COVID vaccine is ready!

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*raises hand* Sefardi here. Please stop blaming us for all the world's ills. It's tiresome. And also - evil.

Vaccine is poison, don't take it. I COULD say who I think is behind this, but I'd be kicked off the forum...
Sabbateans. I'll just say that much. But there are many different groups with things to gain from this, evil is everywhere.

*Interestingly, the word saboteur is a derivative- or it comes from the original root word "Sabbatean."
Things that make you think, don't they.
Vaccine is poison, don't take it. I COULD say who I think is behind this, but I'd be kicked off the forum...
Sabbateans. I'll just say that much. But there are many different groups with things to gain from this, evil is everywhere.

*Interestingly, the word saboteur is a derivative- or it comes from the original root word "Sabbatean."
Things that make you think, don't they.

This is the standard etymology for "sabotage", from which "saboteur" is derived. Notice it has only one "b".

It was from the heavy wooden shoes, called "sabots", which workers threw into the gears of the machinery that was costing them jobs.
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I read it all, David. Trust that I can understand for myself what he meant. I don't need you babying me or assuming what you think I meant just because I said "great article, thanks", or implying that I could be one of those Internet trolls.

I actually didn't think you were. But, he says that some already have. He's an honest research scientist! We need more of them.

There are a LOT of misleading articles (and memes) on BOTH sides of the "to vax or not to vax" question. This isn't one of them.
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Project Veritas will drop something big on monday, related to the covid vaccines.
Aries ingress 2021 has the south node on the MC. Utter corruption in government (and medicine, not shockingly). Libra ingress has Venus in Scorpio in 10. Vindictive, petty, incompetent leader (still under the influence of the Aries ingress, that goes until next April).

I think it'll be Trudeau again. Even if it's not - no good comes of whoever we get. They're all pretty bad candidates, though I'd prefer O'Toole, if only to get Fidel Jr out.
*raises hand* Sefardi here. Please stop blaming us for all the world's ills. It's tiresome. And also - evil.
No one is blaming Sefardi. The Sefardi, are not Sabbateans. Well some could be or are maybe, but most are not.

Please read the post and what I said. It's tiresome and ignorant, not to do so..
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I don't know, but I did stay in a Nabbatean cave (tomb) part of one, in Petra Jordan.
Petra Hotels, the Petra Marriott Hotel

Location: Queen Rania Al Abdallah StreetEnjoy one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the ancient Nabatean city of Petra carved from the rock over a thousand years ago. Embracing traditional hospitality and overlooking Jordan's timeless wonder, the Petra Marriott Hotel

The other similar name perhaps is where the word "Sabbath" comes from? I guess not!

Sabbath (n.)

Old English sabat "Saturday as a day of rest," as observed by the Jews, from Latin sabbatum, from Greek sabbaton, from Hebrew shabbath, properly "day of rest," from shabath "he rested." Spelling with -th attested from late 14c., not widespread until 16c.

Sabbateans - Wikipedia

The Sabbateans (or Sabbatians) were a variety of Jewish followers, disciples, and believers in Sabbatai Zevi (1626–1676), a Sephardic Jewish rabbi and Kabbalist who was proclaimed to be the Jewish Messiah in 1666 by Nathan of Gaza.
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Chris Rock was vaccinated in May. He recently caught what's being labeled a "breakthrough" case of Covid-19, meaning a fully vaccinated person who catches Covid. And, although he says it was EXTREMELY unpleasant, it looks like he's made a relatively easy recovery.

This is the latest narrative of the vaccination movement: MUCH greater chance of recovery (which also means natural immunity for at least a few months) for those "fully vaccinated"--meaning two weeks after receiving both shots.

For the vaccination movement, the choice should be clear: J&J, the one-shot vaccine, can provide resistance to Covid-19 THREE WEEKS before two-shot Pfizer or Moderna. And, it's even said to be more effective against the Delta variant than the other two. ESPECIALLY because the vaccination movement is insisting that any fatalities prior to receiving BOTH shots of Pfizer or Moderna, which require a 3-week waiting period in between, count as UNVACCINATED deaths. Logical question: Why ISN'T J&J the preferred vaccine under these circumstances?

Governor Abbott also anecdotally fits this theory, another breakthrough case, another relatively easy recovery. He himself publicly credited being fully vaccinated for the fortunate outcome.

And, of course the anti-vaccination movement looks for every anecdotal case IT can find where someone suffered a serious illness or death shortly after receiving a vaccine.

BOTH sides of the "To be or not to be vaccinated" argument are using sta-trick-stics, instead of honest statistics.
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The recovery rate for unvaccinated people is 99.8%, lower as you get older. I don't think being vaccinated gives you a huge recovery advantage, since the vast majority of people - recover. Even the majority of over-80s (at least the ones not in care homes) recover.
The recovery rate for unvaccinated people is 99.8%, lower as you get older. I don't think being vaccinated gives you a huge recovery advantage, since the vast majority of people - recover. Even the majority of over-80s (at least the ones not in care homes) recover.

The stats I'm seeing say fatalities versus confirmed cases is in the 2% range. So, 100,000 confirmed cases would mean 2,000 fatalities, which is about what is being reported each day (1,800 to 2,000).

And, of those fatalities, they're saying that most hadn't been "fully vaccinated".

A 98% recovery rate sounds pretty good, until you start adding up the numbers included in the 2% that didn't survive.
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Conservatives and Right Wing are the corruption. Trump is still leading his voters in the shadows, but he'll get caught in the end. We're in the Climate Change they deny because it benefits them. Science has been telling us for decades the rising temperatures would release viruses. I don't understand anti-vaxxers, so selfish. Little children and babies are getting Delta, they cant be vaccinated. We take the vaccine to raise their chances of survival. Its a no-brainer. Also forget any idea its all about Government control. Health insurers, employers, travel insurers, teachers, families are going to demand people get vaccinated.
The recovery rate for unvaccinated people is 99.8%, lower as you get older. I don't think being vaccinated gives you a huge recovery advantage, since the vast majority of people - recover. Even the majority of over-80s (at least the ones not in care homes) recover.

Where on earth did you get those statistics? Being vaccinated decreases your chance of contracting Covid & increases your chance of survival immensely. Get your facts from the experts and people who work directly with the virus and Covid patients.

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