Moon conjunct Neptune, anyone else have this?

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Starry Eyed

Active member
Feb 17, 2009
I'm curious to hear what others have to report about having their natal Moon and Neptune conjunct. Mine are in Scorpio, no less, and this aspect makes me sensitive to the point where I can pick up the vibe of the room, pick up other people's vibes when I don't particularly want to, feel paranormal presences, have "the gift" of clairaudience when I least expect it, etc. Anyone else feel like a psychic sponge?

It's cool to have empath skills sometimes, but other times I desperately need alone time to decompress, stare at the wall so to speak, and just recharge my emotional batteries. Meditation and grounding help me, as does a technique I learned from a healer -- envisioning my second chakra closing down to 20 percent so as not to be too "open" to the energy of others. Here is an interesting piece on this conjunction for those who want to learn a bit more:
Starry Eyed, thanks for the link, and also for the jolt re Neptune conj Moon. Natally I have these two squared, which is quite difficult on its own, but for most of the past year I have had my progr Moon and Neptune in Libra forming a conjunction - which thankfully is now over, and my `sanity' is returning. I have had such a difficult time with psychic impressions and psychic boundaries.

:w00t::w00t: What a ride it has been! This would also be why it is I have chosen to spend the bulk of this year in my house!! I have had an on-going situation with another family of quite mentally fragile people, who exhibit behaviours from extreme anxiety, to pathological lying, to verbal and psychic attack. Have just recognised that for the past (almost) 2 years I have been hugely affected by this, so much so that I now `know' their whole story, complete to some hereditary factors - all as a result of being `open' and so sensitive to what it is they have really been projecting. My sensitivity has certainly heightened during the progr Moon-Neptune conjunction, and am now relieved for it to be over!!! Being in Libra, this temporary conjunction (for around a year, using an orb of 7 degr) led me to being focussed upon `the other', and this drove me nuts at times.

So, thank you for the insights into how it is you deal with this. I tend to review transits after the fact, which is another Neptunian habit of mine...:sideways:
I have natally Moon in Pisces square Neptune in Sagitaruis in the 12th side conjunct Ascendant. I too soak up energies around me, loosing myself quite easily sometimes. Ever heard the expression, 'easily led'...? Its important to get time away from all that, meditate, or just find your own quiet time to find your own centre again, to find yourself, balance.

I also have progressed Moon opposing natal Neptune now, I do feel quite lost now, and I'm attracting all kinds of interesting experiences, plus meeting random strangers, some of whom seem to heal me in exactly the way I need right now, two people that were spiritual people just seemed to tap into my unconscious and pick out what I was having most trouble with right now. I'm also used to that Neptunian energy, just seems more noticable now with the progression.
...and Neptune Rising, if that all is not enough for you - :w00t: - then your Moon in Pisces inconjunct natal Pluto can be a bit hairy also, in particular when dealing with others. Your emotions are likely to be so intense!!
...and Neptune Rising, if that all is not enough for you - :w00t: - then your Moon in Pisces inconjunct natal Pluto can be a bit hairy also, in particular when dealing with others. Your emotions are likely to be so intense!!

Yes Raven, intense is spot on! :tongue:

Luckily, as Joseph mentioned, Saturn is a bit of a life saver at times, he is in trine with my Moon which helps stabilise Moon. Also my Moon trines Uranus in Scorpio! Haha. Mixed bag!
I have Moon conj Mept in Scorpio. I relsih and feel happyn abput the strong emtions, and I'm sure the Nept softens the vengeful nature of Scorpio. I love poetry and romance. On the down side I also feel sadness and anxiety (anger too) very strongly), and the Nept makes me soak up other people's negative emtions unless I am continually keeping up boundaries. The Nept helps me visualizxe boundaries protecting me and th4e Scorpio moon helps me stay stubborn about keeping them there!

My friend has Scorpio Moon and Neptune conjunct her ASC. I think it gives her an alluring almost dreamy quality(according to men) but she also doesn't see herself clearly. Meaning, her perception of things, mainly when it comes to who she really is, is murky at best.
Joseph, thank you so much for that thorough and erudite post. I can certainly relate to that. My natal Saturn is nicely trined by Jupiter in Sag, which is a pretty good `faith in life' placement - but has also been opposed for some time by the Chiron-Neptune transit, which I feel has added to the muddiness in my boundaries throughout this year. At the same time this long-term opposition has allowed me to heal/transform/change the tendency I have towards leaving my personal boundaries `unmanned' - something which developed in childhood as a habit, as a way of `checking others out' to see who had less than noble intentions towards me.

