Pluto transits have ruined my life, is there any hope for a change

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Jan 11, 2025

Would anyone skilled in transit astrology help me and give his/her insight, please?

I suffer from very weird periods of my life and no therapy, pills or work with myself works for me. Even though I have always trusted that everything can be solved if you try enough, I have lost all my strenghts I used to have. During this time I lost all of my friends, jobs, familiars, health, apartament and money. I wish I could understand the situation more and know that one day this nightmare ends. During 13 years i had to stop trusting my intuition, believes and values as following them I always lost someone or something more. I got to the point that last 3 years i spent Chrismast alone. So many weirds outer situations around me without any of my participation. Last 7 years i cant due to waves of hard insomnia keep on my personal or work life. I cant plan any vacation because or I dont leave for it or i stop sleeping there. So for me, the life is like - no nice stuff at all in any way and you might survive. And Yes, i used be a very possitive person, full of energy with great relationships, a lot of friends and ambitions that i was always able to achieve. I used to be so strong personality that was dealing problems with ease. What i look for is that last years I stopped sleeping around the Pluto movements around my planets.

There are those periods: September 2018 - February 2019; July 2019 - February 2020; August 2020 - december 2020; April 2021 - january 2022; July 2022 - February 2023; June 2023 - april 2024; September 2024 - now

So can you see, please, find anything that points to the hard insomnia (i literally dont fall asleep during the whole night), kind of stopping my energy to the level that i cant even clean, cook or do the shopping? Or vice versa, are any really possitive aspects this year?

I have learnt very painfully Plutos power but now it is very difficult to see the lessons in the suffering when it is not over. When it is over, i see what i have learnt but cant say that i gained something as I was slowly losing everything that i had. Even myself and thats the worst. I know Im kind of fenix so one day, if i survive this torture, i would rise up again. But for now, as my problems arent over and every solution makes it even worse… i need some of hope that one day after the long long winter comes the spring. I also wanted to ask as i see my North node and probably my moon are still now under the control of Pluto, which orbis might be for me a relief? And maybe when?

Thank you soooo much for any insight into this situation as for the astrology. As for the psychology and self development, i did a lot of work by now, so now i would really appreciate deeper look into this transit.


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I hope to have more time tomorrow, so that you get some answers to your questions. But meanwhile, what convinces you that Pluto is the problem? What does Pluto symbolize to you?
Hello life22,

is your main basic difficulty not to be recognized in the objectives that you want to pursue from your ideas?

Ecliptique. :)
The planetary positions in degrees/minutes are almost too small to read even from the grid.

It would appear that Pluto in its own sign on the ascendant, and in the 1st house of personality/physical constitution, is totally unaspected. This can make its influence in life so very strong because there are no other parts of character through aspect to it that can present other perspectives to what and why it exeriences situations as it does.

Secondly, the Sun in Capricorn, normally capable of experiencing life from the reality of situations it undergoes, is flanked on each side by Uranus and Neptune. The generation born with this conjunction have no sense of the character within the sign with which earlier generations contended. The rules and obligations of the past have been broken down by Uranus and dissolved by Neptune, as they make the rules, or not, through which they live. The Sun could well take on those rules. Does it live in its own reality of experiences, that could differ from what it actually shows is occuring?

Thirdly, there is no planet in the AIR signs. AIR is associated with the mentality lens through which one views its experiences. Can the individual think, make thoughtful comparisons, see objective alternatives of thought, before or after it takes any action? Is it able to relate and communicate openly with others, or does it keep its thoughts to itself that become its truth?

With transit Pluto having worked its way through Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn, it aspected and activated every planet in the chart with which it came into contact. Did 2002/2003 coincide with a significant time in which you had difficulty trusting in feeling accepted for whom you were, that has since always been with you ? With no natal planetary charactertic to stop Pluto's overpowering nature, only their own, it may have drawn Capricorn further down into its wallowing mire, ending with the Moon-Capricorn opposition; a complete destruction of/ with/from family obligations and traditions? It's then that Pluto's power enabled one to see what has gone, never to return. One is able to undergo the transformation of detachment from emotional influences and towards the new beginnings towards INdependence from them that Aquarius will allow it.

With Neptune leaving Pisces ( end of insomnia?) and entering Aries, followed by the entry of Uranus into Gemini (mind implication):
As you, yourself, said: The fenix rising from the ashes ???
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