awareness in them to recognise the ego in themselves or in others as soon as it appears. However, constant alertness is required since the ego will try to take over and reassert itself in any way it can. Dissolving the human ego by bringing it into the light of awareness--this will be one of the main purposes of these groups, whether they be enlightened businesses, charitable organisations, schools, or communities of people living together. Enlightened collectives will fulfil an important function in the arising of the new consciousness. Just as egoic collectives pull you into unconsciousness and suffering, the enlightened collective can be a vortex for consciousness that will accelerate the planetary shift.
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When I think of the twelfth house, I think of solitude, spirituality and unknown enemies. For me, it is the hardest house to interpret!

I have Neptune in my twelfth house and Uranus is retrograde in the first near the Ascendant, so I consider it in the twelfth too. The cusp of my twelfth house is Sagittarius.
Hello - newbie here.

My 12th house cusp begins in Pisces. Aries is intercepted. Saturn, Venus, Sun, Mercury, N. Node are all there.

a few thoughts
1. I have been a "melancholic" since childhood
2. Also painfully shy (though I did fight back on the playground)
3. Always admired from afar, rather than really proclaiming my love.
4. My heroes as a kid (and adult) - Hamlet, and Charlie Brown.
5. The old school fated interpretations about secret enemies have proven true( no, that's not just my neptune in scorpio talking - lol)
6. But for every 1 outside, I feel there's 3 inside: i.e. self-undoing.
7. I have great compassion for prisoners and for the mentally ill
8. I have always wanted to become a monk (a huge problem when you grow up methodist)
9. Left to my own resources, I actually enjoy living a schedule inspired by the Rule of St. Benedict.
10. But I'm also interested in mysticism, Alchemy, Astrology, etc.
11. While my new age friends are rushing to open up their psychic/intuitive faculties, I'm rushing to shut them down - or at least be less influenced by outside forces.
12. The single valuable advice I can give you as a 12th house "elder": learn to clear and shield your aura. Learn to ground.
I have Sun in Aquarius in 12th house. The 12th house ruler Uranus and 1st house ruler Neptune are both conjunct in my 10th house. :):p

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