You're right of course. We all have Saturn placements for a very good reason, and it's not all about beating ourselves up!!

The key to solving Neptunian problems lies within the crux of Saturn.

That is, without an anchor, the Moon-Neptune conjunction may become overwhelmed in their receptivity of their experiences, unable to stay grounded, and even make true sense out of their perceptions.

For that reason, if one has a Moon-Neptune conjunction, but no Saturn to keep them in check, I would recommend a little astro-magic: consecrating one's needs/wishes to stabilize their Neptunian meandering into more concrete manifestations, while keeping things balanced - perhaps into writing shall these be cast - perhaps at the moment the Moon crosses Saturn in Libra (for the first time in a cycle).

The Moon crosses Saturn in Libra - its exaltation - on the 12th of this month. Those who have strong Neptunes may be naturally inclined to work with the elements in their pure form. For indeed, know that the problem lies entirely within the balancing of elements, and the cause of suffering is that.

In working with my clients, the keyword for Neptune seems to be: enabling.

That is to say that there is some great mystical experience "on the other side" and Neptune seems to be that planet which is a doorway into those kinds of experiences.

The important thing to see in the horoscope is the angularity of the Neptune-Moon conjunction. If it is within 5* of an angle, it is powerful, energetic, able, and is going to stir up as much sensitivity as it can. On the other hand, I use Whole Sign Houses to figure out what topical house it really is in. Placidus and all those simply measure the strength of a planet - not tell you what topic/house it is in.

This brings up the notion that Neptune is perhaps naturally malefic - without the help of Saturn. Likewise, all the outer planets, who are beyond control of the human will, being outside their vision, may be essentially malefic without an encouraging testimony from Saturn. Saturn, who is rightfully known as the greater malefic, now appears to have a role in grounding the outer planets that makes him seem to be extremely favorable.

I have my Moon conj Neptune, but they are in Sagittarius in 3rd house, so I do not fully qualify for being a psychic. However I do have a complaint that this Neptune is clouding my mind at times and messing up my concentration. I had a thread about it here a few weeks ago. Got a lot of good advice (thanks!).
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My son has moon:moon: conj Neptune:neptune: in Saggi:sagittarius: in 1st house and this aspect can 'charm the birds out of the trees' as well as pick on vibes......along with the typical 'catch me if you can' saggi traits of good humour and needing the freedom to socialise :biggrin:
Those who have strong Neptunes may be naturally inclined to work with the elements in their pure form. For indeed, know that the problem lies entirely within the balancing of elements, and the cause of suffering is that.


Hi Joseph,

Thank you for your input. Can you please clarify what you mean by working with "elements in their pure form?" I'm curious to learn more.


I think the conjunction between Mars and Neptune is the one that made you act like this: " the tendency I have towards leaving my personal boundaries `unmanned' " .. let's not forget that Mars is the 4th house ruler and you said it was " something which developed in childhood as a habit ".
What do you think?

.... At the same time this long-term opposition
has allowed me to heal/transform/change the tendency I have towards leaving my personal boundaries `unmanned' - something which developed in childhood as a habit, as a way of `checking others out' to see who had less than noble intentions towards me.
I have Neptune square Moon. Also neptune sextile my mercury/pluto conjunction.

I have experienced clairaudience too. It goes up and down with these "skills". Neptune is also in the 8th, and I think it is related to my somewhat intense astral projections.

One of my best friends has moon/neptune conjunct. We speak alot about these "abilities" and have alot of deep conversations about them:)
I have natally Moon in Pisces square Neptune in Sagitaruis in the 12th side conjunct Ascendant. I too soak up energies around me, loosing myself quite easily sometimes. Ever heard the expression, 'easily led'...? Its important to get time away from all that, meditate, or just find your own quiet time to find your own centre again, to find yourself, balance.

I also have progressed Moon opposing natal Neptune now, I do feel quite lost now, and I'm attracting all kinds of interesting experiences, plus meeting random strangers, some of whom seem to heal me in exactly the way I need right now, two people that were spiritual people just seemed to tap into my unconscious and pick out what I was having most trouble with right now. I'm also used to that Neptunian energy, just seems more noticable now with the progression.

