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his forum is closed down forever
Hi Monk
Another perspective is:
The 3 wise kings/men/stars are symbolic of
Orion's Belt
aligned with 3 pyramids of Giza
Happy Holidays!!!Please note, i am not trying to say Jesus Christ never existed, i believe he was a holy man, i'm only going through history, trying to find a possible date of birth, which probably would be wrong, within two days i know when Cleopatra died, i know when Julius Caesar died, but i'm not sure when Christ was born or died.
So i'm starting with people who dispute that shepherds wouldn't be out at night in winter?
I have no idea about shepherds activities in winter near to Bethlehem in winter, sheep have to eat, today in Israel between December and January the climate is mild. i have to tick off the points below regarding debate:-
"We often hear that Christmas is "pagan," given the date of December 25 because that date is that of the Winter Solstice.
Well, wrong. The Winter Solstice is December 21. But even if the Solstice were on the 25th, what difference would it make? There are 365days in a year, and something has happened or does happen on each and every one of them."
The Winter Solstice did originally fall on 25 December in the Julian Calendar, Julius Caesar made 25 March as the Spring Equinox, so the Winter Solstice would be 25 December.
The Winter Equinox was a date that pagan people thought that many of the Gods had a birthday.
Sol Invictus did come after Christ, Aurelian started the cult on 25 December 274 however it was in 325 and the Council of Nicaea, that the calendar was found to have an error, and placed the spring Equinox to 21 March where it was appearing then as the calendar had errors and slipped. is very possible that Aurelian didn't know about the error in 274. was Sosigenes who probably made up the calendar, who was Greek, probably from the Library of Alexandria, whatever and how he supported Julius Caesar, i bet he was closely watched by Cleopatra, he was her man.
So this clears up another point quote below:-
"Now, there used to be a festival celebrated in Rome on December 25-- Dies Natalis Solis Invicti ("Birthday of the Unconquered Sun") -- but it wasn't made a holiday until the mid-4th century, hundreds of years after Jesus was born, during the reign of Julian the Apostate -- a Christ-hater who quashed Christianity and tried to rebuild the Jewish Temple. So who was copying whom?
If you ask me, though, I'd think it highly appropriate that the Lord of Lords would be born on a day that the Romans, inhabitants of the greatest empire of the world at that time, were celebrating "the Unconquered Sun" even if the feast had been around when Christ was born. But it wasn't." could go on but i need to go to the annunciation being the original spring Equinox being on 25 March:- belief about integral age is when a holy man is born his conception is 9 months before exactly.
I will continue shortly.
Happy Holidays!!!
The Manger
The Shepards
The Donkeys/*****
The Three Kings
Hi MonkHi Jup,
You did put some interesting information on the Shakespeare thread about the Southern Cross, that doesn't now show up in the Northern hemisphere anymore and has fallen below the horizon, i will show information regarding The Three Men soon.The reason i don't reply yet is i haven't finished information on the Christ Chart yet, which is very auspicious! Southern Cross could still be seen in the Northern Hemisphere 2,000 years ago but nearer the equator, like Bethlehem. The Romans that ruled Bethlehem during that period used sunrise as the start of the day, like Egypt, so perhaps we should also look at Sunrise on Epiphany 0005 BC? I will be looking across the to Desc. as Sun is Rising, is it getting spooky yet?
Graph below:-
Hi Monk,Hi Jup,
More on Integral age, as a belief:-
1) What is the “integral age” view?
Supposedly, it is a belief that was common in ancient Judaism, and it held that prophets (and other holy men) died on the same day that they were born or—according to some accounts—the day they were conceived.
They thus lived their lives in whole or “integral” years (from the Latin integer = “whole”).
2) What does this have to do with the Annunciation and Christmas?
According to some early Christian authors, Jesus was crucified on March 25th.
If that were true, and if someone held the integral age view, then Jesus would have either been born or conceived on March 25th.
This would provide a rationale for why the Church celebrates the Annunciation of Jesus on March 25, and why it celebrates his birth on December 25th—nine months later.
Get well Monk! Nothing sits on the eliptic, rise and falls.With looking at all this, we have to weed out false statements below are false:-
As Jup knows Sirius doesn't sit on the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun, Indeed, the three stars of the Belt of Orion do point to Sirius but not the Sun in Bethlehem and Sirius only rises when the Sun sets, in Bethlehem at sunset on 5 January during this period being the Jewish way to bring in 6 January on previous sunset.
This claim is hogwash.
This doesn't work as the Sun is opposite Sirius in the sky during this period, in Bethlehem.
I'm sorry i'm not feeling that good at the moment, so not writing much, i think i will be better by tomorrow:-
And here I was about to try and figure out why Regulus in my Labours of Hercules thread was always on the ecliptic in the old maps.Hi Opal,
You are wrong.
Obviously for planets in our solar system, it is right to use the ecliptic, as our planets are close to the Sun, but to use the ecliptic for fixed stars don't make sense, for this to work all stars would have to sit on the ecliptic in a line, obviously this doesn't happen, the sky is full of stars, few sit on the ecliptic, but a few do and Regulus is one of these, being 0.46 degree offset.
By the picture below you will see Asellus Borealis nearer the horizon than 25 Dec which is auspicious regarding a Manger.
This looking East when the Sun was setting in the West and goes with above chart.
The Three Kings of Orion point down to the horizon and Sirius being the Star in the East believed to be what the Magi followed to Bethlehem.
So the Christ star was Sirius.
At some point i will explain the duality of the Cosmos:- can mean that stars can switch meaning:-
With this in mind, Christ did burn his fingers and was sacrificed to the collective.
Brady report below regarding Sirius on an Angle.
I'm moving on soon to Noel Tyl, after i debate the Journey of the Wise Men.
chart below:-
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