Sometimes I get a strong feeling of getting physically ill around certain people. Around boyfriends I had before. And when I left them I got healthy suddenly. Very strange...
I have it too. Moon (Sag) conjunct Neptune (Scorpio) all in my first house.
Neptune is also conjunct my ascendant.

We talked about this a bit in Elina's thread here just recently:

Staryeyed, yes, I related to exactly what you said. I can pick the vibe in a room almost instantly. One "scan" is all it takes. Absorb it in like a sponge. Which shouldn't be surprising to us because having this making us highly intuitive and psychic so of course we would absorb these energies. I think it is sort of cool - I can spot the liars and the fakers spot-on usually.

My friend has Scorpio Moon and Neptune conjunct her ASC. I think it gives her an alluring almost dreamy quality(according to men) but she also doesn't see herself clearly. Meaning, her perception of things, mainly when it comes to who she really is, is murky at best.

I have been told this also by men. I read this about it:
People will see their "fanatsies" in you apparently. Men tend to see that in me. I attract the weirdos. :)

My son has moon:moon: conj Neptune:neptune: in Saggi:sagittarius: in 1st house and this aspect can 'charm the birds out of the trees' as well as pick on vibes......along with the typical 'catch me if you can' saggi traits of good humour and needing the freedom to socialise :biggrin:

Haha! I do this too. The link above also states that Neptune conjunct Asc does use their charms like this. Nice to know I have some power.:) I do realize when I do this too. If I want something, I will use my charm and grace to get what I want. :)

Here is one the descriptions I have for Moon conjunct Neptune:

" Conjunction Moon - Neptune

Positive aspect: She is kind and sympathetic, with a strongly compassionate nature. When in love, she is usually very devoted. In fact, she is devoted by nature, not only in matters of the heart.

There is an unmistakably compassionate and understanding side to her nature. She has a natural affinity to music. While everyone enjoys music, people with Moon in harmonious aspect to Neptune respond to music as a vehicle to heal, relax, and to uplift the soul. Naturally perceptive, without even trying she tunes into the feelings of others, and the mood of her surroundings. There is a distinct emotional need to escape into the world of imagination, and to withdraw from others at times when she needs to re-center herself, largely because she tends to "take in" a lot of mixed energies from her surroundings. Strong and sudden "feelings" and hunches can overcome her. More often than not, her intuition is correct, although her imagination is also powerful and she can read too much into a situation as a result. Some laziness is associated with this position. This stems from a natural timidity and sensitivity that is apparent from youth. She may have been labeled "shy" in youth, and family members or friends may have jumped in to "save" her from situations that required boldness or aggressiveness. Thus, passivity was accepted and, as adults, she may be less experienced than most when it comes to reaching out or going after what she wants. "
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She has a natural affinity to music. While everyone enjoys music, people with Moon in harmonious aspect to Neptune respond to music as a vehicle to heal, relax, and to uplift the soul. There is a distinct emotional need to escape into the world of imagination, and to withdraw from others at times when she needs to re-center herself, largely because she tends to "take in" a lot of mixed energies from her surroundings.

This part sounds like me I absolutely love music. I don't know why I love music so can't explain it. I have a moon conjunct to neptune, saturn, and uranus.
Starry-Eyed, I have the exact same configuration - Moon conjunct Neptune in Scorpio in the 8th house no less and boy do I feel it! I can be empathic to the point where it actually drains me of energy (the conjunction opposes my Sun). Stick in a Pisces ascendant to the mix, and you see how I can sometimes feel assailed by the pain of those around me. The conjunction's position in my 8th house I believe led me to seek emotional healing through sex when I was younger when in fact, it led only to me deluding myself about my feelings. I had to draw on all my Sun-Taurus strengths to ground myself and get real!

Music has a profound effect on me, to the point where I can be weeping over a song that isn't even sad but the chord progression or a particular note has affected me deeply.

I need solitude on a regular basis to recharge my batteries and to "detox" from all the absorbed energies of others.
This part sounds like me I absolutely love music. I don't know why I love music so can't explain it. I have a moon conjunct to neptune, saturn, and uranus.

It is because of this aspect! I always wondered why too. I just figured I liked music more than others or perhaps everyone felt that way. I know now that I (we) are unique because of this aspect. Good thing I have natural rhythm too - because I just HAVE to dance and can't stop myself. I think this is a good thing because music can almost always change my mood to the better. I have my Neptune in the first house which is a placement that fanatasies alot so my music and the way it makes me feel becomes a part of my fanatasies and day dreams alot.

Music has a profound effect on me, to the point where I can be weeping over a song that isn't even sad but the chord progression or a particular note has affected me deeply.

I need solitude on a regular basis to recharge my batteries and to "detox" from all the absorbed energies of others.

For me, all it takes is the right guitar sounds and I can feel the ache inside me (like The Edge from U2 - love that guitar). I always thought everyone felt that way or was affected that way by music - I think it might just be us Neptune Moon conjuncts!

Me too. If I attend a crowded event like a party(except for concerts don't bother me - probably because of the music!) with a lot people esp. loud talking and busyness, I get really drained unless I can go to the sidelines and sit by myself and not talk to anyone and just people watch for a while. But than if I do that someone always think me bored or lonely and wants to come over and talk to me like they are doing me a favor or something. ugh - obviously they don't get it!

Otherwise, I want to leave and be alone just to get a break from all the energies around me. I much prefer a smaller group which I do so much better in and doesn't drain me as much.
Thanks for the link! :biggrin:

I have a Moon conjunct Neptune AND Mars conjunct Neptune a in Capricorn, and the 9th House. I am deeply affected by the mood in a location and feel driven to help people in distress is concrete, down-to-earth ways.
Hi Starry-Eyed.
I have Moon conjunct Neptune in Scorpio in my 6th house. I totally empathise with all comments about the emotional vulnerability, susceptibility to psychic influences and especially picking up the vibes of rooms, houses and other people.

I find this aspect to be quite helpful in being empathetic and it luckily matches my plane of empathy in my numerology. I do feel things extremely deeply, and sometimes depression overlays my general mood, and it shape-shifts into the fog of Neptune and diffuses into an unobtainable quagmire of confusion.
Music is extremely important and at times an inclination to have a few too many 'tipples' of alcohol on a regular basis allow one to find the space to cope.
My Moon/Neptune conjunction also squares my Natal Leo Sun, but in direct contrast trines my Chiron, creating an outwardly confident gregarious persona, that underlies my introverted basic nature.
Inward fantasies and the ability to actually 'live' in my delusion or make believe reality is a great refuge, but also a trap if one's concentration isn't fully entertained. One can slip into it at the least likely provocation.

My Moon also sextiles my Uranus and thus Uranus semi-sextiles my Sun creating quite a creative bent to my personality.
I especially find solace in writing poetry and immersing myself in movies or a good book entertains my Neptune which loosely squares my Mercury by an 8 degree orb, which can make me very much a daydreamer.
(Let's not forget the generational sextile between Neptune & Pluto)
Neptune also forms the same 8 degree trine to my North Node (if you consider this orb allowable), I do, as it contacts firstly my North Node, then Venus, then back to my Sun. My north node trines my Chiron and then it hooks straight back to my Moon/ Neptune.

I find the trine between Neptune & the MC/Chiron (10th house) makes it extremely difficult to feel settled and able to take on pressure in my careers throughout my life. So my active 6th & 10th & 3rd houses all cop the conjunction.

For me this conjunction forms the basis of nearly the whole hub of my personality as it has a bearing on nearly every planet. Through other strong aspects between My Saturn, Jupiter & Mercury, they in turn flow on back into the Moon/Neptune. So whichever way I turn it is ever present to 'feel' too much.

My Mars & Taurus Rising are the most mildly affected out my whole chart and are not directly impacted by the Moon/Neptune conjunction.

Overall, I can understand fully what you share with me in this conjunction.
I also possess the over sensitive 29 day number numerologically, and find it too exacerbates the plane of empathy and the Moon Neptune.
For me it explains why my life direction was to experience life as a gay male.
My blue-print (although a gay one, doesn't result in a 'screaming queen' either), I'm still very much a Leo with Taurus rising and enjoy my masculinity as much as my sensitivity.

Hope this offers some assistance to you and others who may have the rest of their life to wade through this post...hehe

Cheers to all

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